Source code for testcases.EPOW

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# $Source: op-test-framework/testcases/ $
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# permissions and limitations under the License.

EPOW (Emergency POWer off)

This module tests the EPOW feature incase of FSP systems.

1. EPOW3Random.

   Simulate random EPOW3 temperature to check whether
   OPAL notify EPOW notification to Host OS. Once Host
   gets notified Host should do a graceful shutdown.


   Simualate temperatures less than EPOW3 threshold
   and check whether Host OS is alive or not.

import time
import subprocess
import subprocess
import re
import sys
import pexpect
import random

from common.OpTestConstants import OpTestConstants as BMC_CONST
from common.OpTestError import OpTestError

import unittest
import OpTestConfiguration
from common.OpTestSystem import OpSystemState

import logging
import OpTestLogger
log = OpTestLogger.optest_logger_glob.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class EPOWBase(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): conf = OpTestConfiguration.conf self.cv_IPMI = conf.ipmi() self.cv_SYSTEM = conf.system() self.cv_HOST = self.cv_FSP = conf.bmc() self.platform = conf.platform() self.bmc_type = conf.args.bmc_type self.util = self.cv_SYSTEM.util self.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(OpSystemState.OS) self.util.PingFunc(self.cv_HOST.ip, BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_POWERCYCLE)
def get_epow_limits(self): fsp_MTM = self.cv_FSP.get_raw_mtm() matchObj ="-\d{2}.", fsp_MTM) if matchObj: x = y = x[1:3] var = y[1] + "s" + y[0] + "u" self.proc_gen = self.cv_HOST.host_get_proc_gen(console=1) print((self.proc_gen)) if self.proc_gen in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: file = '/opt/fips/components/engd/power_management_tul_%s.def' % ( var) elif self.proc_gen in ["POWER9", "POWER9P"]: file = '/opt/fips/components/engd/power_management_zz_%s.def' % ( var) # Check for Nebs enable\disable cmd = "registry -l svpd/NebsEnabled | sed -n '2p' | awk {'print $1'}" rc = self.cv_FSP.fspc.run_command(cmd) if int(rc) == 0: cmd = "cat %s | grep -i -e 'EPOW' -e 'CRITICAL' | head -n 6" % file else: cmd = "cat %s | grep -i -e 'EPOW' -e 'CRITICAL' | tail -n 6" % file # Checking for file existence rc = self.cv_FSP.fspc.run_command("test -f %s" % file) log.debug("The def file for this machine is available") limits = self.cv_FSP.fspc.run_command(cmd) log.debug(limits) cmd = cmd + "| cut -d '#' -f 1" limits = self.cv_FSP.fspc.run_command(cmd) limits = limits.splitlines() dic = {} for i in range(len(limits)): pair = ((limits[i]).replace(" ", "")).replace("\t", "") l_pair = pair.split("=") dic[l_pair[0]] = l_pair[1] return dic def get_ambient_temp_ipmi(self): res ='sdr list') log.debug(res) temp = r"Inlet Temp \| (\d{2,})" searchObj =, res) if searchObj: ambient_temp = return ambient_temp else: raise OpTestError("IPMI: failed to read Inlet temperature") def get_cmd_for_temp(self, temp): val_d = temp * 4 val_h = (str(hex(val_d))).replace('0x', '') cmd = 'echo "0000D000A0220004000700%s" | spif -' % val_h log.debug(cmd) return cmd def check_graceful_shutdown(self, pty): try: rc = pty.expect_exact( ["reboot: Power down", "Power down"], timeout=120) if rc == 0 or rc == 1: res = pty.before log.debug(pty.after) log.debug("System got graceful shutdown") except pexpect.TIMEOUT as e: log.debug("System is in active state") log.debug(pty.before) def get_epow_list_temps(self): self.limits = self.get_epow_limits() log.debug(self.limits) EPOW3 = self.limits['EPOW3'] CRITICAL = self.limits['CRITICAL'] EPOW3_RESET = self.limits['EPOW3_RESET'] CRITICAL_RESET = self.limits['CRITICAL_RESET'] l = [] for temp in range(int(EPOW3), int(CRITICAL)): l.append(temp) return l return None def get_temp_for_param(self, param): return self.limits[param]
[docs]class EPOW3Random(EPOWBase): ''' This testcase tests the EPOW feature of the FSP. Thus, it is only applicable to FSP based systems and will be skipped on other BMC types. This test will: 1. It will gather EPOW limits 2. We will choose some random EPOW temp(test_temp) in b/w those limits 3. Simulate that temperature(test_temp) 4. Verify graceful shutdown happened or not 5. Once system reaches standby, simulate the ambient temp to EPOW3_RESET temperature(reset_temp) to bring back the system. 6. Bring back the system again to runtime. If user faces any problem in bringing the system UP please run below command "smgr toolReset" ''' def runTest(self): if "FSP" not in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("FSP specific OPAL EPOW Test.") console = self.cv_SYSTEM.console console.run_command("uname -a") # Range of EPOW temperatures from EPOW3 to CRITICAL temp_list = self.get_epow_list_temps() test_temp = int(random.choice(temp_list)) log.debug(temp_list) log.debug(test_temp) log.debug( "========================EPOW3_RANDOM:%i==========================" % test_temp) log.debug( "****************Testing EPOW3 at Random EPOW Temperature*****************") temp_prev = self.get_ambient_temp_ipmi() log.debug("Current ambient temp: %s " % temp_prev) log.debug("Current system status: %s" % self.cv_FSP.get_sys_status()) cmd = self.get_cmd_for_temp(test_temp) log.debug("Simulating the Ambient Temp: %s" % test_temp) log.debug("Running the command on FSP: %s" % cmd) self.cv_FSP.fspc.run_command(cmd) self.check_graceful_shutdown(console.pty) self.cv_FSP.wait_for_standby() temp_current = self.get_ambient_temp_ipmi() log.debug("Current ambient temp: %s " % temp_current) self.assertEqual(int(temp_current), int(test_temp), "EPOW3 is working, looks like temp simulated is slightly different") log.debug("EPOW3 is successfull") self.cv_FSP.wait_for_standby() # simulate EPOW3 reset temperature to bring back the system reset_temp = self.get_temp_for_param('EPOW3_RESET') cmd = self.get_cmd_for_temp(int(reset_temp)) log.debug("Issuing the EPOW3 reset temp to bring back the system up") log.debug("Simulating the Ambient Temp: %s" % reset_temp) log.debug("Running the command on FSP: %s" % cmd) res = self.cv_FSP.fspc.run_command(cmd) log.debug(res) temp_current = self.get_ambient_temp_ipmi() log.debug("Current ambient temp: %s " % temp_current) self.assertEqual(int(temp_current), int(reset_temp), "Temperature simulated is not equal to EPOW3_RESET") log.debug("EPOW3 RESET Done: Temperature simulated to EPOW3_RESET") # Power on the system after issuing EPOW3 RESET self.cv_FSP.power_on_sys() self.util.PingFunc(self.cv_HOST.ip, BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_POWERCYCLE)
[docs]class EPOW3LOW(EPOWBase): ''' This test case will follow below procedure: 1. Based on Nebsenabled will get EPOW limits from FSP using def file present in `/opt/fips/components/engd/`. Different systems have different EPOW limits. 2. Test EPOW3_LOW---> Will test temperatures lower than EPOW3 temperature, a. From FSP it simulate to lesser ambient temperatures than EPOW3 temperature b. In this case system should be alive and it should not cause system shut-down. If user faces any problem in bringing the system UP please run below command "smgr toolReset" in fsp console ''' def runTest(self): if "FSP" not in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("FSP specific OPAL EPOW Test.") console = self.cv_SYSTEM.console # Range of EPOW temperatures from EPOW3 to CRITICAL temp_list = self.get_epow_list_temps() log.debug(temp_list) # Testing ambient temperatures lower than EPOW3, system should be alive EPOW3 = self.get_temp_for_param('EPOW3') temp_2 = int(EPOW3)-2 temp_1 = int(EPOW3)-1 for test_temp in [temp_1, temp_2]: log.debug( "========================EPOW3_LOW:%i==========================" % test_temp) log.debug( "*********Testing ambient temperatures lower than EPOW3, system should be alive***********") temp_prev = self.get_ambient_temp_ipmi() log.debug("Current ambient temp: %s " % temp_prev) cmd = self.get_cmd_for_temp(test_temp) log.debug("Simulating the Ambient Temp: %s" % test_temp) log.debug("Running the command on FSP: %s" % cmd) res = self.cv_FSP.fspc.run_command(cmd) log.debug(res) # Monitor the system status for any chanages from runtime tries = 10 for i in range(1, tries+1): state = self.cv_FSP.get_sys_status() log.debug("Current system status: %s" % state) self.assertEqual(state, 'runtime', "EPOW3_LOW is failing at this temp: %s" % test_temp) time.sleep(6) self.util.PingFunc( self.cv_HOST.ip, BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_POWERCYCLE) temp_current = self.get_ambient_temp_ipmi() log.debug("Current ambient temp: %s " % temp_current) self.assertEqual(int(temp_current), int(test_temp), "EPOW3_LOW is working, looks like temp simulated is different")
def suite(): s = unittest.TestSuite() s.addTest(EPOW3LOW()) s.addTest(EPOW3Random()) # TODO: s.addTest(EPOW3CRITICAL()) return s