Source code for common.OpTestConstants

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# $Source: op-test-framework/common/ $
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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BMC package which contains all BMC related constants

This class encapsulates commands and constants which deals with the BMC in
OpenPower systems

import pexpect

[docs]class OpTestConstants(): # Platforms HABANERO = "habanero" FIRESTONE = "firestone" PALMETTO = "palmetto" GARRISON = 'garrison' P9DSU = "p9dsu" WITHERSPOON = "witherspoon" MIHAWK = "mihawk" # Platform power limits in watts for different platforms taken from MRW xml file HABANERO_POWER_LIMIT_LOW = "1000" HABANERO_POWER_LIMIT_HIGH = "1100" FIRESTONE_POWER_LIMIT_LOW = "1240" FIRESTONE_POWER_LIMIT_HIGH = "1820" GARRISON_POWER_LIMIT_LOW = "1240" GARRISON_POWER_LIMIT_HIGH = "2880" P9DSU_POWER_LIMIT_LOW = "1550" P9DSU_POWER_LIMIT_HIGH = "1650" WITHERSPOON_POWER_LIMIT_LOW = "1550" WITHERSPOON_POWER_LIMIT_HIGH = "3050" MIHAWK_POWER_LIMIT_LOW = "1945" MIHAWK_POWER_LIMIT_HIGH = "2500" PRIMARY_SIDE = "0x0080" GOLDEN_SIDE = "0x0180" # BMC COMMANDS BMC_COLD_RESET = " mc reset cold" BMC_PASS_COLD_RESET = "Sent cold reset command to MC" BMC_WARM_RESET = " mc reset warm" BMC_PASS_WARM_RESET = "Sent warm reset command to MC" BMC_PRESRV_LAN = " raw 0x32 0xba 0x18 0x00" BMC_MCHBLD = " raw 0x3a 0x0b 0x56 0x45 0x52 0x53 0x49 " \ "0x4f 0x4e 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 " \ "0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 | xxd -r -p" BMC_MCHBLD = " raw 0x3a 0x0b 0x56 0x45 0x52 0x53 0x49 0x4f 0x4e 0x00 0x00 0x00 " \ "0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 | xxd -r -p" BMC_OCC_SENSOR = "raw 0x04 0x30 0x" BMC_DISABLE_OCC = " 0x01 0x00 0x01" BMC_ENABLE_OCC = " 0x01 0x00 0x02" BMC_IPMITOOL_H = "ipmitool -H " BMC_FLASH_IMAGE = "echo y | ipmitool -H " BMC_FW_IMAGE_UPDATE = "component 1 -z 30000 force" BMC_PNOR_IMAGE_UPDATE = "component 2 -z 30000" BMC_FWANDPNOR_IMAGE_UPDATE = "-z 15000 force" BMC_LANPLUS = " -I lanplus" BMC_LANPLUS = " -I lanplus" BMC_HPM_UPDATE = " hpm upgrade " BMC_ACTIVE_SIDE = " sensor list|grep -i golden" BMC_SOL_ACTIVATE = " sol activate" BMC_SOL_DEACTIVATE = " sol deactivate" BMC_SEL_LIST = 'sel list' BMC_SDR_ELIST = 'sdr elist' # (replace xx with boot count sensor) BMC_BOOT_COUNT_2 = 'raw 0x04 0x30 xx 0x01 0x00 0x2 0x00' # Sets sensor to 0 (replace xx with bios golden sensor) BMC_BIOS_GOLDEN_SENSOR_TO_PRIMARY = 'raw 0x04 0x30 xx 0x01 0x00 0x00 0 0 0 0 0 0' # Sets sensor to 1 (replace xx with bios golden sensor) BMC_BIOS_GOLDEN_SENSOR_TO_GOLDEN = 'raw 0x04 0x30 xx 0x01 0x00 0x01 0 0 0 0 0 0' # Commands to be executed on the OS OS_GETSCOM_LIST = "/getscom -l" OS_PUTSCOM_ERROR = "/putscom -c " OS_READ_MSGLOG_CORE = 'cat /sys/firmware/opal/msglog | grep -i chip | grep -i core' OS_PRESERVE_NETWORK = "ipmitool -I usb raw 0x32 0xba 0x18 0x00" HOST_COLD_RESET = "ipmitool -I usb mc reset cold" HOST_WARM_RESET = "ipmitool -I usb mc reset warm" SUDO_COMMAND = 'sudo ' CLEAR_GARD_CMD = '/gard clear all' LIST_GARD_CMD = '/gard list' OPAL_MSG_LOG = "cat /sys/firmware/opal/msglog" PROC_CMDLINE = "cat /proc/cmdline" OPAL_DUMP_NODE = "/proc/device-tree/ibm,opal/dump/" NVRAM_PRINT_CFG = "nvram --print-config" NVRAM_UPDATE_CONFIG_TEST_DATA = "nvram --update-config test-name=test-value" NVRAM_TEST_DATA = "test-name=test-value" NVRAM_SET_FAST_RESET_MODE = "nvram -p ibm,skiboot --update-config experimental-fast-reset=feeling-lucky" NVRAM_DISABLE_FAST_RESET_MODE = "nvram -p ibm,skiboot --update-config experimental-fast-reset=" NVRAM_PRINT_FAST_RESET_VALUE = "nvram --print-config=experimental-fast-reset -p ibm,skiboot" OCC_ENABLE = "opal-prd occ enable" OCC_DISABLE = "opal-prd occ disable" OCC_RESET = "opal-prd occ reset" OCC_QUERY_RESET_COUNTS = "opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 1" OCC_SET_RESET_RELOAD_COUNT = "opal-prd --expert-mode htmgt-passthru 4" # Command to boot into PRIMARY and GOLDEN SIDE BMC_BOOT_PRIMARY = "/etc/init.d/boot_into_primary" BMC_BOOT_GOLDEN = "/etc/init.d/boot_into_golden" # TIME DELAYS & RETRIES BMC_WARM_RESET_DELAY = 20 BMC_COLD_RESET_DELAY = 150 HOST_BRINGUP_TIME = 80 SHORT_WAIT_IPL = 10 SHORT_WAIT_STANDBY_DELAY = 5 LONG_WAIT_IPL = 50 HOST_REBOOT_DELAY = 100 WEB_UPDATE_DELAY = 600 WEB_DRIVER_WAIT = 20 OCC_RESET_RELOAD_COUNT = 15 OCC_ENABLE_WAIT = 200 OS_TELNET_WAIT = 20 CHECKSTOP_ERROR_DELAY = 150 SYSTEM_STANDBY_STATE_DELAY = 120 PETITBOOT_TIMEOUT = 1500 HTTP_RETRY = 10 PING_RETRY_POWERCYCLE = 7 PING_RETRY_FOR_STABILITY = 5 CMD_RETRY_BMC = 2 # RETURN MESSAGES BMC_PASS_COLD_RESET = "Sent cold reset command to MC" BMC_ERROR_LAN = "Unable to establish LAN session" HOST_CONNECTION_LOST = "closed by remote host" ERROR_SELENIUM_HEADLESS = "Host doesn't have selenium installed" POWER_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS = "Power limit successfully activated" POWER_DEACTIVATE_SUCCESS = "Power limit successfully deactivated" CHASSIS_POWER_ON = 'Chassis Power is on' CHASSIS_POWER_OFF = 'Chassis Power is off' GARD_CLEAR_SUCCESSFUL = 'Clearing the entire gard partition...done' NO_GARD_RECORDS = 'No GARD entries to display' CMD_NOT_FOUND = 'command not found' CHASSIS_POWER_RESET = "Chassis Power Control: Reset" CHASSIS_SOFT_OFF = 'S5/G2: soft-off' OS_BOOT_COMPLETE = 'boot completed' OCC_DEVICE_ENABLED = "Device Enabled" # BMC ACTIVE SIDES PRIMARY_SIDE = "0x0080" GOLDEN_SIDE = "0x0180" # Framework Constants FW_SUCCESS = 0 FW_FAILED = 1 FW_INVALID = 2 FW_PARAMETER = 4 # PingFunc Constants PING_FAILED = 0 PING_UNDETERMINED = 1 PING_SUCCESS = 2 # UPDATE_OPTIONS UPDATE_BMC = 1 UPDATE_PNOR = 2 UPDATE_BMCANDPNOR = 3 # Energy Scale constants ACTIVATE_POWER_LIMIT = " dcmi power activate " SET_POWER_LIMIT = " dcmi power set_limit limit " ACTIVATE_POWER_LIMIT_SUCCESS = "Power limit successfully activated" GET_POWER_LIMIT = " dcmi power get_limit " DCMI_POWER_DEACTIVATE = "dcmi power deactivate" DCMI_POWER_ACTIVATE = "dcmi power activate" OP_CHECK_OCC = "sdr elist |grep -i 'OCC'" OP_CHECK_PROCESSOR = "sensor list|grep -i proc" OP_CHECK_CPU = "sensor list|grep -i cpu" OP_CHECK_DIMM = "sensor list|grep -i dimm" OP_CHECK_FAN = "sensor list|grep -i fan" OP_CHECK_SENSOR_LIST = "sensor list" OP_GET_TEMP = "dcmi get_temp_reading" OP_GET_POWER = "dcmi power reading" POWER_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS = "Power limit successfully activated" POWER_DEACTIVATE_SUCCESS = "Power limit successfully deactivated" # CPU states CPU_ENABLE_STATE = '0' CPU_DISABLE_STATE = '1' CPU_IDLEMODE_STATE1 = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state1/disable' CPU_IDLEMODE_STATE2 = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state2/disable' # SCP functionality constants SCP_TO_REMOTE = 1 SCP_TO_LOCAL = 2 # Constants related to ipmi console interfaces IPMI_SOL_ACTIVATE_TIME = 5 IPMI_SOL_DEACTIVATE_TIME = 10 IPMI_SOL_CONSOLE_ACTIVATE_OUTPUT = ["[SOL Session operational. Use ~? for help]\r\n", "Error: Unable to establish IPMI v2 / RMCP+ session", pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF] IPMI_CONSOLE_EXPECT_ENTER_OUTPUT = [ "login: ", "#", "/ #", "Petitboot", pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF, "$"] IPMI_CONSOLE_EXPECT_LOGIN = 0 IPMI_CONSOLE_EXPECT_PASSWORD = 0 IPMI_CONSOLE_EXPECT_PETITBOOT = [2, 3] IPMI_CONSOLE_EXPECT_RANDOM_STATE = [4, 5] # HMI Test case constants HMI_PROC_RECV_DONE = 1 HMI_PROC_RECV_ERROR_MASKED = 2 HMI_MALFUNCTION_ALERT = 3 HMI_HYPERVISOR_RESOURCE_ERROR = 4 HMI_TEST_CASE_SLEEP_TIME = 30 # Timer facility constants TOD_ERROR_REG = 40031 TOD_ERRORS = 5 # PSS Hamming Distance PSS_HAMMING_DISTANCE = "0000200000000000" # internal path: delay, step check components: parity error INTERNAL_PATH_OR_PARITY_ERROR = "0000020000000000" # internal path: delay, step check components: parity error # TOD Reg 0x10 data parity error TOD_DATA_PARITY_ERROR = "0000000080000000" # TOD Sync Check error TOD_SYNC_CHECK_ERROR = "0000000040000000" # FSM state parity error FSM_STATE_PARITY_ERROR = "0000000020000000" # Master path control register (0x00): data parity error MASTER_PATH_CONTROL_REGISTER = "8000000000000000" # port-0 primary configuration register (0x01): data parity error PORT_0_PRIMARY_CONFIGURATION_REGISTER = "1000000000000000" # port-1 primary configuration register (0x02): data parity error PORT_1_PRIMARY_CONFIGURATION_REGISTER = "0800000000000000" # port-0 secondary configuration register (0x03): data parity error PORT_0_SECONDARY_CONFIGURATION_REGISTER = "0400000000000000" # port-1 secondary configuration register (0x04): data parity error PORT_1_SECONDARY_CONFIGURATION_REGISTER = "0200000000000000" # slave path control register (0x05): data parity error SLAVE_PATH_CONTROL_REGISTER = "0100000000000000" # internal path control register (0x06): data parity error INTERNAL_PATH_CONTROL_REGISTER = "0080000000000000" # primary/secondary master/slave control register(0x07); data parity error PR_SC_MS_SL_CONTROL_REGISTER = "0040000000000000" TFMR_ERRORS = 6 TB_PARITY_ERROR = "0003080000000000" TFMR_PARITY_ERROR = "0001080000000000" TFMR_HDEC_PARITY_ERROR = "0002080000000000" TFMR_DEC_PARITY_ERROR = "0006080000000000" TFMR_PURR_PARITY_ERROR = "0004080000000000" TFMR_SPURR_PARITY_ERROR = "0005080000000000" # CPU sleep states constants GET_CPU_SLEEP_STATE2 = "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state2/disable" GET_CPU_SLEEP_STATE1 = "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state1/disable" GET_CPU_SLEEP_STATE0 = "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state0/disable" DISABLE_CPU_SLEEP_STATE1 = "for i in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state1/disable; do echo 1 > $i; done" DISABLE_CPU_SLEEP_STATE2 = "for i in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state2/disable; do echo 1 > $i; done" # PBAFIR_OCI_APAR_ERR: OCI Address Parity Error Det Address parity # error detected by PBA OCI Slave logic for any valid address. FAULT_ISOLATION_REGISTER_CONTENT = "0000000000000000" # Tools, repository and utility paths CLONE_SKIBOOT_DIR = "/tmp/skiboot" PFLASH_TOOL_DIR = "/tmp/" GARD_TOOL_DIR = "/tmp/skiboot/external/gard" SKIBOOT_WORKING_DIR = "/root/skiboot" # IPMI commands IPMITOOL_USB = "ipmitool -I usb " IPMITOOL_OPEN = "ipmitool " # IPMI White listed commands HOST_GET_DEVICE_ID = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x01" HOST_GET_DEVICE_GUID = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x08" HOST_GET_SYSTEM_GUID = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x37" HOST_RESET_WATCHDOG = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x22" HOST_GET_SEL_INFO = "ipmitool raw 0x0a 0x40" HOST_GET_SEL_TIME_RAW = "ipmitool raw 0x0a 0x48" HOST_GET_LAN_PARAMETERS = "ipmitool raw 0x0c 0x02 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00" HOST_GET_SYSTEM_BOOT_OPTIONS = "ipmitool raw 0x00 0x09 0x05 0x00 0x00" HOST_SET_SYTEM_BOOT_OPTIONS = "ipmitool raw 0x00 0x08 0x05" HOST_RESERVE_SEL = "ipmitool raw 0x0a 0x42" HOST_GET_SEL_TIME = "ipmitool sel time get" HOST_SET_SEL_TIME = "ipmitool sel time set" HOST_GET_BMC_GLOBAL_ENABLES = "ipmitool mc getenables" HOST_GET_BMC_GLOBAL_ENABLES_RAW = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x2f" HOST_SET_BMC_GLOBAL_ENABLES_SEL_OFF = "ipmitool mc setenables system_event_log=off" HOST_SET_BMC_GLOBAL_ENABLES_SEL_ON = "ipmitool mc setenables system_event_log=on" HOST_GET_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_CAPABILITIES_SSIF = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x57 0x00" HOST_GET_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_CAPABILITIES_KCS = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x57 0x01" HOST_GET_MESSAGE_FLAGS = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x31" HOST_GET_BT_CAPABILITIES = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x36" HOST_CLEAR_MESSAGE_FLAGS = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x30 0xeb" HOST_PNOR_ACCESS_STATUS_DENY = "ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x07 0x00" HOST_PNOR_ACCESS_STATUS_GRANT = "ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x07 0x01" HOST_PNOR_ACCESS_RESPONSE = "ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x08" HOST_ADD_SEL_ENTRY = "ipmitool raw 0x0a 0x44 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00" HOST_SET_ACPI_POWER_STATE = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x06 0xaa 0x00" HOST_GET_ACPI_POWER_STATE = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x07" HOST_SET_WATCHDOG = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x24 0x44 0x00 0x00 0x10 0xc8 0x00" HOST_GET_SENSOR_TYPE_FOR_WATCHDOG = "ipmitool raw 0x04 0x2f" HOST_GET_SENSOR_READING = "ipmitool raw 0x04 0x2d" HOST_PLATFORM_EVENT = "ipmitool raw 0x04 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00" HOST_CHASSIS_POWER_ON = "ipmitool raw 0x00 0x02 0x01" HOST_GET_CHANNEL_AUTH_CAP = "ipmitool raw 0x06 0x38 0x81 0x04" HOST_IPMI_REPROVISION_REQUEST = "ipmitool raw 0x3A 0x1C" HOST_IPMI_REPROVISION_PROGRESS = "ipmitool raw 0x3A 0x1D" # Kernel Config Options CONFIG_IPMI_DEVICE_INTERFACE = "CONFIG_IPMI_DEVICE_INTERFACE" CONFIG_IPMI_POWERNV = "CONFIG_IPMI_POWERNV" CONFIG_IPMI_HANDLER = "CONFIG_IPMI_HANDLER" # Module Names IPMI_DEV_INTF = "ipmi_devintf" IPMI_POWERNV = "ipmi_powernv" IPMI_MSG_HANDLER = "ipmi_msghandler" # OOB IPMI commands IPMI_CHASSIS_POH = "chassis poh" IPMI_CHASSIS_STATUS = "chassis status" IPMI_CHASSIS_RESTART_CAUSE = "chassis restart_cause" IPMI_CHASSIS_POLICY_LIST = "chassis policy list" IPMI_CHASSIS_POLICY_ALWAYS_ON = "chassis policy always-on" IPMI_CHASSIS_POLICY_ALWAYS_OFF = "chassis policy always-off" IPMI_CHASSIS_IDENTIFY = "chassis identify" IPMI_CHASSIS_IDENTIFY_5 = "chassis identify 5" IPMI_CHASSIS_IDENTIFY_FORCE = "chassis identify force" IPMI_CHANNEL_INFO = "channel info" IPMI_MC_INFO = "mc info" IPMI_SEL_INFO = "sel info" IPMI_SDR_INFO = "sdr info" IPMI_SDR_LIST = "sdr list" IPMI_SDR_LIST_ALL = "sdr list all" IPMI_SDR_LIST_FRU = "sdr list fru" IPMI_SDR_LIST_EVENT = "sdr list event" IPMI_SDR_LIST_MCLOC = "sdr list mcloc" IPMI_SDR_LIST_COMPACT = "sdr list compact" IPMI_SDR_LIST_FULL = "sdr list full" IPMI_SDR_LIST_GENERIC = "sdr list generic" IPMI_SDR_ELIST = "sdr elist" IPMI_SDR_ELIST_ALL = "sdr elist all" IPMI_SDR_ELIST_FRU = "sdr elist fru" IPMI_SDR_ELIST_EVENT = "sdr elist event" IPMI_SDR_ELIST_MCLOC = "sdr elist mcloc" IPMI_SDR_ELIST_COMPACT = "sdr elist compact" IPMI_SDR_ELIST_FULL = "sdr elist full" IPMI_SDR_ELIST_GENERIC = "sdr elist generic" IPMI_FRU_PRINT = "fru print" IPMI_SDR_TYPE_LIST = "sdr type list" IPMI_SDR_TYPE_TEMPERATURE = "sdr type Temperature" IPMI_SDR_TYPE_FAN = "sdr type Fan" IPMI_SDR_TYPE_POWER_SUPPLY = "sdr type 'Power Supply'" IPMI_FRU_READ = "fru read 0 file_fru" IPMI_CHASSIS_STATUS = "chassis status" IPMI_SENSOR_LIST = "sensor list" IPMI_MC_WATCHDOG_GET = "mc watchdog get" IPMI_MC_WATCHDOG_OFF = "mc watchdog off" IPMI_MC_WATCHDOG_RESET = "mc watchdog reset" IPMI_MC_SELFTEST = "mc selftest" IPMI_MC_GETENABLES = "mc getenables" IPMI_MC_SETENABLES_OEM_0_ON = "mc setenables oem_0=on" IPMI_MC_SETENABLES_OEM_0_OFF = "mc setenables oem_0=off" IPMI_MC_GUID = "mc guid" IPMI_MC_GETSYS_INFO = " mc getsysinfo system_name" IPMI_LAN_PRINT = "lan print" IPMI_LAN_STATS_GET = "lan stats get" IPMI_SEL_INFO = "sel info" IPMI_SEL_LIST = "sel list" IPMI_SEL_LIST_ENTRIES = "3" IPMI_SEL_ELIST = "sel elist" IPMI_SEL_TIME_GET = "sel time get" IPMI_SEL_CLEAR = "sel clear" IPMI_CHANNEL_AUTHCAP = "channel authcap 1 4" IPMI_DCMI_DISCOVER = "dcmi discover" IPMI_DCMI_POWER_READING = "dcmi power reading" IPMI_DCMI_POWER_GET_LIMIT = "dcmi power get_limit" IPMI_DCMI_SENSORS = "dcmi sensors" IPMI_DCMI_GET_MC_ID_STRING = "dcmi get_mc_id_string" IPMI_DCMI_GET_TEMP_READING = "dcmi get_temp_reading" IPMI_DCMI_GET_CONF_PARAM = "dcmi get_conf_param" IPMI_DCMI_OOB_DISCOVER = "dcmi oob_discover" IPMI_ECHO_DONE = "echo Done" IPMI_EVENT_1 = "event 1" IPMI_EVENT_2 = "event 2" IPMI_EVENT_3 = "event 3" IPMI_FIREWALL_INFO = "firewall info channel 1 lun 0" IPMI_PEF_INFO = "pef info" IPMI_PEF_STATUS = "pef status" IPMI_PEF_POLICY = "pef policy help" IPMI_PEF_LIST = "pef policy list" IPMI_RAW_POH = "-v raw 0x0 0xf" IPMI_SDR_GET = "sdr get " # Power Architecture Specific IPMI Commands IPMI_GET_BMC_GOLDEN_SIDE_VERSION = "raw 0x3a 0x1a" IPMI_GET_NVRAM_PARTITION_SIZE = "raw 0x3a 0x0c 0x4e 0x56 0x52 0x41 0x4d 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x0 0x0" IPMI_GET_GUARD_PARTITION_SIZE = "raw 0x3a 0x0c 0x47 0x55 0x41 0x52 0x44 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x0 0x0" IPMI_GET_BOOTKERNEL_PARTITION_SIZE = "raw 0x3a 0x0c 0x42 0x4f 0x4f 0x54 0x4b 0x45 0x52 0x4e 0x45 0x4c 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x0 0x0" IPMI_READ_NVRAM_PARTITION_DATA = "raw 0x3a 0x0b 0x4e 0x56 0x52 0x41 0x4d 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00" IPMI_READ_FIRDATA_PARTITION_DATA = "raw 0x3a 0x0b 0x46 0x49 0x52 0x44 0x41 0x54 0x41 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00" IPMI_HAS_BMC_BOOT_COMPLETED = "raw 0x3a 0x0a" IPMI_GET_LED_STATE_FAULT_ROLLUP = "raw 0x3a 0x02 0x00" IPMI_GET_LED_STATE_POWER_ON = "raw 0x3a 0x02 0x01" IPMI_GET_LED_STATE_HOST_STATUS = "raw 0x3a 0x02 0x02" IPMI_GET_LED_STATE_CHASSIS_IDENTIFY = "raw 0x3a 0x02 0x03" IPMI_ENABLE_FAN_CONTROL_TASK_THREAD = "raw 0x3a 0x12 0x01" IPMI_DISABLE_FAN_CONTROL_TASK_THREAD = "raw 0x3a 0x12 0x00" IPMI_FAN_CONTROL_TASK_THREAD_STATE = "raw 0x3a 0x13" IPMI_FAN_CONTROL_THREAD_RUNNING = "01" IPMI_FAN_CONTROL_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING = "00" PNOR_NVRAM_PART = "NVRAM" PNOR_GUARD_PART = "GUARD" PNOR_BOOTKERNEL_PART = "BOOTKERNEL" # Sensor names SENSOR_HOST_STATUS = "Host Status" SENSOR_OS_BOOT = "OS Boot" SENSOR_OCC_ACTIVE = "OCC Active" OPAL_ELOG_DIR = "/var/log/opal-elog" OPAL_DUMP_DIR = "/var/log/dump/" OPAL_ELOG_SYSFS_DIR = "/sys/firmware/opal/elog" OPAL_DUMP_SYSFS_DIR = "/sys/firmware/opal/dump"