Source code for testcases.OpTestExample

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# permissions and limitations under the License.

OpTestExample: An example test case

This test case is meant to show a few best practices for writing a test case
for `op-test`.

import unittest
import logging

import OpTestConfiguration
import OpTestLogger
from common.OpTestSystem import OpSystemState
from common.Exceptions import CommandFailed
    import pxssh
except ImportError:
    from pexpect import pxssh

log = OpTestLogger.optest_logger_glob.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class OpTestExample(unittest.TestCase): ''' This class is a demo to illustrate framework. '''
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): conf = OpTestConfiguration.conf cls.cv_IPMI = conf.ipmi() cls.cv_SYSTEM = conf.system() cls.my_connect = None cls.my_prompt = None
[docs] def setUp(self, my_connect='ipmi'): self.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(self.my_desired_state) if self.my_connect == 'host': self.my_console = else: self.my_console = self.cv_SYSTEM.console
[docs] def OPComboTest(self): '''Execute commands on target OS Key Sort in OPDemoFunc for order of execution ''' xcommand_table = { 'lsprop': 'lsprop /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/ibm,firmware-versions', 'os-release': 'cat /etc/os-release', 'uname': 'uname -a', } self.OPDemoFunc(xcommand_table)
[docs] def HostVersions(self): '''Execute commands on target OS Key Sort in OPDemoFunc for order of execution ''' xcommand_table = { 'linux': 'lsprop /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/ibm,firmware-versions/linux', 'os-release': 'cat /etc/os-release', 'proc-cmdline': 'cat /proc/cmdline', 'version': 'cat /proc/version', } self.OPDemoFunc(xcommand_table)
[docs] def PetitbootVersions(self): '''Execute commands on target OS Key Sort in OPDemoFunc for order of execution ''' xcommand_table = { 'cpu-present': 'cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/present', 'eeh': 'cat /proc/powerpc/eeh', 'linux': "dmesg -r|grep '<[4321]>'", 'loc-code': 'find /sys/firmware/devicetree/base -name ibm,loc-code', 'msglog': "grep ',[0-4]\]' /sys/firmware/opal/msglog", 'os-release': 'cat /etc/os-release', 'petitboot': 'lsprop /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/ibm,firmware-versions/petitboot', 'phb': "cat /sys/firmware/opal/msglog | grep 'PHB#' | grep -i ' C:'", 'proc-cmdline': 'cat /proc/cmdline', 'slot-label': 'find /sys/firmware/devicetree/base -name ibm,slot-label', } self.OPDemoFunc(xcommand_table)
[docs] def OPMisc(self): '''Execute commands on target OS Key Sort in OPDemoFunc for order of execution ''' xcommand_table = { 'nvram-print': 'nvram --print-config', 'nvram-v': 'nvram -v', } self.OPDemoFunc(xcommand_table)
[docs] def OPDemoFunc(self, op_dictionary): '''Process a command table ''' xresults = {} try: for xkey, xcommand in sorted(op_dictionary.items()): xresults[xkey] = list( [_f for _f in self.my_console.run_command(xcommand) if _f]) for xkey, xvalue in sorted(xresults.items()): log.debug('\nCommand Run: "{}"\n{}'.format( op_dictionary[xkey], '\n'.join(xresults[xkey])), extra=xresults) except pxssh.ExceptionPxssh as op_pxssh: except CommandFailed as xe: my_x = {x: xe.output[x] for x in range(len(xe.output))} log.debug('\n******************************\nCommand Failed: \n{}\n******************************'.format( '\n'.join(my_x[y] for y, z in list(my_x.items()))), extra=my_x) log.debug('\nExitcode {}'.format(xe)) except Exception as func_e:'OPDemoFunc Exception handler {}'.format(func_e))
[docs]class SkirootBasicCheck(OpTestExample, unittest.TestCase): '''Class for Skiroot based tests This class allows --run testcases.OpTestExample.SkirootBasicCheck '''
[docs] def setUp(self): self.my_desired_state = OpSystemState.PETITBOOT_SHELL super(SkirootBasicCheck, self).setUp()
def runTest(self): self.PetitbootVersions() self.OPMisc() self.OPComboTest()
[docs]class HostBasicCheck(OpTestExample, unittest.TestCase): '''Class for Host based tests This class allows --run testcases.OpTestExample.HostBasicCheck '''
[docs] def setUp(self): self.my_connect = 'host' self.my_desired_state = OpSystemState.OS super(HostBasicCheck, self).setUp()
def runTest(self): self.HostVersions() self.OPComboTest()
[docs]def skiroot_suite(): '''Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) This allows --run-suite example Tests run in order ''' tests = ['PetitbootVersions'] return unittest.TestSuite(list(map(SkirootBasicCheck, tests)))
[docs]def skiroot_full_suite(): '''Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) This allows --run-suite example Tests run in order ''' tests = ['PetitbootVersions', 'OPMisc', 'OPComboTest'] return unittest.TestSuite(list(map(SkirootBasicCheck, tests)))
[docs]def host_suite(): '''Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) This allows --run-suite example Tests run in order ''' tests = ['HostVersions'] return unittest.TestSuite(list(map(HostBasicCheck, tests)))
[docs]def host_full_suite(): '''Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) This allows --run-suite example Tests run in order ''' tests = ['HostVersions', 'PetitbootVersions', 'OPComboTest'] return unittest.TestSuite(list(map(HostBasicCheck, tests)))