Source code for testcases.fspresetReload

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
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- FSP initiated reset
- Host initiated reset
- Once reset is done, verify host-fsp firmware interfaces

import time
import subprocess
import re

from common.OpTestIPMI import OpTestIPMI
from common.OpTestConstants import OpTestConstants as BMC_CONST
from common.OpTestError import OpTestError

import unittest
import OpTestConfiguration
from common.OpTestSystem import OpSystemState
from common.Exceptions import CommandFailed

import logging
import OpTestLogger
log = OpTestLogger.optest_logger_glob.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class fspresetReload(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): conf = OpTestConfiguration.conf self.cv_IPMI = conf.ipmi() self.cv_SYSTEM = conf.system() self.cv_FSP = self.cv_SYSTEM.bmc self.cv_HOST = self.util = self.cv_SYSTEM.util self.bmc_type = conf.args.bmc_type self.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(OpSystemState.OS)
[docs] def tearDown(self): self.cv_HOST.host_gather_opal_msg_log() self.cv_HOST.host_gather_kernel_log()
def number_of_resets(self): return 1 # FSP initiated reset(FIR) def trigger_fir(self): cmd = "smgr resetReload" log.debug("Running the cmd %s on FSP" % cmd) self.cv_FSP.fspc.issue_forget(cmd) # Host initiated reset(HIR) def trigger_hir(self): cmd = "putmemproc 300000f8 0x00000000deadbeef" log.debug("Running the cmd %s on FSP" % cmd) self.cv_FSP.fspc.issue_forget(cmd) # Surveilance ACK timeout initiated reset(HIR) def trigger_sir(self): cmd = "ps aux | grep -i survserver | head -1 | awk {'print $2'}" log.debug("Running the cmd %s on FSP" % cmd) res = self.cv_FSP.fsp_run_command(cmd) cmd = "kill -9 %s" % res.rstrip('\n') log.debug("Running the cmd %s on FSP" % cmd) self.cv_FSP.fspc.issue_forget(cmd) def trigger_rr(self): if self.test == "fir": self.trigger_fir() elif self.test == "hir": self.trigger_hir() elif self.test == "sir": self.trigger_sir() else: raise Exception("Unknown fsp rr test type") def wait_for_fsp_ping(self): self.util.PingFunc(self.cv_FSP.host_name, BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_POWERCYCLE) # Wait for psi link active def check_psi_link_active(self): tries = 120 for i in range(0, tries): if self.look_for_in_opal_log("Found active link!"): return True time.sleep(5) return False # check for inband ipmi interface def check_for_inbandipmi(self): try: self.cv_HOST.host_run_command("ipmitool sensor list") except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) return False return True # check for in-band sensors def check_for_sensors(self): try: self.cv_HOST.host_run_command("sensors") except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) return False return True # check for nvram interface def check_for_nvram(self): try: self.cv_HOST.host_run_command( "nvram --update-config test-cfg-rr=test-value") except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) return False try: output = self.cv_HOST.host_run_command("nvram --print-config") except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) return False if "test-cfg-rr=test-value" in ' '.join(output): return True return False # check for sol console, whether we are able to use or not def check_for_sol_console(self): l_con = self.cv_SYSTEM.console r = l_con.run_command("echo 'Hello World'") self.assertIn("Hello World", r) try: r = l_con.run_command("false") except CommandFailed as r: self.assertEqual(r.exitcode, 1) # check RTC TOD read/write interface def check_for_rtc(self): try: self.cv_HOST.host_read_hwclock() self.cv_HOST.host_set_hwclock_time("2015-01-01 10:10:10") except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug(str(cf)) return False return True # Check all these fsp-host interfaces are working fine after fsp rr def check_for_fsp_host_interfaces(self): self.assertTrue(self.check_psi_link_active(), "PSI Link is not active after fsp rr") self.assertTrue(self.check_for_rtc(), "Set/Read HW Clock failed after fsp rr") self.assertTrue(self.check_for_inbandipmi(), "inband ipmi interface failed after fsp rr") self.assertTrue(self.check_for_sensors(), "inband sensors failed after fsp rr") self.assertTrue(self.check_for_nvram(), "nvram interface failed after fsp rr") try: self.check_for_sol_console() except: pass def look_for_in_opal_log(self, pattern): try: output = self.cv_HOST.host_run_command( "cat /sys/firmware/opal/msglog | diff - /tmp/opal_msglog") except CommandFailed as cf: if cf.exitcode == 1: output = cf.output for line in output: if len(line) and (line.find(pattern) > 0): return True return False def prepare_opal_log(self): self.cv_HOST.host_run_command( "cat /sys/firmware/opal/msglog > /tmp/opal_msglog") def gather_opal_errors(self): cmd = "cat /sys/firmware/opal/msglog | diff - /tmp/opal_msglog | "\ "grep ',[0-4]\]'" try: output = self.cv_HOST.host_run_command(cmd) except CommandFailed as cf: if cf.exitcode == 1: log.debug(cf.output)
[docs]class resetReload(fspresetReload): def runTest(self): if "FSP" not in self.bmc_type: self.skipTest("FSP Platform OPAL specific fsp resetreload tests") self.cv_FSP.fsp_get_console() if not self.cv_FSP.mount_exists(): raise OpTestError("Please mount NFS and re-try the test") self.set_up() self.cv_HOST.host_check_command("nvram", "ipmitool", "sensors", "hwclock") self.cv_FSP.clear_fsp_errors() self.cv_SYSTEM.load_ipmi_drivers(True) for i in range(0, self.number_of_resets()): log.debug("FSP R&R iteration {}".format(i)) self.prepare_opal_log() self.trigger_rr() # Let fsp goes down time.sleep(20) self.wait_for_fsp_ping() time.sleep(10) self.cv_FSP.fsp_get_console() self.cv_FSP.wait_for_runtime() self.check_for_fsp_host_interfaces() self.cv_FSP.list_all_errorlogs_in_fsp() self.gather_opal_errors()
[docs]class FIR(resetReload): def set_up(self): self.test = "fir"
[docs]class HIR(resetReload): def set_up(self): self.test = "hir"
[docs]class SIR(resetReload): def set_up(self): self.test = "sir"
[docs]class FIRTorture(FIR): def number_of_resets(self): return 20
[docs]class HIRTorture(HIR): def number_of_resets(self): return 20
[docs]class SIRTorture(SIR): def number_of_resets(self): return 20
def suite(): s = unittest.TestSuite() s.addTest(FIR()) s.addTest(HIR()) return s def torture_suite(): s = unittest.TestSuite() s.addTest(FIRTorture()) s.addTest(HIRTorture()) s.addTest(SIRTorture()) return s