Source code for common.OpTestHost

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# $Source: op-test-framework/common/ $
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the License.

Host package which contains all functions related to HOST communication

This class encapsulates all function which deals with the Host
in OpenPower systems

import sys
import os
import string
import time
import random
import subprocess
import re
import telnetlib
import socket
import select
import pty
import pexpect
import subprocess

import OpTestConfiguration
from .OpTestConstants import OpTestConstants as BMC_CONST
from .OpTestError import OpTestError
from .OpTestSSH import OpTestSSH
from . import OpTestQemu
from .Exceptions import CommandFailed, NoKernelConfig, KernelModuleNotLoaded, KernelConfigNotSet, ParameterCheck

import logging
import OpTestLogger
log = OpTestLogger.optest_logger_glob.get_logger(__name__)

log = OpTestLogger.optest_logger_glob.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class OpTestHost(): ''' An object to manipulate and run things on the host. ''' def __init__(self, i_hostip, i_hostuser, i_hostpasswd, i_bmcip, i_results_dir, scratch_disk="", proxy="", logfile=sys.stdout, check_ssh_keys=False, known_hosts_file=None, conf=None): self.conf = conf self.util = conf.util self.ip = i_hostip self.user = i_hostuser self.passwd = i_hostpasswd self.bmcip = i_bmcip self.results_dir = i_results_dir self.logfile = logfile self.ssh = OpTestSSH(i_hostip, i_hostuser, i_hostpasswd, logfile=self.logfile, check_ssh_keys=check_ssh_keys, known_hosts_file=known_hosts_file) self.scratch_disk = scratch_disk self.proxy = proxy self.scratch_disk_size = None self.check_ssh_keys = check_ssh_keys self.known_hosts_file = known_hosts_file
[docs] def hostname(self): return self.ip
[docs] def username(self): return self.user
[docs] def password(self): return self.passwd
[docs] def set_system(self, system): self.ssh.set_system(system)
[docs] def get_scratch_disk(self): return self.scratch_disk
[docs] def get_scratch_disk_size(self, console=None): if self.scratch_disk_size is not None: return self.scratch_disk_size if console is None: raise Exception( "You need to call get_scratch_disk_size() with a console first") dev_sdX = console.run_command( "readlink -f %s" % self.get_scratch_disk()) dev_sdX = dev_sdX[0].replace("/dev/", "") scratch_disk_size = console.run_command( "cat /sys/block/%s/size" % dev_sdX) # Use the (undocumented) /size sysfs property of nr 512byte sectors self.scratch_disk_size = int(scratch_disk_size[0])*512
[docs] def get_proxy(self): return self.proxy
[docs] def get_ssh_connection(self): return self.ssh
[docs] def get_new_ssh_connection(self, name="temp"): # time.sleep(1) outsuffix = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") filename = "%s-%s.log" % (outsuffix, name) logfile = os.path.join(self.results_dir, filename) print(("Log file: %s" % logfile)) logcmd = "tee %s" % (logfile) logcmd = logcmd + "| sed -u -e 's/\\r$//g'|cat -v" print(("logcmd: %s" % logcmd)) logfile_proc = subprocess.Popen(logcmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, encoding='utf-8') print((repr(logfile_proc))) logfile = logfile_proc.stdin print(("Log file: %s" % logfile)) OpTestLogger.optest_logger_glob.setUpCustomLoggerDebugFile( name, filename) ssh = OpTestSSH(self.ip, self.user, self.passwd, logfile=logfile, check_ssh_keys=self.check_ssh_keys, known_hosts_file=self.known_hosts_file, use_parent_logger=False) ssh.set_system(self.conf.op_system) return ssh
[docs] def host_get_OS_Level(self, console=0): ''' Get the OS version. ''' l_oslevel = self.host_run_command( "cat /etc/os-release", timeout=60, console=console) return '\n'.join(l_oslevel)
[docs] def host_cold_reset(self): ''' Cold reboot the host ''' log.debug(("Applying Cold reset on host.")) l_rc = self.ssh.run_command(BMC_CONST.HOST_COLD_RESET, timeout=60) self.util.PingFunc(self.bmcip, totalSleepTime=BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_FOR_STABILITY)
[docs] def host_code_update(self, i_image, imagecomponent): ''' Flash firmware (HPM image) using ipmitool. i_image hpm file i_imagecomponent component to be updated from the HPM file. Probably BMC_CONST.BMC_FW_IMAGE_UPDATE or BMC_CONST.BMC_PNOR_IMAGE ''' # Copy the hpm file to the tmp folder in the host try: self.util.copyFilesToDest(i_image, self.user, self.ip, "/tmp/", self.passwd) except: l_msg = "Copying hpm file to host failed" log.warning(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) l_cmd = "\necho y | ipmitool -I usb " + BMC_CONST.BMC_HPM_UPDATE + "/tmp/" \ + i_image.rsplit("/", 1)[-1] + " " + imagecomponent log.debug(l_cmd) try: l_rc = self.ssh.run_command(l_cmd, timeout=1500) log.debug(l_rc) self.ssh.run_command( "rm -rf /tmp/" + i_image.rsplit("/", 1)[1], timeout=120) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: l_msg = "Code Update Failed" log.warning(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) if(l_rc.__contains__("Firmware upgrade procedure successful")): return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS else: l_msg = "Code Update Failed" log.warning(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def host_run_command(self, i_cmd, timeout=1500, retry=0, console=0): # if we are QEMU use the system console if isinstance(self.ssh.system.console, OpTestQemu.QemuConsole) or (console == 1): return self.ssh.system.console.run_command(i_cmd, timeout, retry) else: return self.ssh.run_command(i_cmd, timeout, retry)
[docs] def host_gather_opal_msg_log(self, console=0): ''' Gather OPAL logs (from the host) and store in a file ''' try: l_data = '\n'.join(self.host_run_command( BMC_CONST.OPAL_MSG_LOG, console=console)) except OpTestError: l_msg = "Failed to gather OPAL message logs" raise OpTestError(l_msg) if not self.results_dir: log.debug(l_data) return l_res = (time.asctime(time.localtime())).replace(" ", "_") l_logFile = "Opal_msglog_%s.log" % l_res fn = os.path.join(self.results_dir, l_logFile) log.debug(fn) with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write(l_data)
[docs] def host_check_command(self, *i_cmd, **kwargs): ''' Check if one or more binaries are present on host ''' default_vals = {'console': 0} for key in default_vals: if key not in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs[key] = default_vals[key] l_cmd = 'which ' + ' '.join(i_cmd) log.debug(l_cmd) try: l_res = self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=kwargs['console']) except CommandFailed as c: l_msg = "host_check_command: (%s) not present on host. output of '%s': %s" % ( ','.join(i_cmd), l_cmd, '\n'.join(c.output)) log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) return True
[docs] def host_get_kernel_version(self, console=0): ''' Get Linux kernel version running on the host (using uname). ''' l_kernel = self.host_run_command( "uname -a | awk {'print $3'}", timeout=60, console=0) l_kernel = ''.join(l_kernel) log.debug(l_kernel) return l_kernel
[docs] def host_check_config(self, i_kernel, i_config, console=0): ''' This function will checks first for config file for a given kernel version on host, if available then check for config option value and return that value whether it is y or m...etc. sample config option values: :: CONFIG_CRYPTO_ZLIB=m CONFIG_CRYPTO_LZO=y # CONFIG_CRYPTO_842 is not set i_kernel kernel version i_config Which config option want to check in config file. e.g. `CONFIG_SENSORS_IBMPOWERNV` It will return config option value y or m, or raise OpTestError if config file is not available on host or raise OpTestError if config option is not set in file. ''' l_file = "/boot/config-%s" % i_kernel try: l_res = self.host_run_command( "test -e %s" % l_file, timeout=60, console=console) except CommandFailed: raise NoKernelConfig(i_kernel, l_file) log.debug("Config file is available") l_cmd = "cat %s | grep -i --color=never %s" % (l_file, i_config) l_res = self.host_run_command(l_cmd, timeout=60, console=console) log.debug(l_res) config_opts = {} for o in l_res: m = re.match('# (.*) is not set', o) if m: config_opts[] = 'n' else: if '=' in o: opt, val = o.split("=") config_opts[opt] = val if config_opts.get(i_config) not in ["y", "m"]: raise KernelConfigNotSet(i_config) return config_opts[i_config]
[docs] def host_check_pkg_for_utility(self, i_oslevel, i_cmd, console=0): ''' Check if a package is installed on the host. The `i_oslevel` is used to determine if we should use `dpkg` or `rpm` to search for the package name. ''' if 'Ubuntu' in i_oslevel: return ''.join(self.host_run_command("dpkg -S `which %s`" % i_cmd, timeout=60, console=console)) else: l_cmd = "rpm -qf `which %s`" % i_cmd return ''.join(self.host_run_command(l_cmd, timeout=60, console=console))
[docs] def host_load_ibmpowernv(self, i_oslevel): ''' This function loads ibmpowernv driver only on powernv platform and also this function works only in root user mode ''' if "PowerKVM" not in i_oslevel: o = self.ssh.run_command("modprobe ibmpowernv", timeout=60) cmd = "lsmod | grep -i ibmpowernv" response = self.ssh.run_command(cmd, timeout=60) if "ibmpowernv" not in ''.join(response): l_msg = "ibmpowernv module is not loaded, exiting" raise OpTestError(l_msg) else: log.debug("ibmpowernv module is loaded") log.debug(cmd) log.debug(response) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def host_start_lm_sensor_svc(self, i_oslevel, console=0): ''' This function restarts the lm_sensors service on host using systemctl utility systemctl utility is not present in ubuntu, This function will work in remaining all other OS'es i.e redhat, sles and PowerKVM ''' if 'Ubuntu' in i_oslevel: pass else: try: # Start the lm_sensors service cmd = "/bin/systemctl stop lm_sensors.service" self.host_run_command(cmd, console=console) cmd = "/bin/systemctl start lm_sensors.service" self.host_run_command(cmd, console=console) cmd = "/bin/systemctl status lm_sensors.service" res = self.host_run_command(cmd, console=console) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS except: l_msg = "loading lm_sensors service failed" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def host_clone_linux_source(self, i_dir): ''' It will clone latest linux git repository in i_dir directory. i_dir directory where linux source will be cloned. ''' l_msg = 'git://' l_cmd = "git clone --depth=1 %s %s" % (l_msg, i_dir) self.ssh.run_command("rm -rf %s" % i_dir, timeout=300) self.ssh.run_command("mkdir %s" % i_dir, timeout=60) try: log.debug(l_cmd) res = self.ssh.run_command(l_cmd, timeout=1500) log.debug(res) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS except: l_msg = "Cloning linux git repository is failed" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def host_load_module(self, i_module, console=0): ''' It will load the module using modprobe and verify whether it is loaded or not ''' try: l_res = self.host_run_command( "modprobe %s" % i_module, console=console) except CommandFailed as c: l_msg = "Error in loading the module %s, modprobe failed: %s" % ( i_module, str(c)) raise OpTestError(l_msg) l_res = self.host_run_command( "lsmod | grep -i --color=never %s" % i_module, console=console) if, ''.join(l_res)): log.debug("%s module is loaded" % i_module) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS else: raise KernelModuleNotLoaded(i_module)
[docs] def host_read_hwclock(self, console=0): ''' This function will read real time clock(RTC) time using hwclock utility. ''' log.debug("Reading the hwclock") self.host_run_command("hwclock -r;echo $?", console=console)
[docs] def host_read_systime(self, console=0): ''' This function will read system time using date utility (This will be mantained by kernel). ''' log.debug("Reading system time using date utility") l_res = self.host_run_command("date", console=console) return l_res
[docs] def host_set_hwclock_time(self, i_time, console=0): ''' This function will set hwclock time using the --date option format should be "2015-01-01 12:12:12" ''' log.debug("Setting the hwclock time to %s" % i_time) self.host_run_command("hwclock --set --date \'%s\'" % i_time, console=console)
## # # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError #
[docs] def host_load_module_based_on_config(self, i_kernel, i_config, i_module, console=0): ''' This function will load driver module on host based on the config option if config value m built as a module y driver built into kernel itself else raises OpTestError i_kernel kernel version to get config file i_config config option to check in config file i_module driver module to load on host based on config value ''' l_val = self.host_check_config(i_kernel, i_config, console=console) if l_val == 'm': self.host_load_module(i_module, console=console) elif l_val == 'y': log.debug("Driver built into kernel itself") elif l_val == 'n': raise KernelConfigNotSet(i_config)
[docs] def host_clone_skiboot_source(self, i_dir, console=0): ''' It will clone latest skiboot git repository in i_dir directory i_dir directory where skiboot source will be cloned ''' l_msg = '' l_cmd = "git clone %s %s" % (l_msg, i_dir) self.host_run_command( "git config --global http.sslverify false", console=console) self.host_run_command("rm -rf %s" % i_dir, console=console) self.host_run_command("mkdir %s" % i_dir, console=console) try: log.debug(l_cmd) l_res = self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=console) log.debug(l_res) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS except: l_msg = "Cloning skiboot git repository is failed" log.debug(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def host_enable_single_core(self, console=0): ''' This function enable only a single core ''' self.host_run_command("ppc64_cpu --cores-on=1", console=console)
[docs] def host_enable_all_cores(self, console=0): ''' Enables all cores ''' self.host_run_command("ppc64_cpu --cores-on=all", console=console)
[docs] def host_get_list_of_pci_domains(self, console=0): ''' This function is used to get list of PCI PHB domains. ''' self.pci_domains = [] self.host_run_command("lspci -mm", console=console) res = self.host_run_command( 'lspci -mm | cut -d":" -f1 | sort | uniq', console=console) for domain in res: if not domain: continue if len(domain) != 4: domain = ''.join(("00", domain)) domain = 'PCI' + domain if not self.pci_domains.__contains__(domain): self.pci_domains.append(domain) log.debug(self.pci_domains) return self.pci_domains
[docs] def host_get_root_phb(self, console=0): ''' This function is used to get the PHB domain of root port where the filesystem is mounted(We need to skip this in EEH tests as recovery will fail on this domain is expected) ''' cmd = "df -h /boot | awk 'END {print $1}'" res = self.host_run_command(cmd, console=console) boot_disk = ''.join(res).split("/dev/")[1] boot_disk = boot_disk.replace("\r\n", "") cmd = "ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/ | grep %s | awk '{print $(NF-2)}'" % boot_disk res = self.host_run_command(cmd, console=console) matchObj ="\d{4}(?!\d)", '\n'.join(res), re.S) if not matchObj: raise OpTestError("Not able to find out root phb domain") boot_domain = 'PCI' + return boot_domain
[docs] def host_gather_kernel_log(self, console=0): ''' It will gather kernel dmesg logs and store the copy in a logfile which will be stored in results dir. ''' try: l_data = '\n'.join(self.host_run_command("dmesg", console=console)) except OpTestError: l_msg = "Failed to gather kernel dmesg log" raise OpTestError(l_msg) if not self.results_dir: log.debug(l_data) return l_res = (time.asctime(time.localtime())).replace(" ", "_") l_logFile = "Kernel_dmesg_log_%s.log" % l_res fn = os.path.join(self.results_dir, l_logFile) log.debug(fn) with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write(l_data) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def host_start_opal_errd_daemon(self, console=0): ''' starts opal_errd daemon ''' self.host_run_command("systemctl start opal_errd", console=console)
[docs] def host_stop_opal_errd_daemon(self, console=0): ''' stops opal_errd daemon ''' self.host_run_command("systemctl stop opal_errd", console=console)
[docs] def host_get_status_of_opal_errd_daemon(self, console=0): ''' This function gets the status of opal_errd daemon. Raises an exception if not running. ''' res = self.host_run_command( "ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep opal_errd | wc -l", console=console) log.debug(res) if res[0].strip() == "0": log.warning("Opal_errd daemon is not running") return False elif res[0].strip() == "1": log.debug("Opal_errd daemon is running") return True else: raise OpTestError("Not able to get status of opal errd daemon")
[docs] def host_list_all_errorlogs(self, console=0): ''' This function lists all error logs in host ''' self.host_run_command("opal-elog-parse -l", console=console)
[docs] def host_list_all_service_action_logs(self, console=0): ''' This function lists all service action logs in host. ''' self.host_run_command("opal-elog-parse -s", console=console)
[docs] def host_get_number_of_errorlogs(self, console=0): ''' This function gets the number of error logs ''' res = self.host_run_command("ls %s | wc -l" % BMC_CONST.OPAL_ELOG_DIR, console=console) log.debug(res) return res
[docs] def host_clear_error_logs(self, console=0): ''' This function clears/acknowledges all error logs in host ''' self.host_run_command("rm -f %s/*" % BMC_CONST.OPAL_ELOG_DIR, console=console) res = self.host_run_command( "ls %s -1 --color=never" % BMC_CONST.OPAL_ELOG_SYSFS_DIR, console=console) log.debug('\n'.join(res)) for entry in res: entry = entry.strip() if entry == '': continue self.host_run_command("echo 1 > %s/%s/acknowledge" % (BMC_CONST.OPAL_ELOG_SYSFS_DIR, entry), console=console) return True
[docs] def host_clear_all_dumps(self, console=0): ''' This function clears/acknowledges all dumps in host. ''' self.host_run_command("rm -f %s/*" % BMC_CONST.OPAL_DUMP_DIR, console=console) res = self.host_run_command( "ls %s -1 --color=never" % BMC_CONST.OPAL_DUMP_SYSFS_DIR, console=console) for entry in res: entry = entry.strip() if (entry == "initiate_dump") or (entry == ''): continue else: self.host_run_command("echo 1 > %s/%s/acknowledge" % (BMC_CONST.OPAL_DUMP_SYSFS_DIR, entry), console=console) return True
[docs] def host_check_pkg_installed(self, i_oslevel, package, console=0): ''' This function will check whether particular package is installed or not The `i_oslevel` is used to determine if we should use `dpkg` or `rpm` to search for the package name. ''' l_cmd = "" if 'Ubuntu' in i_oslevel: l_cmd = "dpkg -l %s" % package else: l_cmd = "rpm -q %s" % package try: self.host_run_command(l_cmd, timeout=60, console=console) return True except CommandFailed: return False
[docs] def host_check_pkg_kdump(self, i_oslevel, console=0): ''' This function will check whether kdump package is installed or not ''' l_pkg = "" if 'Ubuntu' in i_oslevel: l_pkg = "kdump-tools" else: l_pkg = "kexec-tools" return self.host_check_pkg_installed(i_oslevel, l_pkg, console)
[docs] def host_is_kdump_active(self, os_level, console=0): ''' This function will check whether the kdump service is running/active or not. ''' if "Ubuntu" in os_level: try: self.host_run_command( "systemctl status kdump-tools.service --no-pager", console=console) return True except CommandFailed: return False else: try: self.host_run_command( "systemctl status kdump.service --no-pager", console=console) return True except CommandFailed: return False
[docs] def host_disable_kdump_service(self, os_level, console=0): ''' This function disables kdump service. Needs the OS version (from `/etc/os-release`) to know if we should use systemd commands or not. ''' if "Ubuntu" in os_level: self.host_run_command( "systemctl stop kdump-tools.service", console=console) try: self.host_run_command( "systemctl status kdump-tools.service --no-pager", console=console) except CommandFailed as cf: if cf.exitcode == 3: pass else: log.debug(str(cf)) raise OpTestError("kdump-tools service is failed to stop") else: self.host_run_command( "systemctl stop kdump.service", console=console) try: self.host_run_command( "systemctl status kdump.service --no-pager", console=console) except CommandFailed as cf: if cf.exitcode == 3: pass else: log.debug(str(cf)) raise OpTestError("kdump service is failed to stop")
[docs] def host_enable_kdump_service(self, os_level, console=0): ''' disables kdump service, needs `/etc/os-release` to work out service name. ''' if "Ubuntu" in os_level: self.host_run_command( "systemctl stop kdump-tools.service", console=console) self.host_run_command( "systemctl start kdump-tools.service", console=console) try: self.host_run_command( "systemctl status kdump-tools.service --no-pager", console=console) except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) raise OpTestError("kdump service is failed to start") else: self.host_run_command( "systemctl stop kdump.service", console=console) self.host_run_command( "systemctl start kdump.service", console=console) try: self.host_run_command( "systemctl status kdump.service --no-pager", console=console) except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) raise OpTestError("kdump service is failed to start")
[docs] def host_check_sysfs_path_availability(self, path, console=0): res = self.host_run_command( "ls --color=never %s" % path, console=console) if "No such file or directory" in res: return False return True
[docs] def host_check_dt_node_exist(self, node_path, console=0): path = "/proc/device-tree/" + node_path res = self.host_run_command("ls %s" % path, console=console) if "No such file or directory" in res: return False return True
[docs] def host_get_list_of_chips(self, console=0): res = self.host_run_command( "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH getscom -l", console=console) chips = [] for line in res: matchObj ="(\d{8}).*processor", line) if matchObj: chips.append( if not chips: raise Exception("Getscom failed to list processor chip ids") chips.sort() log.debug(chips) # ['00000000', '00000001', '00000010'] return chips
[docs] def host_get_cores(self, console=0): proc_gen = self.host_get_proc_gen(console=console) core_ids = {} cpu_pirs = self.host_run_command( "find /sys/devices/system/cpu/*/pir -exec cat {} \;", console=console) for pir in cpu_pirs: if proc_gen in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: core_id = hex((int("0x%s" % pir, 16) >> 3) & 0xf) chip_id = hex((int("0x%s" % pir, 16) >> 7) & 0x3f) elif proc_gen in ["POWER9", "POWER9P"]: core_id = hex((int("0x%s" % pir, 16) >> 2) & 0x3f) chip_id = hex((int("0x%s" % pir, 16) >> 8) & 0x7f) else: raise OpTestError("Unknown or new processor type") core_id = core_id.split('x')[1] chip_id = chip_id.split('x')[1] if chip_id in core_ids: core_ids[chip_id].append(core_id) else: core_ids[chip_id] = [core_id] for i in core_ids: core_ids[i] = list(set(core_ids[i])) core_ids = sorted(core_ids.items()) log.debug(core_ids) return core_ids
# Supported on OpenPower and P9 FSP system
[docs] def host_prd_supported(self, bmc_type, console=0): if not "FSP" in bmc_type: return True proc_gen = self.host_get_proc_gen(console=console) if proc_gen in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: return False return True
[docs] def host_get_proc_gen(self, console=0): try: if self.proc_gen: pass except AttributeError: self.proc_gen = ''.join(self.host_run_command( "grep '^cpu' /proc/cpuinfo |uniq|sed -e 's/^.*: //;s/[,]* .*//;'", console=console)) return self.proc_gen
[docs] def host_get_smt(self, console=0): self.cpu = self.host_get_proc_gen(console=console) if self.cpu in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: return 8 elif self.cpu in ["POWER9", "POWER9P"]: return 4 else: return 1
[docs] def host_get_core_count(self, console=0): res = self.host_run_command("lscpu --all -e| wc -l", console=console) return int(res[0])/(self.host_get_smt(console=console))
[docs] def host_gather_debug_logs(self, console=0): self.host_run_command( "grep ',[0-4]\]' /sys/firmware/opal/msglog", console=console) self.host_run_command( "dmesg -T --level=alert,crit,err,warn", console=console)
[docs] def host_copy_fake_gard(self): i_image = os.path.join(self.conf.basedir, "test_binaries", "fake.gard") # Copy the fake.gard file to the tmp folder in the host try: self.util.copyFilesToDest(i_image, self.user, self.ip, "/tmp/", self.passwd) except: l_msg = "Copying fake.gard file to host failed" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def copy_test_file_to_host(self, filename, sourcedir="test_binaries", dstdir="/tmp/"): i_image = os.path.join(self.conf.basedir, sourcedir, filename) try: self.util.copyFilesToDest(i_image, self.user, self.ip, dstdir, self.passwd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: l_msg = "Copying %s file to host failed" % filename log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg + str(e))
[docs] def copy_files_from_host(self, sourcepath="", destpath="/tmp/"): if sourcepath == "": sourcepath = self.conf.output try: self.util.copyFilesFromDest(self.user, self.ip, destpath, self.passwd, sourcepath) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: l_msg = "Copying %s file(s) from host failed" % destpath log.debug(str(e)) log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg + str(e))
[docs] def host_pflash_get_partition(self, partition, console=0): d = self.host_run_command("pflash --info", console=console) for line in d: s =, line) if s: m = re.match( r'ID=\d+\s+\S+\s+((0[xX])?[0-9a-fA-F]+)..(0[xX])?[0-9a-fA-F]+\s+\(actual=((0[xX])?[0-9a-fA-F]+)\)\s(\[)?([A-Za-z-]+)?(\])?.*', line) if not m: continue offset = int(, 16) length = int(, 16) ret = {'offset': offset, 'length': length } flags = if flags: ret['flags'] = [x for x in list(flags) if x != '-'] return ret
[docs] def host_has_capi_fpga_card(self, console=0): ''' Check that host has a CAPI FPGA card ''' l_cmd = "lspci -d \"1014::1200\"" l_res = self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=console) l_res = " ".join(l_res) if (l_res.__contains__("IBM Device") and not l_res.__contains__("062b")): l_msg = "Host has a CAPI FPGA card" log.debug(l_msg) return True else: l_msg = "Host has no CAPI FPGA card; skipping test" log.warning(l_msg) return False
[docs] def host_has_opencapi_fpga_card(self, console=0): ''' Check that host has an OpenCAPI FPGA card ''' l_cmd = "lspci -d \"1014::1200\"" l_res = self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=console) l_res = " ".join(l_res) if (l_res.__contains__("IBM Device 062b")): l_msg = "Host has an OpenCAPI FPGA card" log.debug(l_msg) return True else: l_msg = "Host has no OpenCAPI FPGA card; skipping test" log.warning(l_msg) return False
[docs] def host_clone_cxl_tests(self, i_dir, console=0): ''' Clone latest cxl-tests git repository in i_dir directory. i_dir directory where cxl-tests will be cloned ''' l_msg = "" l_cmd = "git clone %s %s" % (l_msg, i_dir) self.host_run_command( "git config --global http.sslverify false", console=console) self.host_run_command("rm -rf %s" % i_dir, console=console) self.host_run_command("mkdir %s" % i_dir, console=console) l_res = self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=console)
[docs] def host_build_cxl_tests(self, i_dir, console=0): l_cmd = "make -C %s" % i_dir self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=console) l_cmd = "test -x %s/libcxl/" % i_dir self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=console) l_cmd = "test -x %s/libcxl_tests" % i_dir self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=console) l_cmd = "test -x %s/memcpy_afu_ctx" % i_dir self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=console)
[docs] def host_clone_libocxl(self, i_dir, console=0): ''' Clone latest libocxl git repository in i_dir directory. i_dir directory where libocxl will be cloned ''' l_msg = "" l_cmd = "git clone %s %s" % (l_msg, i_dir) self.host_run_command("rm -rf %s" % i_dir, console=console) self.host_run_command("mkdir %s" % i_dir, console=console) l_res = self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=console)
[docs] def host_build_libocxl(self, i_dir, console=0): l_cmd = "make -C %s" % i_dir self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=console) l_cmd = "test -x %s/afuobj/ocxl_memcpy" % i_dir self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=console)
[docs] def host_check_binary(self, i_dir, i_file, console=0): l_cmd = "test -x %s/%s;" % (i_dir, i_file) try: self.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=console) l_msg = "Executable file %s/%s is available" % (i_dir, i_file) log.debug(l_msg) return True except CommandFailed: l_msg = "Executable file %s/%s is not present" % (i_dir, i_file) log.debug(l_msg) return False
[docs]class OpTestLPAR(OpTestHost): ''' An object to manipulate and run things on the LPAR. Methods not applicable for an LPAR are overridden here ''' def __init__(self, i_hostip, i_hostuser, i_hostpasswd, i_bmcip, i_results_dir, scratch_disk="", proxy="", logfile=sys.stdout, check_ssh_keys=False, known_hosts_file=None, conf=None): super(OpTestLPAR, self).__init__(i_hostip, i_hostuser, i_hostpasswd, i_bmcip, i_results_dir, scratch_disk, proxy, logfile, check_ssh_keys, known_hosts_file, conf)
[docs] def host_gather_opal_msg_log(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_pflash_get_partition(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_gather_debug_logs(self, *args): pass
def host_get_list_of_chips(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_cold_reset(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_code_update(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_load_ibmpowernv(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_start_lm_sensor_svc(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_clone_skiboot_source(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_start_opal_errd_daemon(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_stop_opal_errd_daemon(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_get_status_of_opal_errd_daemon(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_list_all_errorlogs(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_list_all_service_action_logs(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_get_number_of_errorlogs(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_clear_error_logs(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_clear_all_dumps(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_get_list_of_chips(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_prd_supported(self, *args): pass
[docs] def host_copy_fake_gard(self, *args): pass