Source code for common.OpTestFSP

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding=utf8
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# $Source: op-test-framework/common/ $
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# permissions and limitations under the License.

OpTestFSP: talk to the FSP

This class can contains common functions which are useful for
FSP platforms, mostly things that execute shell commands on
the FSP itself. There is (currently) no differentiation between
commands that require the NFS mount and ones that don't, we
assume (and check for) the NFS mount.

import time
import subprocess
import os
import pexpect
import sys
import subprocess

from .OpTestTConnection import TConnection
from .OpTestASM import OpTestASM
from .OpTestConstants import OpTestConstants as BMC_CONST
from .OpTestError import OpTestError

Possible_Hyp_value = {'01': 'PowerVM', '03': 'PowerKVM'}
Possible_Sys_State = {'terminated': 0, 'standby': 1,
                      'prestandby': 2, 'ipling': 3, 'runtime': 4}

[docs]class OpTestFSP(): ''' Contains most of the common methods to interface with FSP. ''' def __init__(self, i_fspIP, i_fspUser, i_fspPasswd, ipmi=None, hmc=None, rest=None): self.host_name = i_fspIP self.user_name = i_fspUser self.password = i_fspPasswd self.prompt = "$" self.cv_ASM = OpTestASM(i_fspIP, i_fspUser, i_fspPasswd) self.cv_IPMI = ipmi self.cv_HMC = hmc = rest
[docs] def bmc_host(self): return self.cv_ASM.host_name
[docs] def get_ipmi(self): return self.cv_IPMI
[docs] def get_hmc(self): return self.cv_HMC
[docs] def get_rest_api(self): return
[docs] def get_host_console(self): if self.cv_IPMI: return self.cv_IPMI.get_host_console() else: return self.cv_HMC.get_host_console()
[docs] def fsp_get_console(self): ''' Get FSP telnet console ''' print("Disabling the firewall before running any FSP commands") self.cv_ASM.disablefirewall() self.fspc = TConnection( self.host_name, self.user_name, self.password, self.prompt) self.fspc.login() self.fsp_name = self.fspc.run_command("hostname") print(("Established Connection with FSP: {0} ".format(self.fsp_name)))
[docs] def fsp_run_command(self, command): ''' Execute and return the output of an FSP command ''' res = self.fspc.run_command(command) return res
[docs] def reboot(self): ''' Currently a no-op. FSP "reset-reload" (i.e. reboot) tests are covered in the fspresetReload test, as the process for rebooting an FSP isn't a simple 'reboot' (because reasons). ''' pass return True
[docs] def get_progress_code(self): ''' Get IPL progress code ''' tmp = self.fspc.run_command("ls /opt/p1/srci/curripl") tmp = tmp.split('.') if len(tmp) == 3: return tmp[2] else: return str(tmp)
[docs] def get_sys_status(self): ''' Get current system status (same as 'smgr mfgState' on FSP). ''' state = self.fspc.run_command("smgr mfgState") state = state.rstrip('\n') return state
[docs] def progress_line(self): return "progress code {1}, system state: {0}".format(self.get_sys_status(), self.get_progress_code())
[docs] def is_sys_powered_on(self): ''' Check for system runtime state. Returns True if runtime, else False. ''' return self.get_sys_status() == "runtime"
[docs] def is_sys_standby(self): ''' Check for system standby state. Returns True if system is in standby state else False. ''' return self.get_sys_status() == "standby"
[docs] def get_opal_console_log(self): ''' Get OPAL log from in memory console (using getmemproc on FSP). ''' if self.is_sys_powered_on() > 0: output = self.fspc.run_command( "getmemproc 31000000 40000 -fb /tmp/con && cat /tmp/con") else: output = '' return output
[docs] def clear_fsp_errors(self): ''' Clear all FSP errors: error logs, gards, fipsdumps, and sysdumps. ''' # clear errl logs self.fspc.run_command("errl -p") # clear gard self.fspc.run_command("gard --clr all") # clear fipsdump self.fspc.run_command("fipsdump -i") # clear sysdump self.fspc.run_command("sysdump -idall") return True
[docs] def power_off_sys(self): ''' Power off the system and wait for standby state. Returns True if successfully powered off, False if for some reason we failed to power off the system. ''' state = self.get_sys_status() if state == 'standby': return True elif state == 'runtime' or state == 'ipling': print(("Powering off, current state: "+state)) output = self.fspc.run_command("panlexec -f 8") output = output.rstrip('\n') if output.find("success"): print("Waiting for system to reach standby...") while not self.is_sys_standby(): time.sleep(5) print("Powered OFF") return True else: print("Power OFF failed") print(output) return False else: return False
[docs] def power_on_sys(self): ''' Power on the system and wait for system to reach runtime in OPAL mode (will switch HypMode before IPL if needed). Returns True if we reach Runtime state, False otherwise. ''' state = self.get_sys_status() time_me = 0 if state == 'standby': # just make sure we are booting in OPAL mode if self.fspc.run_command("registry -Hr menu/HypMode") != '03': print("Not in OPAL mode, switching to OPAL Hypervisor mode") self.fspc.run_command("registry -Hw menu/HypMode 03") print(("Powering on the system: " + state)) output = self.fspc.run_command("plckIPLRequest 0x01") output = output.rstrip('\n') if output.find("success"): print("Waiting for system to reach runtime...") while not self.is_sys_powered_on(): print(self.progress_line()) time_me += 5 if time_me > 1200: print("System not yet runtime even after 20minutes?") print("Lets consider this as failed case and return") return False else: time.sleep(5) print("PowerOn Successful") print(self.progress_line()) return True else: print("Poweron Failed") print(("Last know Progress code:"+self.get_progress_code())) print(output) return False elif state in ['runtime', 'terminated', 'prestandby']: return False else: return False
[docs] def fsp_reset(self): ''' FSP Tool Reset. ''' print("Issuing fsp Reset....") self.fspc.issue_forget("smgr toolReset") print("FSP reset Done, Hope POWER comes back :) ")
[docs] def mount_exists(self): ''' Checks for NFS mount on FSP. Returns True/False. ''' print("Checking for NFS mount...") res = self.fspc.run_command("which putmemproc;echo $?") if int(res[-1]) == 0: print("NFS mount available in FSP") return True else: print("NFS mount is not available in FSP") return False
[docs] def wait_for_standby(self, timeout=10): ''' Wait for system standby state. Returns 0 on success, throws exception on error. ''' timeout = time.time() + 60*timeout print("Waiting for the standby state") while True: # This check shouldn't be necessary, but I've noticed that on # some FSP systems op-test gets stuck in this wait loop it skipped # the "standby" state and went straigh to "ipling" again. I have # no idea why... if self.is_sys_powered_on(): print("Hit runtime while waiting in wait_for_standby(), odd!"); self.power_off_sys() print(self.progress_line()) if self.is_sys_standby(): break if time.time() > timeout: l_msg = "Standby timeout" raise OpTestError(l_msg) time.sleep(BMC_CONST.SHORT_WAIT_STANDBY_DELAY) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def wait_for_ipling(self, timeout=10): ''' Wait for system to reach ipling state. Throws exception on error. ''' timeout = time.time() + 60*timeout while True: print(self.progress_line()) if self.get_sys_status() == "ipling": break if time.time() > timeout: l_msg = "IPL timeout" raise OpTestError(l_msg) time.sleep(5) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def wait_for_dump_to_start(self): count = 0 # Dump maximum can start in one minute(So lets wait for 3 mins) while count < 3: if self.get_sys_status() == "dumping": return True count += 1 time.sleep(60) else: print(self.progress_line()) raise OpTestError("System dump not started even after 3 minutes")
[docs] def wait_for_runtime(self, timeout=10): ''' Wait for system to reach runtime. Throws exception on error. ''' timeout = time.time() + 60*timeout while True: print(self.progress_line()) if self.is_sys_powered_on(): break if time.time() > timeout: l_msg = "IPL timeout" raise OpTestError(l_msg) time.sleep(5) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def enable_system_dump(self): print("Enabling the system dump policy") self.fspc.run_command("sysdump -sp enableSys") res = self.fspc.run_command("sysdump -vp") if "System dumps Enabled Enabled" in res: print("System dump policy enabled successfully") return True raise OpTestError("Failed to enable system dump policy")
[docs] def trigger_system_dump(self): ''' Trigger a system dump from FSP, by writing a magic value to a memory location looked at by OPAL. ''' if self.mount_exists(): state = self.fspc.run_command("putmemproc 300000f8 0xdeadbeef") state = state.strip('\n') print(('Status of the putmemproc command %s' % state)) if 'k0:n0:s0:p00' in state: print("Successfully triggered the sysdump from FSP") return True else: raise OpTestError("FSP failed to trigger system dump") else: raise OpTestError("Check LCB nfs mount point and retry")
[docs] def wait_for_systemdump_to_finish(self): ''' Wait for a system dump to finish. Throws exception on error/timeout. ''' self.wait_for_dump_to_start() # If dump starts then wait for finish it count = 0 while count < 30: res = self.fspc.run_command("sysdump -qall") if 'extractable' in res: print("Sysdump is available completely and extractable.") break print("Dumping is still in progress") time.sleep(60) count += 1 else: raise OpTestError( "Even after a wait of 30 mins system dump is not available!") return True
[docs] def trigger_fipsdump_in_fsp(self): ''' Initiate a FIPS dump (fsp dump). Returns (name of dump, size of dump). ''' print("FSP: Running the command 'fipsdump -u'") self.fspc.run_command("fipsdump -u") time.sleep(60) dumpname = self.fspc.run_command("fipsdump -l | sed 's/\ .*//'") print(("fipsdump name : %s" % dumpname)) size_fsp = self.fspc.run_command("fipsdump -l | awk '{print $2}'") return dumpname, size_fsp
[docs] def list_all_fipsdumps_in_fsp(self): ''' List all FSP dumps (FIPS dumps) on FSP ''' print("FSP: List all fipsdumps") cmd = "fipsdump -l" print(("Running the command %s on FSP" % cmd)) res = self.fspc.run_command(cmd) print(res)
[docs] def clear_all_fipsdumps_in_fsp(self): ''' Clear all FIPS dumps ''' cmd = "fipsdump -i" print("FSP: Clearing all the fipsdump's in fsp") print(("Running the command %s on FSP" % cmd)) res = self.fspc.run_command(cmd) print(res)
[docs] def generate_error_log_from_fsp(self): ''' Generate a sample error log from fsp. Returns True on success or raises exception on error. ''' cmd = "errl -C --comp=0x4400 --etype=021 --refcode=04390 --sev=0x20 --commit=0x2000;echo $?" print("FSP: Generating error log using errl command") print(("FSP: Running the command %s on fsp" % cmd)) res = self.fspc.run_command(cmd) if res == "0": print("FSP: error log generated successfully") return True else: raise OpTestError("FSP: Failure in error log generation from FSP")
[docs] def list_all_errorlogs_in_fsp(self): ''' List all error logs on FSP. ''' print("FSP: List all error logs") cmd = "errl -l" print(("Running the command %s on FSP" % cmd)) res = self.fspc.run_command(cmd) print(res)
[docs] def clear_errorlogs_in_fsp(self): ''' Clear all error logs from fsp. Throws exception on error. ''' cmd = "errl -p" print(("Running the command %s on FSP" % cmd)) res = self.fspc.run_command(cmd) print(res) if "ERRL repository purged all entries successfully" in res: print("FSP: Error logs are cleared successfully") return True else: raise OpTestError("FSP: Error logs are not getting cleared in FSP")
[docs] def get_raw_mtm(self): ''' Get MTM (Machine Type Model) from FSP from FSP registry. ''' self.fsp_MTM = self.fspc.run_command( "registry -r svpd/Raw_MachineTypeModel") return self.fsp_MTM
[docs] def fsp_issue_power_on(self): ''' Issue Power On for system from FSP (IPL type 0x01). ''' print("PowerOn Machine") output = self.fspc.run_command("plckIPLRequest 0x01") if "SUCCESS" in output: return else: raise OpTestError("Failed to power on the machine from FSP")
[docs] def has_inband_bootdev(self): return True
[docs] def has_os_boot_sensor(self): return False
[docs] def has_host_status_sensor(self): return False
[docs] def has_occ_active_sensor(self): return False
[docs] def has_ipmi_sel(self): return False
[docs] def supports_ipmi_dcmi(self): return False