Source code for common.OpTestBMC

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# $Source: op-test-framework/common/ $
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# permissions and limitations under the License.


BMC package which contains all BMC related interfaces/function.

This class encapsulates all function which deals with the BMC in OpenPower

import sys
import time
import pexpect
import os.path
import subprocess
from . import OPexpect

from .OpTestIPMI import OpTestIPMI
from .OpTestSSH import OpTestSSH
from .OpTestUtil import OpTestUtil
from .OpTestConstants import OpTestConstants as BMC_CONST
from .OpTestError import OpTestError
from .OpTestWeb import OpTestWeb
from .Exceptions import CommandFailed, SSHSessionDisconnected

import logging
import OpTestLogger
log = OpTestLogger.optest_logger_glob.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class OpTestBMC(): ''' The main object for communicating with a BMC and taking actions with it. ''' def __init__(self, ip=None, username=None, password=None, logfile=sys.stdout, ipmi=None, rest=None, web=None, check_ssh_keys=False, known_hosts_file=None): self.cv_bmcIP = ip self.cv_bmcUser = username self.cv_bmcPasswd = password self.cv_IPMI = ipmi = rest self.cv_WEB = web self.logfile = logfile self.check_ssh_keys = check_ssh_keys self.known_hosts_file = known_hosts_file self.ssh = OpTestSSH(ip, username, password, logfile, prompt=None, block_setup_term=0, check_ssh_keys=check_ssh_keys, known_hosts_file=known_hosts_file) # OpTestUtil instance is NOT conf's self.util = OpTestUtil()
[docs] def set_system(self, system): self.ssh.set_system(system)
[docs] def bmc_host(self): return self.cv_bmcIP
[docs] def get_ipmi(self): ''' Get an object that can be used to do things over IPMI ''' return self.cv_IPMI
[docs] def get_rest_api(self): ''' OpenBMC specific REST API. ''' return
[docs] def get_host_console(self): return self.cv_IPMI.get_host_console()
[docs] def run_command(self, command, timeout=60, retry=0): ''' Run a command on the BMC itself. ''' return self.ssh.run_command(command, timeout, retry)
## # @brief # # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS on success and # raise OpTestError on failure #
[docs] def reboot(self): ''' This function issues the reboot command on the BMC console. It then pings the BMC until it responds, which presumably means that it is done rebooting. :raises: :class:`common.OpTestError` ''' retries = 0 try: self.ssh.run_command('reboot') except SSHSessionDisconnected as e: pass except CommandFailed as e: pass self.ssh.close()'Sent reboot command now waiting for reboot to complete...') # Wait for BMC to go down. self.util.ping_fail_check(self.cv_bmcIP) # Wait for BMC to ping back. self.util.PingFunc( self.cv_bmcIP, totalSleepTime=BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_POWERCYCLE) # Ping the system until it reboots while True: try: subprocess.check_call(["ping", self.cv_bmcIP, "-c1"]) break except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.debug("Ping return code: ", e.returncode, "retrying...") retries += 1 time.sleep(10) if retries > 10: l_msg = "Error. BMC is not responding to pings" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)'BMC reboot complete.') return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def reboot_nowait(self): ''' This function issues the reboot command on the BMC console. But it will not wait for BMC to come back. ''' try: self.ssh.run_command('reboot') except SSHSessionDisconnected as e: pass except CommandFailed as e: pass self.ssh.close()'Sent reboot command...') # Wait for BMC to go down. self.util.ping_fail_check(self.cv_bmcIP)'BMC rebooting')
[docs] def image_transfer(self, i_imageName, copy_as=None): ''' This function copies the given image to the BMC /tmp dir. :param i_imageName: Local file to copy across :param copy_as: file name to copy to (in /tmp) :returns: Exit code of scp or rsync process ''' img_path = i_imageName ssh_opts = ' -o PubkeyAuthentication=no ' if not self.check_ssh_keys: ssh_opts = ssh_opts + ' -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' elif self.known_hosts_file: ssh_opts = ssh_opts + ' -o UserKnownHostsFile=' + self.known_hosts_file rsync_cmd = 'rsync -P -v -e "ssh -k' + ssh_opts + \ '" %s %s@%s:/tmp' % (img_path, self.cv_bmcUser, self.cv_bmcIP) if copy_as: rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + '/' + copy_as log.debug(rsync_cmd) rsync = OPexpect.spawn(rsync_cmd) rsync.logfile = OpTestLogger.FileLikeLogger(log) r = rsync.expect(['assword: ', 'total size is', 'error while loading shared lib', pexpect.EOF], timeout=1800) if r == 0: rsync.sendline(self.cv_bmcPasswd) r = rsync.expect(['assword: ', 'total size is', 'error while loading shared lib', pexpect.EOF], timeout=1800) if r == 2: # On AMI BMCs that are missing for rsync, # we have to fall back to "scp"... # which is actually SSH+dd because there's no scp # This is notable for Palmetto log.debug("Falling back to SCP") if copy_as is None: copy_as = os.path.basename(img_path) scp_cmd = "bash -c \"sshpass -p {} ssh".format( self.cv_bmcPasswd) + ssh_opts + ' -o LogLevel=quiet' scp_cmd = scp_cmd + " {}@{} dd of=/tmp/{} < {}\"".format( self.cv_bmcUser, self.cv_bmcIP, copy_as, img_path) log.debug(scp_cmd) scp = OPexpect.spawn(scp_cmd, timeout=120) scp.expect(pexpect.EOF) scp.wait() scp.close() chmod_cmd = "sshpass -p {} ssh {} {}@{} chmod +x /tmp/{}".format( self.cv_bmcPasswd, ssh_opts, self.cv_bmcUser, self.cv_bmcIP, copy_as) log.debug(chmod_cmd) chmod = OPexpect.spawn(chmod_cmd) chmod.expect(pexpect.EOF) chmod.wait() chmod.close() return scp.exitstatus else: rsync.expect(pexpect.EOF) rsync.close() return rsync.exitstatus
[docs] def pnor_img_flash_ami(self, i_pflash_dir, i_imageName): ''' This function flashes the PNOR image using pflash tool, And this function will work based on the assumption that pflash tool available in i_pflash_dir. Depending on the BMC type (and even *version* of BMC firmware) we may have had to copy over pflash ourselves. :param i_pflash_dir: directory where pflash tool is present. :type i_pflash_dir: str :param i_imageName: Name of the image file. e.g. `firestone.pnor` or `firestone_update.pnor` :type i_imageName: str :returns: pflash command return code ''' cmd = i_pflash_dir + '/pflash -e -f -p /tmp/%s' % i_imageName rc = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=1800) return rc
[docs] def pnor_img_flash_openbmc(self, i_imageName): ''' on openbmc systems pflash tool available ''' cmd = 'pflash -E -f -p /tmp/%s' % i_imageName rc = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=1800) return rc
[docs] def skiboot_img_flash_ami(self, i_pflash_dir, i_imageName): cmd = i_pflash_dir + '/pflash -p /tmp/%s -e -f -P PAYLOAD' % i_imageName rc = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=1800) return rc
[docs] def skiroot_img_flash_ami(self, i_pflash_dir, i_imageName): cmd = i_pflash_dir + '/pflash -p /tmp/%s -e -f -P BOOTKERNEL' % i_imageName rc = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=1800) return rc
[docs] def flash_part_ami(self, i_pflash_dir, i_imageName, i_partName): cmd = i_pflash_dir + \ '/pflash -p /tmp/%s -e -f -P %s' % (i_imageName, i_partName) rc = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=1800) return rc
[docs] def skiboot_img_flash_openbmc(self, i_imageName): cmd = 'pflash -p /tmp/%s -e -f -P PAYLOAD' % i_imageName rc = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=1800) return rc
[docs] def skiroot_img_flash_openbmc(self, i_imageName): cmd = 'pflash -p /tmp/%s -e -f -P BOOTKERNEL' % i_imageName rc = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=1800) return rc
[docs] def flash_part_openbmc(self, i_imageName, i_partName): cmd = 'pflash -p /tmp/%s -e -f -P %s' % (i_imageName, i_partName) rc = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=1800) return rc
[docs] def validate_pflash_tool(self, i_dir=""): ''' This function validates presence of pflash tool, which will be used for pnor image flash :param i_dir: directory where pflash tool should be present. :returns: True/False ''' i_dir = os.path.join(i_dir, "pflash") try: l_res = self.ssh.run_command("which {}".format(i_dir)) log.debug("checking pflash tool l_res={}".format(l_res)) except CommandFailed: l_msg = "# pflash tool is not available on BMC, i_dir={}".format(i_dir) return False log.debug("validate_pflash_tool setting to True") return True
[docs] def has_inband_bootdev(self): return True
[docs] def has_os_boot_sensor(self): return True
[docs] def has_host_status_sensor(self): return True
[docs] def has_occ_active_sensor(self): return True
[docs] def supports_ipmi_dcmi(self): return True
[docs] def has_ipmi_sel(self): return True
[docs]class OpTestSMC(OpTestBMC):
[docs] def has_os_boot_sensor(self): return False
[docs] def has_host_status_sensor(self): return False
[docs] def has_occ_active_sensor(self): return False
[docs] def supports_ipmi_dcmi(self): return True
[docs] def image_transfer(self, i_imageName, copy_as=None): img_path = i_imageName rsync_cmd = 'rsync -av %s rsync://%s/files/' % ( img_path, self.cv_bmcIP) if copy_as: rsync_cmd = rsync_cmd + '/' + copy_as log.debug(rsync_cmd) rsync = OPexpect.spawn(rsync_cmd) rsync.logfile = OpTestLogger.FileLikeLogger(log) rsync.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=300) rsync.close() return rsync.exitstatus
[docs] def skiboot_img_flash_smc(self, i_pflash_dir, i_imageName): cmd = i_pflash_dir + '/pflash -p /tmp/rsync_file/%s -e -f -P PAYLOAD' % i_imageName rc = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=1800) return rc
[docs] def skiroot_img_flash_smc(self, i_pflash_dir, i_imageName): cmd = i_pflash_dir + '/pflash -p /tmp/rsync_file/%s -e -f -P BOOTKERNEL' % i_imageName rc = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=1800) return rc
[docs] def flash_part_smc(self, i_pflash_dir, i_imageName, i_partName): cmd = i_pflash_dir + \ '/pflash -p /tmp/rsync_file/%s -e -f -P %s' % ( i_imageName, i_partName) rc = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=1800) return rc
[docs] def pnor_img_flash_smc(self, i_pflash_dir, i_imageName): cmd = i_pflash_dir + '/pflash -e -f -p /tmp/rsync_file/%s' % i_imageName rc = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=1800) return rc
[docs] def validate_pflash_tool(self, i_dir=""): i_dir = os.path.join(i_dir, "pflash") # Supermicro BMC busybox doesn't have inbuilt which command cmd = "ls %s" % i_dir try: l_res = self.ssh.run_command(cmd) except CommandFailed: l_msg = "# pflash tool is not available on BMC" log.error(l_msg) return False return True