Source code for common.OpTestIPMI

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding=utf8
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# $Source: op-test-framework/common/ $
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2015
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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IPMI package which contains all BMC related IPMI commands

This class encapsulates all function which deals with the BMC over IPMI
in OpenPower systems

import time
import subprocess
import os
import pexpect
import sys
import re

from .OpTestConstants import OpTestConstants as BMC_CONST
from .OpTestError import OpTestError
from .OpTestUtil import OpTestUtil
from . import OpTestSystem
from .Exceptions import CommandFailed
from .Exceptions import BMCDisconnected
from . import OPexpect

from .SerialConsole import SerialConsole

import logging
import OpTestLogger
log = OpTestLogger.optest_logger_glob.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class IPMITool(): ''' Run (locally) some command using ipmitool. This wrapper class takes care of all the login/method details for the caller. ''' def __init__(self, method='lanplus', binary='ipmitool', ip=None, username=None, password=None, logfile=sys.stdout): self.method = 'lanplus' self.ip = ip self.username = username self.password = password self.binary = binary self.logfile = logfile
[docs] def binary_name(self): return self.binary
[docs] def arguments(self): s = ' -H %s -I %s' % (self.ip, self.method) if self.username: s += ' -U %s' % (self.username) if self.password: s += ' -P %s' % (self.password) s += ' ' return s
[docs] def run(self, cmd, background=False, cmdprefix=None): ''' Run a ipmitool cmd. :throws: :class:`common.Execptions.CommandFailed` ''' if cmdprefix: cmd = cmdprefix + self.binary + self.arguments() + cmd else: cmd = self.binary + self.arguments() + cmd log.debug(cmd) if background: try: child = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, encoding='utf-8') except Exception as e: raise CommandFailed( "Unable to spawn process {}".format(cmd), e, -1) return child else: # TODO - need python 2.7 # output = check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) try: cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, encoding='utf-8') except: raise CommandFailed(cmd, "Failed to spawn subprocess", -1) output = cmd.communicate()[0] log.debug("pUpdate output={}".format(output)) return output
[docs]class pUpdate(): def __init__(self, method='lan', binary='pUpdate', ip=None, username=None, password=None): self.method = 'lan' self.ip = ip self.username = username self.password = password self.binary = binary
[docs] def set_binary(self, binary): self.binary = binary
[docs] def binary_name(self): return self.binary
[docs] def arguments(self): s = ' -h %s -i %s' % (self.ip, self.method) if self.username: s += ' -u %s' % (self.username) if self.password: s += ' -p %s' % (self.password) s += ' ' return s
[docs] def run(self, cmd, background=False, cmdprefix=None): if cmdprefix: cmd = cmdprefix + self.binary + self.arguments() + cmd else: cmd = self.binary + self.arguments() + cmd log.debug("Running pUpdate cmd={}".format(cmd)) if background: try: child = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, encoding='utf-8') except: l_msg = "pUpdate Command Failed: {}".format(cmd) log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) return child else: # TODO - need python 2.7 # output = check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) try: cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True, encoding='utf-8') except: l_msg = "pUpdate Command Failed: {}".format(cmd) log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) output = cmd.communicate()[0] log.debug(output) return output
[docs]class IPMIConsoleState(): DISCONNECTED = 0 CONNECTED = 1
[docs]def set_system_to_UNKNOWN_BAD(system): s = system.get_state() system.set_state(OpTestSystem.OpSystemState.UNKNOWN_BAD) return s
[docs]class IPMIConsole(): def __init__(self, ipmitool=None, logfile=sys.stdout, prompt=None, block_setup_term=None, delaybeforesend=None): self.logfile = logfile self.ipmitool = ipmitool self.state = IPMIConsoleState.DISCONNECTED self.delaybeforesend = delaybeforesend self.system = None # OpTestUtil instance is NOT conf's self.util = OpTestUtil() self.prompt = prompt self.expect_prompt = self.util.build_prompt(prompt) + "$" self.pty = None self.delaybeforesend = delaybeforesend # allows caller specific control of when to block setup_term self.block_setup_term = block_setup_term # tells setup_term to not throw exceptions, like when system off self.setup_term_quiet = 0 # flags the object to abandon setup_term operations, like when system off self.setup_term_disable = 0 # FUTURE - System Console currently tracked in System Object # state tracking, reset on boot and state changes self.PS1_set = -1 self.LOGIN_set = -1 self.SUDO_set = -1
[docs] def set_system(self, system): self.system = system
[docs] def set_system_setup_term(self, flag): self.system.block_setup_term = flag
[docs] def get_system_setup_term(self): return self.system.block_setup_term
[docs] def set_block_setup_term(self, flag): self.block_setup_term = flag
[docs] def get_block_setup_term(self): return self.block_setup_term
[docs] def enable_setup_term_quiet(self): self.setup_term_quiet = 1 self.setup_term_disable = 0
[docs] def disable_setup_term_quiet(self): self.setup_term_quiet = 0 self.setup_term_disable = 0
[docs] def close(self): self.util.clear_state(self) if self.state == IPMIConsoleState.DISCONNECTED: return try: self.pty.send("\r") self.pty.send('~.') close_rc = self.pty.expect( ['[terminated ipmitool]', pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF], timeout=10) log.debug("CLOSE Expect Buffer ID={}".format(hex(id(self.pty)))) rc_child = self.pty.close() self.state = IPMIConsoleState.DISCONNECTED exitCode = signalstatus = None if self.pty.status != -1: # leaving for future debug if os.WIFEXITED(self.pty.status): exitCode = os.WEXITSTATUS(self.pty.status) else: signalstatus = os.WTERMSIG(self.pty.status) except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect: self.state = IPMIConsoleState.DISCONNECTED raise OpTestError("IPMI: failed to close ipmi console") except Exception as e: self.state = IPMIConsoleState.DISCONNECTED pass
[docs] def connect(self, logger=None): if self.state == IPMIConsoleState.CONNECTED: rc_child = self.close() else: self.util.clear_state(self) try:'sol deactivate') except OpTestError:'SOL already deactivated') cmd = self.ipmitool.binary_name() + self.ipmitool.arguments() + ' sol activate' try: self.pty = OPexpect.spawn(cmd, logfile=self.logfile, failure_callback=set_system_to_UNKNOWN_BAD, failure_callback_data=self.system) except Exception as e: self.state = IPMIConsoleState.DISCONNECTED raise CommandFailed( 'OPexpect.spawn', "OPexpect.spawn encountered a problem, command was '{}'".format(cmd), -1) log.debug("#IPMI SOL CONNECT") self.state = IPMIConsoleState.CONNECTED self.pty.setwinsize(1000, 1000) if logger: self.pty.logfile_read = OpTestLogger.FileLikeLogger(logger) else: self.pty.logfile_read = OpTestLogger.FileLikeLogger(log) if self.delaybeforesend: self.pty.delaybeforesend = self.delaybeforesend rc = self.pty.expect_exact( ['[SOL Session operational. Use ~? for help]', pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF], timeout=10) log.debug("rc={}".format(rc)) if rc == 0: if self.system.SUDO_set != 1 or self.system.LOGIN_set != 1 or self.system.PS1_set != 1: self.util.setup_term(self.system, self.pty, None, self.system.block_setup_term) time.sleep(0.2) log.debug("CONNECT starts Expect Buffer ID={}".format( hex(id(self.pty)))) return self.pty if rc == 1: self.pty.close() time.sleep(60) # give things a minute to clear raise CommandFailed('sol activate', "IPMI: pexpect.TIMEOUT while trying to establish" " connection, command was '{}'" .format(cmd), -1) if rc == 2: self.pty.close() time.sleep(60) # give things a minute to clear raise CommandFailed('sol activate', "IPMI: insufficient resources for session, unable" " to establish IPMI v2 / RMCP+ session, command was '{}'" .format(cmd), -1)
[docs] def get_console(self, logger=None): if self.state == IPMIConsoleState.DISCONNECTED: self.connect(logger) count = 0 while (not self.pty.isalive()): log.warning('# Reconnecting') if (count > 0): time.sleep(BMC_CONST.IPMI_SOL_ACTIVATE_TIME) self.connect() count += 1 if count > 120: raise("IPMI: not able to get sol console") if self.system.SUDO_set != 1 or self.system.LOGIN_set != 1 or self.system.PS1_set != 1: self.util.setup_term(self.system, self.pty, None, self.system.block_setup_term) return self.pty
[docs] def run_command(self, command, timeout=60, retry=0): return self.util.run_command(self, command, timeout, retry)
[docs] def run_command_ignore_fail(self, command, timeout=60, retry=0): return self.util.run_command_ignore_fail(self, command, timeout, retry)
[docs]class OpTestIPMI(): def __init__(self, i_bmcIP, i_bmcUser, i_bmcPwd, logfile=sys.stdout, host=None, delaybeforesend=None, host_console_command=None): self.cv_bmcIP = i_bmcIP self.cv_bmcUser = i_bmcUser self.cv_bmcPwd = i_bmcPwd self.logfile = logfile self.ipmitool = IPMITool(method='lanplus', ip=i_bmcIP, username=i_bmcUser, password=i_bmcPwd, logfile=logfile) self.pUpdate = pUpdate(method='lan', ip=i_bmcIP, username=i_bmcUser, password=i_bmcPwd) if host_console_command: self.console = SerialConsole(console_command=host_console_command, logfile=self.logfile, delaybeforesend=delaybeforesend) else: self.console = IPMIConsole(ipmitool=self.ipmitool, logfile=self.logfile, delaybeforesend=delaybeforesend) # OpTestUtil instance is NOT conf's self.util = OpTestUtil() = host
[docs] def set_system(self, system): self.console.set_system(system)
[docs] def get_host_console(self): ''' Get the IPMIConsole object, to run commands on the host etc. ''' return self.console
[docs] def ipmi_sdr_clear(self): ''' This function clears the sensor data. ''' output ='sel clear') if 'Clearing SEL' in output: # FIXME: This code should instead check for 'erasure completed' # and the status of the erasure, rather than this crude loop retries = 20 while (retries > 0): output ='sel elist') if 'no entries' in output: return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS else: l_msg = "Sensor data still has entries!" log.error(l_msg) retries -= 1 if (retries == 0): raise OpTestError(l_msg) time.sleep(1) else: l_msg = "Clearing the sensor data Failed" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def ipmi_power_off(self): ''' This function sends the chassis power off ipmitool command. ''' output ='chassis power off') if 'Down/Off' in output: return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS else: l_msg = "Power OFF Failed: {}".format(output) log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def ipmi_power_on(self): ''' This function sends the chassis power on ipmitool command ''' output ='chassis power on') if 'Up/On' in output: return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS else: l_msg = "Power ON Failed" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def ipmi_power_soft(self): ''' This function sends the chassis power soft ipmitool command ''' output ='chassis power soft') time.sleep(BMC_CONST.SHORT_WAIT_IPL) if "Chassis Power Control: Soft" in output: return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS else: l_msg = "Power Soft Failed" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def ipmi_power_cycle(self): ''' This function sends the chassis power cycle ipmitool command ''' output ='chassis power cycle') time.sleep(BMC_CONST.SHORT_WAIT_IPL) if "Chassis Power Control: Cycle" in output: return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS else: l_msg = "Power Cycle Failed" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def ipmi_power_reset(self): ''' This function sends the chassis power reset ipmitool command. ''' r ='chassis power reset') self.console.close() if not BMC_CONST.CHASSIS_POWER_RESET in r: raise Exception("IPMI 'chassis power reset' failed: %s " % r)
[docs] def ipmi_power_diag(self): ''' This function sends the chassis power diag ipmitool command. ''' r ='chassis power diag') if not "Chassis Power Control: Diag" in r: raise Exception("IPMI 'chassis power diag' failed: %s " % r)
## # # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError #
[docs] def ipl_wait_for_working_state(self, timeout=10): ''' This function starts the sol capture and waits for the IPL to end. The marker for IPL completion is the Host Status sensor which reflects the ACPI power state of the system. When it reads S0/G0: working it means that the petitboot is has began loading. The overall timeout for the IPL is defined in the test configuration options. :param timeout: The number of minutes to wait for IPL to complete, i.e. How long to poll the ACPI sensor for working state before giving up. :type timeout: int ''' timeout = time.time() + 60*timeout cmd = 'sdr elist |grep \'Host Status\'' output = if not "Host Status" in output: return BMC_CONST.FW_PARAMETER while True: output = if 'S0/G0: working' in output: log.debug("Host Status is S0/G0: working, IPL finished") break if time.time() > timeout: l_msg = "IPL timeout" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) time.sleep(5) try:'sol deactivate') self.console.close() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: l_msg = 'SOL already deactivated' log.error(l_msg) self.console.close() raise OpTestError(l_msg) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def ipmi_ipl_wait_for_working_state_v1(self, timeout=10): ''' This function waits for the IPL to end. The marker for IPL completion is the Host Status sensor which reflects the ACPI power state of the system. When it reads S0/G0: working it means that the petitboot is has began loading. :param timeout: The number of minutes to wait for IPL to complete, i.e. How long to poll the ACPI sensor for working state before giving up. :type timeout: int ''' timeout = time.time() + 60*timeout cmd = 'sdr elist |grep \'Host Status\'' output = if not "Host Status" in output: return BMC_CONST.FW_PARAMETER while True: if 'S0/G0: working' in output: log.debug("Host Status is S0/G0: working, IPL finished") break if time.time() > timeout: l_msg = "IPL timeout" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) time.sleep(5) output = return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def ipmi_wait_for_standby_state(self, i_timeout=120): ''' This function waits for system to reach standby state or soft off. The marker for standby state is the Host Status sensor which reflects the ACPI power state of the system. When it reads S5/G2: soft-off it means that the system reached standby or soft-off state. The overall timeout for the standby is defined in the test configuration options. :param i_timeout: The number of seconds to wait for system to reach standby, i.e. How long to poll the ACPI sensor for soft-off state before giving up. :type i_timeout: int ''' l_timeout = time.time() + i_timeout l_cmd = ' power status ' wait_for = 'Chassis Power is off' while True: l_output = if wait_for in l_output: log.debug("Host power is off, system reached standby") break if time.time() > l_timeout: l_msg = "Standby timeout" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) time.sleep(BMC_CONST.SHORT_WAIT_STANDBY_DELAY) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def ipmi_wait_for_os_boot_complete(self, i_timeout=10): ''' This function waits for the Host OS Boot(IPL) to end. The marker for IPL completion is the OS Boot sensor which reflects status of host OS Boot. When it reads boot completed it means that the Host OS Booted successfully. The overall timeout for the IPL is defined in the test configuration options. :param i_timeout: The number of minutes to wait for IPL to complete or Boot time, i.e. How long to poll the OS Boot sensor for working state before giving up. :type i_timeout: int ''' l_timeout = time.time() + 60*i_timeout l_cmd = 'sdr elist |grep \'OS Boot\'' output = if not "OS Boot" in output: return BMC_CONST.FW_PARAMETER while True: l_output = if BMC_CONST.OS_BOOT_COMPLETE in l_output: log.debug("Host OS is booted") break if time.time() > l_timeout: l_msg = "IPL timeout" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) time.sleep(BMC_CONST.SHORT_WAIT_IPL) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def ipmi_wait_for_os_boot_complete_v1(self, i_timeout=10): ''' This function waits for the Host OS Boot(IPL) to end. The marker for IPL completion is the OS Boot sensor which reflects status of host OS Boot. When it reads boot completed it means that the Host OS Booted successfully. :param i_timeout: The number of minutes to wait for IPL to complete or Boot time, i.e. How long to poll the OS Boot sensor for working state before giving up. :type i_timeout: int ''' l_timeout = time.time() + 60*i_timeout l_cmd = 'sdr elist |grep \'OS Boot\'' l_output = if not "OS Boot" in l_output: return BMC_CONST.FW_PARAMETER while True: if BMC_CONST.OS_BOOT_COMPLETE in l_output: log.debug("Host OS is booted") break if time.time() > l_timeout: l_msg = "IPL timeout" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) time.sleep(BMC_CONST.SHORT_WAIT_IPL) l_output = return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def ipmi_sel_check(self, i_string="Transition to Non-recoverable"): ''' This function dumps the sel log and looks for specific hostboot error log string ''' output ='sel elist') if self.logfile: for line in output: self.logfile.write(line) if i_string in output: raise OpTestError('Error log(s) detected during IPL: %s' % output) else: return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def ipmi_sel_elist(self, dump=False): ''' This function dumps the sel elist ''' output ='sel elist') if dump: print( "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------") print("SELs") print( "----------------------------------------------------------------------") print(("{}".format(output))) print( "----------------------------------------------------------------------") return output
[docs] def ipmi_power_status(self): ''' Determines the power status of the bmc :returns: string: Power status of bmc "Chassis Power is on" or "Chassis Power is off" ''' l_output ='chassis power status') if('on' in l_output): return BMC_CONST.CHASSIS_POWER_ON elif('off' in l_output): return BMC_CONST.CHASSIS_POWER_OFF else: raise OpTestError( "Can't recognize chassis power status: " + str(l_output))
[docs] def ipmi_cold_reset(self): ''' Performs a cold reset onto the bmc ''' l_initstatus = self.ipmi_power_status() log.debug("Applying Cold reset.") rc = if BMC_CONST.BMC_PASS_COLD_RESET in rc: self.console.close() time.sleep(BMC_CONST.SHORT_WAIT_IPL) self.util.PingFunc( self.cv_bmcIP, totalSleepTime=BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_FOR_STABILITY) self.ipmi_wait_for_bmc_runtime() l_finalstatus = self.ipmi_power_status() if (l_initstatus != l_finalstatus): log.debug('initial status ' + str(l_initstatus)) log.debug('final status ' + str(l_finalstatus)) log.debug('Power status changed during cold reset') raise OpTestError('Power status changed') return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS else: log.error("Cold reset failed, rc={}".format(rc)) raise OpTestError(rc)
[docs] def ipmi_wait_for_bmc_runtime(self, i_timeout=10): ''' This function waits until BMC Boot finishes after a BMC Cold reset 0x00 Boot Complete 0xC0 Not Complete Here AMI systems returns 00 and SMC Systems return NULL for success ''' l_timeout = time.time() + 60*i_timeout l_cmd = ' raw 0x3a 0x0a ' while True: try: l_output = log.debug(l_output) except: continue if "0xc0"in l_output:"BMC Still booting...") elif "00" in l_output: # AMI BMC returns 00 as output"BMC Completed booting...") break else: # SMC BMC returns empty as output"BMC Completed booting...") break if time.time() > l_timeout: l_msg = "BMC Boot timeout..." log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) time.sleep(BMC_CONST.SHORT_WAIT_IPL) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def ipmi_warm_reset(self): ''' Performs a warm reset onto the bmc ''' l_initstatus = self.ipmi_power_status() l_cmd = BMC_CONST.BMC_WARM_RESET"Applying Warm reset. Wait for " + str(BMC_CONST.BMC_WARM_RESET_DELAY) + "sec") rc = if BMC_CONST.BMC_PASS_WARM_RESET in rc:"Warm reset result: {}".format(rc)) self.console.close() time.sleep(BMC_CONST.BMC_WARM_RESET_DELAY) self.util.PingFunc( self.cv_bmcIP, totalSleepTime=BMC_CONST.PING_RETRY_FOR_STABILITY) l_finalstatus = self.ipmi_power_status() if (l_initstatus != l_finalstatus): log.debug('initial status ' + str(l_initstatus)) log.debug('final status ' + str(l_finalstatus)) log.debug('Power status changed during cold reset') raise OpTestError('Power status changed') return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS else: l_msg = "Warm reset Failed" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def ipmi_preserve_network_setting(self): ''' Preserves the network setting '''"Protecting BMC network setting") l_cmd = BMC_CONST.BMC_PRESRV_LAN rc = if BMC_CONST.BMC_ERROR_LAN in rc: l_msg = "Can't protect setting! Please preserve setting manually" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def ipmi_code_update(self, i_image, i_imagecomponent): ''' Flashes image using ipmitool :param i_image: hpm file including location :param i_imagecomponent: component to be updated from the hpm file BMC_CONST.BMC_FW_IMAGE_UPDATE or BMC_CONST.BMC_PNOR_IMAGE ''' self.ipmi_cold_reset() time.sleep(5) l_cmd = BMC_CONST.BMC_HPM_UPDATE + i_image + " " + i_imagecomponent # We need to do a re-try of hpm code update if it fails for the first time # As AMI systems are some times failed to flash for the first time. count = 0 while (count < 2): self.ipmi_preserve_network_setting() time.sleep(5) rc = l_cmd, background=False, cmdprefix="echo y |")"IPMI code update result: {}".format(rc)) if(rc.__contains__("Firmware upgrade procedure successful")): return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS elif count == 1: l_msg = "Code Update Failed" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) else: count = count + 1 continue
[docs] def ipmi_get_side_activated(self): ''' Get information on active sides for both BMC and PNOR - 0x0080 indicates primary side is activated - 0x0180 indicates golden side is activated :returns: the active sides for BMC and PNOR chip (that are either primary of golden) l_bmc_side, l_pnor_side ''' l_result = BMC_CONST.BMC_ACTIVE_SIDE).strip().split('\n') for i in range(len(l_result)): if('BIOS' in l_result[i]): if(l_result[i].__contains__(BMC_CONST.PRIMARY_SIDE)):"Primary side of PNOR is active") l_pnor_side = BMC_CONST.PRIMARY_SIDE elif(BMC_CONST.GOLDEN_SIDE in l_result[i]):"Golden side of PNOR is active") l_pnor_side = BMC_CONST.GOLDEN_SIDE else: l_msg = "Error determining active side: " + l_result log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) elif('BMC' in l_result[i]): if(l_result[i].__contains__(BMC_CONST.PRIMARY_SIDE)):"Primary side of BMC is active") l_bmc_side = BMC_CONST.PRIMARY_SIDE elif(BMC_CONST.GOLDEN_SIDE in l_result[i]):"Golden side of BMC is active") l_bmc_side = BMC_CONST.GOLDEN_SIDE else: l_msg = "Error determining active side: " + l_result log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) else: l_msg = "Error determining active side: " + + l_result log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) return l_bmc_side, l_pnor_side
[docs] def ipmi_get_PNOR_level(self): ''' Get PNOR level ''' l_rc = return l_rc
[docs] def ipmi_get_bmc_golden_side_version(self): ''' This function gets the BMC golden side firmware version. Below are the fields to decode the version of firmware 1. Completion code - 0x00 – success - 0x81 – Not a valid image in golden SPI. - 0xff – Reading Golden side SPI failed. 2. Device ID (0x02) 3. IPMI Dev version (0x01) 4. Firmware Revision 1 (Major ) 5. Firmware Revision 2 (Minor) 6. IPMI Version 7. Additional Device support refer IPMI spec. 8. Manufacture ID 9. Manufacture ID 10. Manufacture ID 11. Product ID 12. Product ID 13. Auxiliary Firmware Revision 14. Auxiliary Firmware Revision 15. Auxiliary Firmware Revision 16. Auxiliary Firmware Revision :returns: BMC golden side firmware version :: ipmitool -I lanplus -H <BMC-IP> -U ADMIN -P admin raw 0x3a 0x1a 20 01 02 16 02 bf 00 00 00 bb aa 4d 4c 01 00 ''' log.debug("IPMI: Getting the BMC Golden side version") l_rc = return l_rc
[docs] def ipmi_get_pnor_partition_size(self, i_part): ''' This function gets the size of pnor partition :param i_part: partition name to retrieve the size. partition can be NVRAM, GUARD and BOOTKERNEL TODO: Add support for remaining partitions. :returns: size of partition raise OpTestError when fails :: ipmitool -I lanplus -H <BMC-IP> -U ADMIN -P admin raw 0x3a 0x0c 0x42 0x4f 0x4f 0x54 0x4b 0x45 0x52 0x4e 0x45 0x4c 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0 0x0 0x0 00 00 f0 00 This function will return "00 00 f0 00" ''' log.debug("IPMI: Getting the size of %s PNOR Partition" % i_part) if i_part == BMC_CONST.PNOR_NVRAM_PART: l_rc = elif i_part == BMC_CONST.PNOR_GUARD_PART: l_rc = elif i_part == BMC_CONST.PNOR_BOOTKERNEL_PART: l_rc = BMC_CONST.IPMI_GET_BOOTKERNEL_PARTITION_SIZE) else: l_msg = "please provide valid partition eye catcher name ({} is invalid)".format( i_part) log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg) return l_rc
[docs] def ipmi_get_bmc_boot_completion_status(self): ''' This function is used to check whether BMC Completed Booting. BMC Booting Status: 00h Booting Completed. C0h Still Booting. :returns: output of command or raise OpTestError :: ipmitool -I lanplus -H <BMC-IP> -U ADMIN -P admin raw 0x3a 0x0a 00 It returns 00 if BMC completed booting else it gives C0 ''' log.debug("IPMI: Getting the BMC Boot completion status") l_res = return l_res
[docs] def ipmi_get_fault_led_state(self): ''' This command is used to get the State of Fault RollUP LED. :: Fault RollUP LED 0x00 :returns: output of command or raise OpTestError :: ipmitool -I lanplus -H <BMC-IP> -U ADMIN -P admin raw 0x3a 0x02 0x00 00 LED State Table: Below are the states it can get 0x0 LED OFF 0x1 LED ON 0x2 LED Standby Blink Rate 0x3 LED Slow Blink rate. ''' log.debug("IPMI: Getting the fault rollup LED state") l_res = return l_res
[docs] def ipmi_get_power_on_led_state(self): ''' This command is used to get the State of Power ON LED. :: Power ON LED 0x01 :returns: output of command or raise OpTestError :: ipmitool -I lanplus -H <BMC-IP> -U ADMIN -P admin raw 0x3a 0x02 0x01 01 LED State Table: Below are the states it can get 0x0 LED OFF 0x1 LED ON 0x2 LED Standby Blink Rate 0x3 LED Slow Blink rate. ''' log.debug("IPMI: Getting the Power ON LED state") l_res = return l_res
[docs] def ipmi_get_host_status_led_state(self): ''' This command is used to get the State of Host Status LED. :: Host Status LED 0x02 :returns: output of command or raise OpTestError :: ipmitool -I lanplus -H <BMC-IP> -U ADMIN -P admin raw 0x3a 0x02 0x02 00 LED State Table: Below are the states it can get 0x0 LED OFF 0x1 LED ON 0x2 LED Standby Blink Rate 0x3 LED Slow Blink rate. ''' log.debug("IPMI: Getting the Host status LED state") l_res = return l_res
[docs] def ipmi_get_chassis_identify_led_state(self): ''' This command is used to get the State of Chassis Identify LED. :: Chassis Identify LED 0x03 :returns: output of command or raise OpTestError :: ipmitool -I lanplus -H <BMC-IP> -U ADMIN -P admin raw 0x3a 0x02 0x03 00 LED State Table: Below are the states it can get 0x0 LED OFF 0x1 LED ON 0x2 LED Standby Blink Rate 0x3 LED Slow Blink rate. ''' log.debug("IPMI: Getting the Chassis Identify LED state") l_res = BMC_CONST.IPMI_GET_LED_STATE_CHASSIS_IDENTIFY) return l_res
[docs] def ipmi_set_led_state(self, i_led, i_state): ''' This function is used to set the state of a given LED. :param i_led: led number to set the state. e.g.: LED Number Table to use. ===================== ==== ===================== ==== Fault RollUP LED 0x00 Power ON LED 0x01 Host Status LED 0x02 Chassis Identify LED 0x03 ===================== ==== :param i_state: state of led to set. LED State to be set. === ======================= === ======================= 0x0 LED OFF 0x1 LED ON 0x2 LED Standby Blink Rate 0x3 LED Slow Blink rate. === ======================= ''' l_led = i_led l_state = i_state log.debug("IPMI: Setting the %s LED with %s state" % (l_led, l_state)) l_cmd = "raw 0x3a 0x03 %s %s" % (l_led, l_state) l_res = if "00" in l_res: log.debug("Set LED state got success") return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS elif "0x90" in l_res: log.error("Invalid LED number (i_led={},i_state={}) res:{}".format( i_led, i_state, l_les)) else: l_msg = "IPMI: Set LED state failed (i_led={},i_state={}) res:{}".format( i_led, i_state, l_les) log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def ipmi_enable_fan_control_task_command(self): ''' This function is used to enable Fan control Task thread running on BMC Ex: ``ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x12 0x01`` :returns: return code of command or raise OpTestError when fails Completion Code: 00h success cch Invalid Request Data 83h File not created in start case. 80h Invalid Operation Mode ''' log.debug("IPMI: Enabling the Fan control task thread state") l_rc = return l_rc
[docs] def ipmi_disable_fan_control_task_command(self): ''' This function is used to disable Fan control Task thread running on BMC Ex: ``ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x12 0x00`` :returns: return code of command or raise OpTestError when fails Completion Code: 00h success cch Invalid Request Data 83h File not created in start case. 80h Invalid Operation Mode ''' log.debug("IPMI: Disabling the Fan control task thread state") l_rc = BMC_CONST.IPMI_DISABLE_FAN_CONTROL_TASK_THREAD) return l_rc
[docs] def ipmi_get_fan_control_task_state_command(self): ''' This function is used to get the state of fan control task thread. Ex: ``ipmitool -I lanplus -U admin -P admin -H <BMC IP> raw 0x3a 0x13`` returns 00 or 01, depending on state. :returns: IPMI_FAN_CONTROL_THREAD_RUNNING = "01", IPMI_FAN_CONTROL_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING = "00" If fan control loop is running it will return "01" else it will return "00" ''' log.debug("IPMI: Getting the state of fan control task thread") l_rc = if BMC_CONST.IPMI_FAN_CONTROL_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING in l_rc:"IPMI: Fan control task thread state is not running") l_state = BMC_CONST.IPMI_FAN_CONTROL_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING elif BMC_CONST.IPMI_FAN_CONTROL_THREAD_RUNNING in l_rc:"IPMI: Fan control task thread state is running") l_state = BMC_CONST.IPMI_FAN_CONTROL_THREAD_RUNNING else: l_msg = "IPMI: Invalid response from fan control thread state command" raise OpTestError(l_msg) return l_state
[docs] def ipmi_set_power_limit(self, i_powerlimit): ''' set power limit of bmc :param i_powerlimit: power limit to be set at BMC :type i_powerlimit: int ''' l_rc = + i_powerlimit) if(i_powerlimit not in l_rc): raise OpTestError(l_rc)
[docs] def ipmi_get_power_limit(self): ''' Determines the power limit on the bmc :returns: current power limit on bmc ''' l_powerlimit = return l_powerlimit
[docs] def ipmi_activate_power_limit(self): ''' Activates the power limit of the target bmc ''' l_rc = if(BMC_CONST.POWER_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS in l_rc): return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS else: l_msg = "Power limit activation failed" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def ipmi_deactivate_power_limit(self): ''' Deactivates the power limit of the target bmc ''' l_rc = if(BMC_CONST.POWER_DEACTIVATE_SUCCESS in l_rc): return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS else: l_msg = "Power limit deactivation failed. " \ "Make sure a power limit is set before activating it" log.error(l_msg) raise OpTestError(l_msg)
[docs] def ipmi_enable_all_occ_sensor(self): ''' Enable OCC Sensor ''' l_status = self.ipmi_get_occ_status() # example ssample: OCC Active | 08h | ok | 210.0 |) # Get sensor ids to enable all OCCs l_status = l_status.rsplit("\n", 1)[0].split("\n") for i in range(len(l_status)): l_sensor_id = l_status[i].split("|")[1].strip()[:2] + l_sensor_id + BMC_CONST.BMC_ENABLE_OCC) # Wait for OCC to stabilize time.sleep(BMC_CONST.OCC_ENABLE_WAIT) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def ipmi_disable_all_occ_sensor(self): ''' Disable OCC Sensor ''' l_status = self.ipmi_get_occ_status() # Get sensor ids to disable all OCCs l_status = l_status.rsplit("\n", 1)[0].split("\n") for i in range(len(l_status)): l_sensor_id = l_status[i].split("|")[1].strip()[:2] + l_sensor_id + BMC_CONST.BMC_DISABLE_OCC) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def ipmi_get_occ_status(self): ''' Get OCC status example: :: OCC 1 Active | 08h | ok | 210.0 | Device Enabled OCC 2 Active | 09h | ok | 210.1 | Device Enabled :returns: OCC sensor status or raise OpTestError ''' l_result = if ("Device" not in l_result): l_msg = "Can't recognize output" log.error(l_msg + ": " + l_result) raise OpTestError(l_msg) return l_result
[docs] def ipmi_get_sel_list(self): ''' This function gets the sel log ''' return
[docs] def ipmi_get_sdr_list(self): ''' This function gets the sdr list ''' return
[docs] def ipmi_set_pnor_primary_side(self, i_bios_sensor, i_boot_sensor): ''' Sets BIOS sensor and BOOT count to boot pnor from the primary side :param i_bios_sensor: Id for BIOS Golden Sensor (example habanero=0x5c) :param i_boot_sensor: Id for BOOT Count Sensor (example habanero=80) ''''\nSetting PNOR to boot into Primary Side') # Set the Boot Count sensor to 2 l_cmd = BMC_CONST.BMC_BOOT_COUNT_2.replace('xx', i_boot_sensor) # Set the BIOS Golden Side sensor to 0 l_cmd = BMC_CONST.BMC_BIOS_GOLDEN_SENSOR_TO_PRIMARY.replace( 'xx', i_bios_sensor) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def ipmi_set_pnor_golden_side(self, i_bios_sensor, i_boot_sensor): ''' Sets BIOS sensor and BOOT count to boot pnor from the golden side :param i_bios_sensor: Id for BIOS Golden Sensor (example habanero=0x5c) :param i_boot_sensor: Id for BOOT Count Sensor (example habanero=80) ''''\nSetting PNOR to boot into Golden Side') # Set the Boot Count sensor to 2 l_cmd = BMC_CONST.BMC_BOOT_COUNT_2.replace('xx', i_boot_sensor) # Set the BIOS Golden Side sensor to 1 l_cmd = BMC_CONST.BMC_BIOS_GOLDEN_SENSOR_TO_GOLDEN.replace( 'xx', i_bios_sensor) return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
[docs] def ipmi_set_power_policy(self, i_policy): ''' Sets auto-reboot policy with given policy(i_policy) :param i_policy: type of policy to be set(chassis policy <i_policy>) - always-off - always-on - previous ''' log.debug("IPMI: Setting the power policy to %s" % i_policy) l_cmd = "chassis policy %s" % i_policy l_res = log.debug(l_res)
[docs] def ipmi_set_boot_to_petitboot(self): ''' Set boot device to be boot to BIOS (i.e. petitboot) ''' l_output ='chassis bootdev bios') if('Set Boot Device to bios' in l_output): return 0 else: raise OpTestError( "Failure setting bootdev to bios: " + str(l_output))
[docs] def ipmi_set_boot_to_disk(self): ''' Set boot device to be boot to disk (i.e. OS) ''' l_output ='chassis bootdev disk') if('Set Boot Device to disk' in l_output): return 0 else: raise OpTestError( "Failure setting bootdev to disk: " + str(l_output))
[docs] def ipmi_set_no_override(self): ''' Set no boot override so that local config will be effective ''' l_output ='chassis bootdev none') if('Set Boot Device to none' in l_output): return 0 else: raise OpTestError( "Failure setting bootdev to none: " + str(l_output))
[docs] def enter_ipmi_lockdown_mode(self):'raw 0x32 0xf3 0x4c 0x4f 0x43 0x4b 0x00')
[docs] def exit_ipmi_lockdown_mode(self):'raw 0x32 0xF4 0x55 0x4e 0x4c 0x4f 0x43 0x4b 0x00')
[docs] def last_sel(self): return"sel list last 1")
[docs] def sdr_get_watchdog(self): return"sdr get \'Watchdog\'")
[docs] def mc_get_watchdog(self): return"mc watchdog get")
[docs] def set_tpm_required(self): pass
[docs] def clear_tpm_required(self): pass
[docs] def is_tpm_enabled(self): pass
[docs] def ipmi_get_golden_side_sensor_id(self): cmd = "sdr elist -v | grep -i 'BIOS Golden'" output = matchObj ="BIOS Golden Side \((.*)\)", output) id = None if matchObj: id = return id
[docs] def ipmi_get_boot_count_sensor_id(self): cmd = "sdr elist -v | grep -i 'Boot Count'" output = matchObj ="Boot Count \((.*)\)", output) id = None if matchObj: id = return id
[docs]class OpTestSMCIPMI(OpTestIPMI):
[docs] def enter_ipmi_lockdown_mode(self):'raw 0x3a 0xf3 0x4c 0x4f 0x43 0x4b 0x00')
[docs] def exit_ipmi_lockdown_mode(self):'raw 0x3a 0xF4 0x55 0x4e 0x4c 0x4f 0x43 0x4b 0x00')
[docs] def set_tpm_required(self):'raw 0x04 0x30 0x49 0x10 0x00 0x02 0 0 0 0 0 0')
[docs] def clear_tpm_required(self):'raw 0x04 0x30 0x49 0x10 0x00 0x01 0 0 0 0 0 0')
[docs] def is_tpm_enabled(self): res ="sdr elist | grep -i TPM") if "State Deasserted" in res:"#TPM is disabled") return False elif "State Asserted" in res:"#TPM is enabled") return True