Source code for testcases.OpTestHMIHandling

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# $Source: op-test-framework/testcases/ $
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# permissions and limitations under the License.


HMI Handling package for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of following.

1. HMI Non-recoverable errors - Core checkstop and Hypervisor resource error
2. HMI Recoverable errors- proc_recv_done, proc_recv_error_masked and proc_recv_again
3. TFMR error injections
4. chip TOD error injections

import time
import subprocess
import re
import sys
import os
import random
import pexpect
import unittest

import OpTestConfiguration
from common.OpTestSystem import OpSystemState
from common.OpTestSSH import ConsoleState as SSHConnectionState
from common.OpTestIPMI import IPMIConsoleState
from common.OpTestConstants import OpTestConstants as BMC_CONST
from common.Exceptions import CommandFailed, UnknownStateTransition, PlatformError, HostbootShutdown, StoppingSystem

import logging
import OpTestLogger
log = OpTestLogger.optest_logger_glob.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class OpTestHMIHandling(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): conf = OpTestConfiguration.conf cls.cv_HOST = cls.cv_IPMI = conf.ipmi() cls.cv_FSP = conf.bmc() cls.cv_SYSTEM = conf.system() cls.bmc_type = conf.args.bmc_type cls.util = conf.util
[docs] def setUp(self): if self.cv_SYSTEM.get_state() == OpSystemState.UNKNOWN_BAD: self.clear_stop() self.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(OpSystemState.OS) self.clearGardEntries() self.cv_HOST.host_enable_all_cores(console=1) self.cpu = ''.join(self.cv_HOST.host_run_command( "grep '^cpu' /proc/cpuinfo |uniq|sed -e 's/^.*: //;s/[,]* .*//;'", console=1)) self.revision = ''.join(self.cv_HOST.host_run_command( "grep '^revision' /proc/cpuinfo |uniq|sed -e 's/^.*: //;s/ (.*)//;'", console=1)) supported = True if self.cpu in ["POWER9"] and not self.revision in ["2.0", "2.1", "2.2", "2.3"]: supported = False if self.cpu in ["POWER9P"] and not self.revision in ["1.0"]: supported = False if not supported: log.debug("Skipping, HMIHandling NOT supported on CPU={} Revision={}" .format(self.cpu, self.revision)) raise unittest.SkipTest("HMIHandling not supported on CPU={} Revision={}" .format(self.cpu, self.revision)) log.debug("Setting up to run HMIHandling on CPU={} Revision={}".format( self.cpu, self.revision))
def clear_stop(self): self.cv_SYSTEM.stop = 0 self.cv_SYSTEM.set_state(OpSystemState.UNKNOWN_BAD) for i in range(3): try: self.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(OpSystemState.OS) self.clearGardEntries() break except (UnknownStateTransition, PlatformError, HostbootShutdown, StoppingSystem) as e: log.debug( "\n\n\nOpTestSystem OpTestHMIHandling clear_stop counter i={} (i=0 or i=1 can be seen recovering from failed test) Exception={}\n\n\n".format(i, e)) self.cv_SYSTEM.stop = 0 self.cv_SYSTEM.set_state(OpSystemState.UNKNOWN_BAD) else: self.assertTrue( False, "OpTestHMIHandling failed to recover from previous OpSystemState.UNKNOWN_BAD") def handle_ipl(self): rc = self.cv_SYSTEM.console.pty.expect( ["ISTEP", "istep", pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF], timeout=180) log.debug("before={}".format(self.cv_SYSTEM.console.pty.before)) log.debug("after={}".format(self.cv_SYSTEM.console.pty.after)) if rc in [0, 1]: for i in range(3): try: self.cv_SYSTEM.set_state(OpSystemState.IPLing) self.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(OpSystemState.OS) break except (UnknownStateTransition, PlatformError, HostbootShutdown, StoppingSystem) as e: log.debug( "\n\n\nOpTestSystem OpTestHMIHandling handle_ipl counter i={} (i=0 or i=1 are common test results) Exception={}\n\n\n".format(i, e)) self.cv_SYSTEM.stop = 0 else: self.clear_stop() # set the machine to recover for whatever comes next self.assertTrue( False, "OpTestHMIHandling failed to normally recover after Error Injection") else: self.clear_stop() # set the machine to recover for whatever comes next self.assertTrue( False, "OpTestHMIHandling failed to get ISTEP/istep after Error Injection") def verify_proc_recovery(self, l_res): if any("Processor Recovery done" in line for line in l_res) and \ any("Harmless Hypervisor Maintenance interrupt [Recovered]" in line for line in l_res): log.debug("Processor recovery done") return else: raise Exception( "HMI handling failed to log message: for proc_recv_done") def verify_timer_facility_recovery(self, l_res): if any("Timer facility experienced an error" in line for line in l_res) and \ any("Severe Hypervisor Maintenance interrupt [Recovered]" in line for line in l_res): log.debug("Timer facility experienced an error and got recovered") return else: raise Exception("HMI handling failed to log message") def init_test(self): self.proc_gen = self.cv_HOST.host_get_proc_gen(console=1) l_chips = self.cv_HOST.host_get_list_of_chips( console=1) # ['00000000', '00000001', '00000010'] if not l_chips: raise Exception("Getscom failed to list processor chip ids") l_cores = self.cv_HOST.host_get_cores(console=1) if not l_cores: raise Exception("Failed to get list of core id's") # {0: ['4', '5', '6', 'c', 'd', 'e'], 1: ['4', '5', '6', 'c', 'd', 'e'], 10: ['4', '5', '6', 'c', 'd', 'e']} log.debug(l_cores) # Remove master core where injecting core checkstop leads to IPL expected failures # after 2 failures system will starts boot in Golden side of PNOR l_cores[0][1].pop(0) log.debug(l_cores) self.l_dic = [] i = 0 for tup in l_cores: new_list = [l_chips[i], tup[1]] self.l_dic.append(new_list) i += 1 log.debug(self.l_dic) # self.l_dic is a list of chip id's, core id's . and is of below format # [['00000000', ['4', '5', '6', 'c', 'd', 'e']], ['00000001', ['4', '5', '6', 'c', 'd', 'e']], ['00000010', ['4', '5', '6', 'c', 'd', 'e']]] # In-order to inject HMI errors on cpu's, cpu should be running, so disabling the sleep states 1 and 2 of all CPU's self.disable_cpu_idle_states() # Disable kdump to check behaviour of IPL caused due to kernel panic after injection of core/system checkstop self.disable_kdump_service() def disable_kdump_service(self): l_oslevel = self.cv_HOST.host_get_OS_Level(console=1) try: if "Ubuntu" in l_oslevel: self.cv_HOST.host_run_command( "service kdump-tools stop", console=1) else: self.cv_HOST.host_run_command("service kdump stop", console=1) except CommandFailed as cf: if cf.exitcode == 5: # kdump may not be enabled, so it's not a failure to stop it pass def enable_idle_state(self, i_idle): l_cmd = "for i in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state%s/disable; do echo 0 > $i; done" % i_idle self.cv_HOST.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=1) def disable_idle_state(self, i_idle): l_cmd = "for i in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state%s/disable; do echo 1 > $i; done" % i_idle self.cv_HOST.host_run_command(l_cmd, console=1) # Disable all CPU idle states except snooze state def disable_cpu_idle_states(self): states = self.cv_HOST.host_run_command( "find /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state* -type d | cut -d'/' -f8 | sort -u | sed -e 's/^state//'", console=1) for state in states: if state is "0": try: self.cv_HOST.host_run_command( "cpupower idle-set -e 0", console=1) except CommandFailed: self.enable_idle_state("0") continue try: self.cv_HOST.host_run_command( "cpupower idle-set -d %s" % state, console=1) except CommandFailed: self.disable_idle_state(state) def form_scom_addr(self, addr, core): if self.proc_gen in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: val = addr[0]+str(core)+addr[2:] elif self.proc_gen in ["POWER9", "POWER9P"]: val = hex(eval("0x%s | (((%s & 0x1f) + 0x20) << 24)" % (addr, int(core, 16)))) log.debug(val) return val def clearGardEntries(self): self.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(OpSystemState.OS) expect_prompt = self.cv_SYSTEM.util.build_prompt() self.util.PingFunc(self.cv_HOST.ip, BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_POWERCYCLE) if "FSP" in self.bmc_type: # maybe add gard --dg to first check if None to skip power cycle ? res = self.cv_FSP.fspc.run_command("gard --clr all") self.assertIn("Success in clearing Gard Data", res, "Failed to clear GARD entries") log.debug(self.cv_FSP.fspc.run_command("gard --gc cpu")) else: my_term = self.cv_SYSTEM.console my_pty = my_term.get_console() # just need to run to get console setup my_term.run_command("date") cmd_list_all = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH opal-gard list all" my_pty.sendline(cmd_list_all) rc = my_pty.expect( [expect_prompt, "Clear the entire GUARD", pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF], timeout=60) log.debug("rc={}".format(rc)) log.debug("list before={}".format(my_pty.before)) log.debug("list after={}".format(my_pty.after)) if rc == 0: output = [] output += my_pty.before.replace("\r\r\n", "\n").splitlines() try: del output[:1] # remove command from the list except Exception as e: pass # nothing there log.debug("LIST output={}".format(output)) if "No GARD entries to display" in output: log.debug("No GARD, so keep on") return # all good so keep on else: log.debug("GOT GARD to clear") cmd_clear_all = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH opal-gard clear all" my_pty.sendline(cmd_clear_all) rc = my_pty.expect( [expect_prompt, "Clear the entire GUARD", pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF], timeout=60) log.debug("GARD Clear rc={}".format(rc)) log.debug("GARD Clear before={}".format(my_pty.before)) log.debug("GARD Clear after={}".format(my_pty.after)) if rc == 0: output = [] output += my_pty.before.replace( "\r\r\n", "\n").splitlines() try: del output[:1] # remove command from the list except Exception as e: pass # nothing there log.debug("GARD Clear output={}".format(output)) if rc == 1: my_pty.sendline("y") rc = my_pty.expect( [expect_prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF], timeout=60) log.debug("GARD Clear Y rc={}".format(rc)) log.debug( "GARD Clear Y before={}".format(my_pty.before)) log.debug("GARD Clear Y after={}".format(my_pty.after)) if rc != 0: self.assertTrue( False, "We failed to clear the GARD, review the debug log.") else: log.debug("GARD CLEAR Y completed.") if rc in [1]: my_pty.sendline("y") rc = my_pty.expect( [expect_prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF], timeout=60) log.debug("LIST rc={}".format(rc)) log.debug("LIST before={}".format(my_pty.before)) log.debug("LIST after={}".format(my_pty.after)) if rc != 0: self.assertTrue( False, "We tried to clear the GARD, but did not get the prompt back") else: log.debug("GARD LIST Clear Y completed.") elif rc in [2, 3]: # we timed out, so we got something other than what we expected self.assertTrue( False, "We timed out or EOF from trying to clear the GARD, review the debug log.") cmd_list_all = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH opal-gard list all" my_pty.sendline(cmd_list_all) rc = my_pty.expect( [expect_prompt, pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF], timeout=60) log.debug("FINAL GARD LIST rc={}".format(rc)) log.debug("FINAL before={}".format(my_pty.before)) log.debug("FINAL after={}".format(my_pty.after)) if rc == 0: output = [] output += my_pty.before.replace("\r\r\n", "\n").splitlines() try: del output[:1] # remove command from the list except Exception as e: pass # nothing there log.debug("FINAL output={}".format(output)) if "No GARD entries to display" not in output: self.assertTrue( False, "We failed to get the prompt back from trying to clear the GARD entries") else: # we had something to clear and confirmed we cleared, but now we reboot log.debug("ALL confirmed clear GARD") log.debug( "We must have had GARD cleared, so we are going to Power OFF, then boot to OS") self.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(OpSystemState.OFF) self.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(OpSystemState.OS) def _testHMIHandling(self, i_test): ''' This function executes HMI test case based on the i_test value, Before test starts disabling kdump service to make sure system reboots, after injecting non-recoverable errors. i_test (type int): this is the type of test case want to execute BMC_CONST.HMI_PROC_RECV_DONE Processor recovery done BMC_CONST.HMI_PROC_RECV_ERROR_MASKED proc_recv_error_masked BMC_CONST.HMI_MALFUNCTION_ALERT malfunction_alert BMC_CONST.HMI_HYPERVISOR_RESOURCE_ERROR hypervisor resource error ''' l_test = i_test self.init_test() self.util.PingFunc(self.cv_HOST.ip, BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_POWERCYCLE) l_con = self.cv_SYSTEM.console l_con.run_command("uname -a") l_con.run_command("cat /etc/os-release") # bug l_con.run_command("lscpu") l_con.run_command("dmesg -D") if l_test == BMC_CONST.HMI_PROC_RECV_DONE: self._test_proc_recv_done() elif l_test == BMC_CONST.HMI_PROC_RECV_ERROR_MASKED: self._test_proc_recv_error_masked() elif l_test == BMC_CONST.HMI_MALFUNCTION_ALERT: self._test_malfunction_alert() elif l_test == BMC_CONST.HMI_HYPERVISOR_RESOURCE_ERROR: self._test_hyp_resource_err() elif l_test == BMC_CONST.TOD_ERRORS: # TOD Error recovery works on systems having more than one chip TOD # Skip this test on single chip systems(as recovery fails on 1S systems) if len(self.l_dic) == 1: l_msg = "This is a single chip system, TOD Error recovery won't work" log.debug(l_msg) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS elif len(self.l_dic) > 1: self._test_tod_errors(BMC_CONST.PSS_HAMMING_DISTANCE) self._test_tod_errors(BMC_CONST.INTERNAL_PATH_OR_PARITY_ERROR) self._test_tod_errors(BMC_CONST.TOD_DATA_PARITY_ERROR) self._test_tod_errors(BMC_CONST.TOD_SYNC_CHECK_ERROR) self._test_tod_errors(BMC_CONST.FSM_STATE_PARITY_ERROR) self._test_tod_errors(BMC_CONST.MASTER_PATH_CONTROL_REGISTER) self._test_tod_errors( BMC_CONST.PORT_0_PRIMARY_CONFIGURATION_REGISTER) self._test_tod_errors( BMC_CONST.PORT_1_PRIMARY_CONFIGURATION_REGISTER) self._test_tod_errors( BMC_CONST.PORT_0_SECONDARY_CONFIGURATION_REGISTER) self._test_tod_errors( BMC_CONST.PORT_1_SECONDARY_CONFIGURATION_REGISTER) self._test_tod_errors(BMC_CONST.SLAVE_PATH_CONTROL_REGISTER) self._test_tod_errors(BMC_CONST.INTERNAL_PATH_CONTROL_REGISTER) self._test_tod_errors(BMC_CONST.PR_SC_MS_SL_CONTROL_REGISTER) else: raise Exception("Getting Chip information failed") elif l_test == BMC_CONST.TFMR_ERRORS: self._testTFMR_Errors(BMC_CONST.TB_PARITY_ERROR) self._testTFMR_Errors(BMC_CONST.TFMR_PARITY_ERROR) self._testTFMR_Errors(BMC_CONST.TFMR_HDEC_PARITY_ERROR) self._testTFMR_Errors(BMC_CONST.TFMR_DEC_PARITY_ERROR) self._testTFMR_Errors(BMC_CONST.TFMR_PURR_PARITY_ERROR) self._testTFMR_Errors(BMC_CONST.TFMR_SPURR_PARITY_ERROR) else: raise Exception("Please provide valid test case") l_con.run_command("dmesg -C") def _test_proc_recv_done(self): ''' This function is used to test HMI: processor recovery done and also this function injecting error on all the cpus one by one and verify whether cpu is recovered or not. ''' if self.proc_gen in ["POWER9", "POWER9P"]: scom_addr = "20010A40" elif self.proc_gen in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: scom_addr = "10013100" else: return for l_pair in self.l_dic: l_chip = l_pair[0] for l_core in l_pair[1]: l_reg = self.form_scom_addr(scom_addr, l_core) l_cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH putscom -c %s %s 0000000000100000" % ( l_chip, l_reg) # recoverable errors may not succeed all the time and # ssh may terminate due to soft/hard lockups so use console console = self.cv_SYSTEM.console console.run_command("dmesg -C") try: l_res = console.run_command(l_cmd, timeout=20) except CommandFailed as cf: l_res = cf.output if cf.exitcode == 1: pass else: if any("Kernel panic - not syncing" in line for line in l_res): raise Exception( "Processor recovery failed: Kernel got panic") elif any("Petitboot" in line for line in l_res): raise Exception( "System reached petitboot:Processor recovery failed") elif any("ISTEP" in line for line in l_res): raise Exception( "System started booting: Processor recovery failed") else: raise Exception( "Failed to inject thread hang recoverable error %s", str(cf)) time.sleep(0.2) l_res = console.run_command("dmesg") self.verify_proc_recovery(l_res) return def _test_proc_recv_error_masked(self): ''' This function is used to test HMI: proc_recv_error_masked Processor went through recovery for an error which is actually masked for reporting this function also injecting the error on all the cpu's one-by-one. ''' if self.proc_gen in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: scom_addr = "10013100" else: return for l_pair in self.l_dic: l_chip = l_pair[0] for l_core in l_pair[1]: l_reg = self.form_scom_addr(scom_addr, l_core) l_cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH putscom -c %s %s 0000000000080000" % ( l_chip, l_reg) # recoverable errors may not succeed all the time and # ssh may terminate due to soft/hard lockups so use console console = self.cv_SYSTEM.console console.run_command("dmesg -C") try: l_res = console.run_command(l_cmd, timeout=20) except CommandFailed as cf: l_res = cf.output if cf.exitcode == 1: pass else: if any("Kernel panic - not syncing" in line for line in l_res): raise Exception( "Processor recovery failed: Kernel got panic") elif any("Petitboot" in line for line in l_res): raise Exception( "System reached petitboot:Processor recovery failed") elif any("ISTEP" in line for line in l_res): raise Exception( "System started booting: Processor recovery failed") else: raise Exception( "Failed to inject thread hang recoverable error %s", str(cf)) time.sleep(0.2) l_res = console.run_command("dmesg") self.verify_proc_recovery(l_res) return def _test_malfunction_alert(self): ''' This function is used to test hmi malfunction alert:Core checkstop A processor core in the system has to be checkstopped (failed recovery). Injecting core checkstop on random core of random chip ''' if self.proc_gen in ["POWER9", "POWER9P"]: scom_addr = "20010A40" elif self.proc_gen in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: scom_addr = "10013100" else: return # Get random pair of chip vs cores l_pair = random.choice(self.l_dic) # Get random chip id l_chip = l_pair[0] # Get random core number l_core = random.choice(l_pair[1]) l_reg = self.form_scom_addr(scom_addr, l_core) l_cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH putscom -c %s %s 1000000000000000" % ( l_chip, l_reg) # Core checkstop will lead to system IPL, so we will wait for certain time for IPL # to finish # recoverable errors may not succeed all the time and # ssh may terminate due to soft/hard lockups so use console console = self.cv_SYSTEM.console # perform any command to make sure console is logged in res = console.run_command("uname -a") # now can send raw pexpect commands which assume log in console.pty.sendline(l_cmd) self.handle_ipl() def _test_hyp_resource_err(self): ''' This function is used to test HMI: Hypervisor resource error Injecting Hypervisor resource error on random core of random chip ''' if self.proc_gen in ["POWER9", "POWER9P"]: scom_addr = "20010A40" elif self.proc_gen in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: scom_addr = "10013100" else: return # Get random pair of chip vs cores l_pair = random.choice(self.l_dic) # Get random chip id l_chip = l_pair[0] # Get random core number l_core = random.choice(l_pair[1]) l_reg = self.form_scom_addr(scom_addr, l_core) l_cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH putscom -c %s %s 0000000000008000" % ( l_chip, l_reg) console = self.cv_SYSTEM.console # perform any command to make sure console is logged in res = console.run_command("uname -a") # now can send raw pexpect commands which assume log in console.pty.sendline(l_cmd) self.handle_ipl() def _testTFMR_Errors(self, i_error): ''' This function tests timer facility related error injections and check the corresponding error got recovered. And this process is repeated for all the active cores in all the chips. `i_error` string: this is the type of error want to inject - BMC_CONST.TB_PARITY_ERROR - BMC_CONST.TFMR_PARITY_ERROR - BMC_CONST.TFMR_HDEC_PARITY_ERROR - BMC_CONST.TFMR_DEC_PARITY_ERROR - BMC_CONST.TFMR_PURR_PARITY_ERROR - BMC_CONST.TFMR_SPURR_PARITY_ERROR ''' if self.proc_gen in ["POWER9", "POWER9P"]: scom_addr = "20010A84" elif self.proc_gen in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: scom_addr = "10013281" else: return l_error = i_error for l_pair in self.l_dic: l_chip = l_pair[0] for l_core in l_pair[1]: l_reg = self.form_scom_addr(scom_addr, l_core) l_cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH putscom -c %s %s %s" % ( l_chip, l_reg, l_error) # recoverable errors may not succeed all the time and # ssh may terminate due to soft/hard lockups so use console console = self.cv_SYSTEM.console console.run_command("dmesg -C") try: l_res = console.run_command(l_cmd, timeout=20) except CommandFailed as cf: l_res = cf.output if cf.exitcode == 1: pass else: if any("Kernel panic - not syncing" in line for line in l_res): l_msg = "TFMR error injection: Kernel got panic" elif any("Petitboot" in line for line in l_res): l_msg = "System reached petitboot:TFMR error injection recovery failed" elif any("ISTEP" in line for line in l_res): l_msg = "System started booting: TFMR error injection recovery failed" else: raise Exception( "Failed to inject TFMR error %s " % str(cf)) time.sleep(0.2) l_res = console.run_command("dmesg") self.verify_timer_facility_recovery(l_res) return def _test_tod_errors(self, i_error): ''' This function tests chip TOD related error injections and check the corresponding error got recovered. And this error injection happening on a random chip. This tod errors should test on systems having more than one processor socket(chip). On single chip system TOD error recovery won't work. @param i_error @type string: this is the type of error want to inject These errors represented in common/ file. ''' l_error = i_error l_pair = random.choice(self.l_dic) # Get random chip id l_chip = l_pair[0] l_cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH putscom -c %s %s %s" % ( l_chip, BMC_CONST.TOD_ERROR_REG, l_error) console = self.cv_SYSTEM.console console.run_command("dmesg -C") # As of now putscom command to TOD register will fail with return code -1. # putscom indirectly call getscom to read the value again. # But getscom to TOD error reg there is no access # TOD Error reg has only WO access and there is no read access try: l_res = console.run_command(l_cmd, timeout=20) except CommandFailed as cf: l_res = cf.output if cf.exitcode == 1: pass else: if any("Kernel panic - not syncing" in line for line in l_res): log.debug("TOD ERROR Injection-kernel got panic") elif any("login:" in line for line in l_res): log.debug( "System booted to host OS without any kernel panic message") elif any("Petitboot" in line for line in l_res): log.debug( "System reached petitboot without any kernel panic message") elif any("ISTEP" in line for line in l_res): log.debug( "System started booting without any kernel panic message") else: raise Exception( "TOD: PSS Hamming distance error injection failed %s", str(cf)) time.sleep(0.2) l_res = console.run_command("dmesg") self.verify_timer_facility_recovery(l_res) return
[docs]class HMI_TFMR_ERRORS(OpTestHMIHandling): def runTest(self): self._testHMIHandling(BMC_CONST.TFMR_ERRORS)
[docs]class TOD_ERRORS(OpTestHMIHandling): def runTest(self): self._testHMIHandling(BMC_CONST.TOD_ERRORS)
[docs]class SingleCoreTOD_ERRORS(OpTestHMIHandling):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(SingleCoreTOD_ERRORS, self).setUp() self.cv_HOST.host_enable_single_core(console=1)
def runTest(self): self._testHMIHandling(BMC_CONST.TOD_ERRORS)
[docs]class PROC_RECOV_DONE(OpTestHMIHandling): def runTest(self): self._testHMIHandling(BMC_CONST.HMI_PROC_RECV_DONE)
[docs]class PROC_RECV_ERROR_MASKED(OpTestHMIHandling): def runTest(self): self._testHMIHandling(BMC_CONST.HMI_PROC_RECV_ERROR_MASKED)
[docs]class MalfunctionAlert(OpTestHMIHandling): def runTest(self): self._testHMIHandling(BMC_CONST.HMI_MALFUNCTION_ALERT) self.clearGardEntries()
[docs]class HypervisorResourceError(OpTestHMIHandling): def runTest(self): self._testHMIHandling(BMC_CONST.HMI_HYPERVISOR_RESOURCE_ERROR) self.clearGardEntries()
[docs]class ClearGard(OpTestHMIHandling): def runTest(self): self.clearGardEntries()
def unrecoverable_suite(): s = unittest.TestSuite() s.addTest(MalfunctionAlert()) s.addTest(HypervisorResourceError()) s.addTest(ClearGard()) return s def suite(): s = unittest.TestSuite() s.addTest(HMI_TFMR_ERRORS()) s.addTest(PROC_RECOV_DONE()) s.addTest(PROC_RECV_ERROR_MASKED()) s.addTest(TOD_ERRORS()) return s def experimental_suite(): s = unittest.TestSuite() s.addTest(TOD_ERRORS()) s.addTest(SingleCoreTOD_ERRORS()) return s