IMC Device Tree Bindings

See OPAL/Skiboot In-Memory Collection (IMC) interface Documentation for general In-Memory Collection (IMC) counter information.

imc-counters top-level node

imc-counters {
  compatible = "ibm,opal-in-memory-counters";
  #address-cells = <0x1>;
  #size-cells = <0x1>;
  phandle = <0x1000023a>;
  version-id = <0xd>;
  /* Denote IMC Events Catalog version used to build this DTS file. */


IMC device/units bindings

mcs3 {
        compatible = "ibm,imc-counters";
        events-prefix = "PM_MCS3_"; /* denotes event name to be prefixed to get complete event name supported by this device */

        phandle = <0x10000241>;
        events = <0x10000242>; /* phandle of the events node supported by this device */

        unit = "MiB";
        scale = "4"; /* unit and scale for all the events for this device */

        reg = <0x118 0x8>; /* denotes base address for device event updates */
        type = <0x10>;
        size = 0x40000;
        offset = 0x180000;
        base_addr = <Base address of the counter in reserve memory>
        /* This is per-chip memory field and OPAL files it based on the no of chip in the system */
        /* base_addr property also indicates (or hints) kernel whether to memory */
        /* should be mmapped or allocated at system start for the counters */
        chipids = <chip-id for the base_addr >

trace@0 {
         compatible = "ibm,imc-counters";
         events-prefix = "trace_";
         reg = <0x0 0x8>;
         events = < &TRACE_IMC >;
         type = <0x2>;
         size = <0x40000>;

IMC device event bindings

nest-mcs-events {
        #address-cells = <0x1>;
        #size-cells = <0x1>;
        phandle = <0x10000242>;

        event@98 {
              desc = "Total Write Bandwidth seen on both MCS"; /* event description */

              phandle = <0x1000023d>;
              reg = <0x98 0x8>; /* event offset,when added with (nest-offset-address + device reg) will point to actual counter memory */

              event-name = "DOWN_128B_DATA_XFER"; /* denotes the actual event name */


        /* List of events supported */


TRACE_IMC: trace-events {
      #address-cells = <0x1>;
      #size-cells = <0x1>;

      event@10200000 {
            event-name = "cycles" ; /* For trace node, we only have cycles event now */
            reg = <0x10200000 0x8>;
            desc = "Reference cycles" ;

Trace-mode SCOM

Trace scom is a 64 bit value which contains the event information for IMC-trace mode. Following is the trace-scom layout.

TRACE_IMC_SCOM bit representation













CPMC_LOAD contains the sampling duration. SAMPSEL and CPMC*SEL determines the event to count. BUFFRSIZE indicates the memory range.


b’000’ - 4K entries * 64 per entry = 256K
b’001’ - 8K entries * 64 per entry = 512K
b’010’ - 16K entries * 64 per entry = 1M
b’011’ - 32K entries * 64 per entry = 2M
b’100’ - 64K entries * 64 per entry = 4M