Source code for testcases.OpTestInbandUsbInterface

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# $Source: op-test-framework/testcases/ $
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Test the inband ipmi{USB Interface} fucntionality package for OpenPower

This class will test the functionality of following commands

1. bmc, channel, chassis, dcmi, echo, event, exec, firewall, fru, lan
   mc, pef, power, raw, sdr, sel, sensor, session, user

It is all the same tests as :mod:`testcases.OpTestInbandIPMI` but using the
USB interface rather than BT.

import time
import subprocess
import re
import subprocess
import sys

from common.OpTestConstants import OpTestConstants as BMC_CONST
import unittest

import OpTestConfiguration
from common.OpTestSystem import OpSystemState
import testcases.OpTestInbandIPMI as ib

def experimental_suite():
    return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(ExperimentalInbandUSB)

def basic_suite():
    return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(BasicInbandUSB)

def full_suite():
    return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(InbandUSB)

def skiroot_full_suite():
    return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(SkirootInbandUSB)

[docs]class BasicInbandUSB(ib.BasicInbandIPMI):
[docs] def setUp(self, ipmi_method=BMC_CONST.IPMITOOL_USB): self.bmc_type = OpTestConfiguration.conf.args.bmc_type if "FSP" in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("OP BMC specific") if "OpenBMC" in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("OpenBMC doesn't support inband IPMI over USB") super(BasicInbandUSB, self).setUp(ipmi_method=ipmi_method)
[docs]class InbandUSB(ib.OpTestInbandIPMI):
[docs] def setUp(self, ipmi_method=BMC_CONST.IPMITOOL_USB): self.bmc_type = OpTestConfiguration.conf.args.bmc_type if "FSP" in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("OP BMC specific") if "OpenBMC" in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("OpenBMC doesn't support inband IPMI over USB") super(InbandUSB, self).setUp(ipmi_method=ipmi_method)
[docs]class SkirootBasicInbandUSB(ib.SkirootBasicInbandIPMI):
[docs] def setUp(self, ipmi_method=BMC_CONST.IPMITOOL_USB): self.bmc_type = OpTestConfiguration.conf.args.bmc_type if "FSP" in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("OP BMC specific") if "OpenBMC" in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("OpenBMC doesn't support inband IPMI over USB") super(SkirootBasicInbandUSB, self).setUp(ipmi_method=ipmi_method)
[docs]class SkirootInbandUSB(ib.SkirootFullInbandIPMI):
[docs] def setUp(self, ipmi_method=BMC_CONST.IPMITOOL_USB): self.bmc_type = OpTestConfiguration.conf.args.bmc_type if "FSP" in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("OP BMC specific") if "OpenBMC" in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("OpenBMC doesn't support inband IPMI over USB") super(SkirootInbandUSB, self).setUp(ipmi_method=ipmi_method)
[docs]class ExperimentalInbandUSB(ib.ExperimentalInbandIPMI):
[docs] def setUp(self, ipmi_method=BMC_CONST.IPMITOOL_USB): self.bmc_type = OpTestConfiguration.conf.args.bmc_type if "FSP" in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("OP BMC specific") if "OpenBMC" in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("OpenBMC doesn't support inband IPMI over USB") super(ExperimentalInbandUSB, self).setUp(ipmi_method=ipmi_method)