Source code for testcases.AT24driver

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# $Source: op-test-framework/testcases/ $
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
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At24(Atmel24) eeprom driver to support openpower platform

This driver has following functionalities:

- 'at24' is the i2c client driver that interface the EEPROMs on the system.
- In P8 system, EEPROM devices contain the system VPDs information and this
  driver is capable of reading and programming the data to these devices.

import time
import subprocess
import re
import sys

import unittest

import OpTestConfiguration
from testcases.I2C import I2C
from common.OpTestSystem import OpSystemState
from common.Exceptions import CommandFailed, KernelModuleNotLoaded
from common.Exceptions import KernelConfigNotSet
import difflib

import logging
import OpTestLogger
log = OpTestLogger.optest_logger_glob.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class AT24driver(I2C, unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): conf = OpTestConfiguration.conf self.cv_HOST = self.cv_IPMI = conf.ipmi() self.cv_SYSTEM = conf.system() self.test = "host"
def at24_init(self): # Get OS level self.cv_HOST.host_get_OS_Level() # Check whether i2cdump and hexdump commands are available on host self.cv_HOST.host_check_command("i2cdump", "hexdump") # Get Kernel Version l_kernel = self.cv_HOST.host_get_kernel_version() mods = {"CONFIG_I2C_OPAL": "i2c_opal", "CONFIG_I2C_CHARDEV": "i2c_dev", "CONFIG_EEPROM_AT24": "at24"} try: for (c, m) in list(mods.items()): self.cv_HOST.host_load_module_based_on_config(l_kernel, c, m) except KernelConfigNotSet as ns: self.assertTrue(False, str(ns)) except KernelModuleNotLoaded as km: if km.module == "at24": # We can fail if we don't load it, not all systems have it pass else: self.assertTrue(False, str(km)) # Get infomtion of EEPROM chips self.host_get_info_of_eeprom_chips()
[docs] def runTest(self): ''' This function has following test steps 1. Getting the host infromation(OS and kernel information) 2. Loading the necessary modules to test at24 device driver functionalites (i2c_dev, i2c_opal and at24) 3. Getting the list of i2c buses and eeprom chip addresses 4. Accessing the registers visible through the i2cbus using i2cdump utility 5. Getting the eeprom device data using hexdump utility in hex + Ascii format ''' self.set_up() if self.test == "host": log.debug("Starting AT24driver in Host") self.at24_init() # Get list of pairs of i2c bus and EEPROM device addresses in the host l_chips = self.host_get_list_of_eeprom_chips() if self.cv_SYSTEM.has_host_accessible_eeprom(): self.assertNotEqual(len(l_chips), 0, "No EEPROMs detected, while OpTestSystem says " "there should be") else: self.assertEqual(len(l_chips), 0) # Getting the list of sysfs eeprom interfaces try: l_res = self.c.run_command("find /sys/ -name eeprom") except CommandFailed as cf: self.assertEqual(cf.exitcode, 0, "EEPROM sysfs entries are not created") for l_dev in l_res: if l_dev.__contains__("eeprom"): # Getting the eeprom device data using hexdump utility in # hex + Ascii format self.host_hexdump(l_dev) else: pass log.debug("Completed AT24driver test") pass
def diff_commands(self, cmds, i_dev, err="Result doesn't match"): last_r = None last_cmd = None for cmd in cmds: r = None try: r = self.c.run_command(cmd) r = [x+'\n' for x in r] except CommandFailed as cf: self.assertEqual(cf.exitcode, 0, "i2cdump failed on addr {}".format(i_dev)) if last_r is not None: diff = '' for l in difflib.unified_diff(r, last_r, fromfile=last_cmd, tofile=cmd): diff = diff + l log.debug(diff) self.assertMultiLineEqual(''.join(r), ''.join(last_r), "{}:\n{}".format(err, diff)) last_r = r last_cmd = cmd
[docs] def host_hexdump(self, i_dev): cmds = ["hexdump -C %s" % i_dev] * 5 self.diff_commands(cmds, i_dev, err="hexdump of EEPROM doesn't match")
[docs]class SkirootAT24(AT24driver, unittest.TestCase): ''' Run the same AT24driver test, but in skiroot environment. '''
[docs] def setUp(self): self.test = "skiroot" log.debug("Starting AT24driver test in Skiroot") super(AT24driver, self).setUp()