Source code for testcases.OpalUtils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# $Source: op-test-framework/testcases/ $
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# permissions and limitations under the License.


Test different OPAL Utilities:

- getscom
- putscom
- gard
- pflash

import re
import random

from common.OpTestConstants import OpTestConstants as BMC_CONST
import unittest

import OpTestConfiguration
from common.OpTestSystem import OpSystemState
from common.Exceptions import CommandFailed

import logging
import OpTestLogger
log = OpTestLogger.optest_logger_glob.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class OpalUtils(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): conf = OpTestConfiguration.conf self.cv_IPMI = conf.ipmi() self.cv_SYSTEM = conf.system() self.cv_HOST = self.bmc_type = conf.args.bmc_type self.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(OpSystemState.OS)
def utils_init(self): self.cv_HOST.host_get_OS_Level() chips = self.cv_HOST.host_get_list_of_chips() cores = self.cv_HOST.host_get_cores() log.debug("cores: %s" % cores) i = 0 for tup in cores: new_list = [chips[i], tup[1]] self.l_dic.append(new_list) i += 1 log.debug(self.l_dic) def disable_cpu_sleepstates(self): if self.cpu in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: self.c.run_command(BMC_CONST.DISABLE_CPU_SLEEP_STATE1) self.c.run_command(BMC_CONST.DISABLE_CPU_SLEEP_STATE2) if self.cpu in ["POWER9", "POWER9P"]: pass # TODO: Disable stop states here in P9 def scom_read_operation(self): if self.cpu in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: self.IPOLL_MASK_REGISTER = "0x01020013" if self.cpu in ["POWER9", "POWER9P"]: self.IPOLL_MASK_REGISTER = "0xF0033" cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH getscom -c 0x0 %s" % self.IPOLL_MASK_REGISTER try: self.c.run_command(cmd) except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) raise Exception("SCOM read operation failed") def scom_write_opearation(self): # Get random pair of chip vs cores l_pair = random.choice(self.l_dic) # Get random chip id chip = l_pair[0] # Get random core number core = random.choice(l_pair[1]) value = "0004080000000000" if self.cpu in ["POWER8", "POWER8E"]: self.TFMR_PURR_REGISTER = "1%s013281" % core if self.cpu in ["POWER9", "POWER9P"]: self.DOORBELL_REG = "D0063" value = "0x0800000000000000" cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH putscom -c %s %s %s" % ( chip, self.DOORBELL_REG, value) self.c.run_command(cmd) return cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH putscom -c %s %s %s" % ( chip, self.TFMR_PURR_REGISTER, value) try: res = self.c.run_command(cmd, timeout=120) except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) raise Exception("SCOM write operation failed") cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH getscom -c %s %s" % ( chip, self.TFMR_PURR_REGISTER) try: res = self.c.run_command(cmd, timeout=120) except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) raise Exception("SCOM read operation failed") def list_gard_records(self): cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH opal-gard list all" try: res = self.c.run_command(cmd, timeout=120) except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) raise Exception("List gard records operation failed") def clear_gard_records(self): cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH opal-gard clear all" try: res = self.c.run_command(cmd, timeout=120) except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) raise Exception("Clear gard records operation failed") def flash_info(self): cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH pflash --info" try: res = self.c.run_command(cmd, timeout=120) except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) raise Exception("pflash info operation failed") def flash_read_part(self): cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH pflash -r /dev/stdout -P VERSION" try: res = self.c.run_command(cmd, timeout=120) except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) raise Exception("pflash read PART operation failed") def flash_read_guard_part(self): cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH pflash -r /mnt/gard.bin -P GUARD" try: res = self.c.run_command(cmd, timeout=120) except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) raise Exception("pflash read GUARD PART operation failed") def flash_erase_guard_part(self): cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH pflash -P GUARD -e -f" try: res = self.c.run_command(cmd, timeout=120) except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) raise Exception("pflash erase GUARD operation failed") def flash_program_guard_part(self): cmd = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH pflash -p /mnt/gard.bin -P GUARD -e -f" try: res = self.c.run_command(cmd, timeout=120) except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) raise Exception("pflash programme GUARD operation failed")
[docs] def runTest(self): ''' This testcase performs below steps: 1. SCOM Read operation 2. SCOM Write operation 3. List Gard records operation 4. Clear Gard records operation 5. pflash info operation 6. pflash read part operation ''' self.l_dic = [] self.utils_init() self.c = self.cv_SYSTEM.console self.c.run_command("dmesg -D") self.cpu = self.cv_HOST.host_get_proc_gen() if self.cpu not in ["POWER8", "POWER8E", "POWER9", "POWER9P"]: self.skipTest("Unknown CPU type %s" % self.cpu) self.disable_cpu_sleepstates() self.scom_read_operation() self.scom_write_opearation() self.list_gard_records() self.clear_gard_records() self.flash_info() self.flash_read_part() self.list_gard_records() self.flash_read_guard_part() self.flash_erase_guard_part() self.flash_program_guard_part() pass