.. _skiboot-6.0.10: ============== skiboot-6.0.10 ============== skiboot 6.0.10 was released on Wednesday October 31st, 2018. It replaces :ref:`skiboot-6.0.9` as the current stable release in the 6.0.x series. It is recommended that 6.0.10 be used instead of any previous 6.0.x version due to the bug fixes it contains. The bug fixes are: - Recognise signed VERSION partition - hdata/i2c: Skip unknown device type Do not add unknown I2C devices to device tree. - hdata/i2c: Make SPD workaround more workaroundy We have a hack in the I2C device parser to fix up entries generated by hostboot for the DIMM SPD devices. For some reason they get reported as 128Kbit EEPROMs which is bad since those have a different I2C interface to an actual SPD device. Oddly enough, the FSP also gets this wrong in a slightly different way. In the FSP case they are reported as a at24c04 (4Kbit) EEPROM, which also has a different I2C interface. To fix both these problems for any eeprom we find on that bus to have the compatible string of "spd". - hdata/i2c: Add whitelisting for Host I2C devices Many of the devices that we get information about through HDAT are for use by firmware rather than the host operating system. This patch adds a boolean flag to hdat_i2c_info structure that indicates whether devices with a given purpose should be reserved for use inside of OPAL (or some other firmware component, such as the OCC). - Add fast-reboot property to /ibm,opal DT node this means that if it's permanently disabled on boot, the test suite can pick that up and not try a fast reboot test. - libflash: Add ipmi-hiomap (currently for Witherspoon only) ipmi-hiomap implements the PNOR access control protocol formerly known as "the mbox protocol" but uses IPMI instead of the AST LPC mailbox as a transport. As there is no-longer any mailbox involved in this alternate implementation the old protocol name is quite misleading, and so it has been renamed to "the hiomap protoocol" (Host I/O Mapping protocol). The same commands and events are used though this client-side implementation assumes v2 of the protocol is supported by the BMC. - AMI BMC: use 0x3a as OEM command The 0x3a OEM command is for IBM commands, while 0x32 was for AMI ones. Sometime in the P8 timeframe, AMI BMCs were changed to listen for our commands on either 0x32 or 0x3a. Since 0x3a is the direction forward, we'll use that, as P9 machines with AMI BMCs probably also want these to work, and let's not bet that 0x32 will continue to be okay. - astbmc: Set romulus BMC type to OpenBMC - Fixes to bulid with GCC8 - phb4/capp: Use link width to allocate STQ engines to CAPP Update phb4_init_capp_regs() to allocates STQ Engines to CAPP/PEC2 based on link width instead of always assuming it to x8. Also re-factor the function slightly to evaluate the link-width only once and cache it so that it can also be used to allocate DMA read engines. - phb4/capp: Update the expected Eye-catcher for CAPP ucode lid Currently on a FSP based P9 system load_capp_code() expects CAPP ucode lid header to have eye-catcher magic of 'CAPPPSLL'. However skiboot currently supports CAPP ucode only lids that have a eye-catcher magic of 'CAPPLIDH'. This prevents skiboot from loading the ucode with this error message: :: CAPP: ucode header invalid We fix this issue by updating load_capp_ucode() to use the eye-catcher value of 'CAPPLIDH' instead of 'CAPPPSLL'.