#define OPAL_PCI_MAP_PE_MMIO_WINDOW          29

int64_t opal_pci_map_pe_mmio_window(uint64_t phb_id,
                                    uint64_t pe_number,
                                    uint16_t window_type,
                                    uint16_t window_num,
                                    uint16_t segment_num);


Appears to be POWER7 p7ioc specific. Likely to be removed soon.

WARNING: following documentation is from old sources, and is possibly not representative of OPALv3 as implemented by skiboot. This should be used as a starting point for full documentation.

The host calls this function to map a segment of MMIO address space to a PE.


is the value from the PHB node ibm,opal-phbid property.


specifies 32-bit or 64-bit PCI memory

‘0’ selects PCI IO Space. ibm,opal-ioda2 PHBs do not support IO space, and OPAL returns opal_unsupported if called for IO windows.

‘1’ selects 32-bit PCI memory space

‘2’ selects 64 bit PCI memory space


is the MMIO window number within the specified PCI memory space


is an index from 0 to the number of segments minus 1 defined or this window, and selects a particular segment within the specified window.

Return value:

if (!phb)
        return OPAL_PARAMETER;
if (!phb->ops->map_pe_mmio_window)
        return OPAL_UNSUPPORTED;