The Tests


At24(Atmel24) eeprom driver to support openpower platform

This driver has following functionalities:

  • ‘at24’ is the i2c client driver that interface the EEPROMs on the system.

  • In P8 system, EEPROM devices contain the system VPDs information and this driver is capable of reading and programming the data to these devices.

class testcases.AT24driver.AT24driver(methodName='runTest')[source]

The hexdump utility is used to display the specified files. This function will display in both ASCII+hexadecimal format.


i_dev: this is the file used as a input to hexdump for display info




This function has following test steps

  1. Getting the host infromation(OS and kernel information)

  2. Loading the necessary modules to test at24 device driver functionalites (i2c_dev, i2c_opal and at24)

  3. Getting the list of i2c buses and eeprom chip addresses

  4. Accessing the registers visible through the i2cbus using i2cdump utility

  5. Getting the eeprom device data using hexdump utility in hex + Ascii format


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.AT24driver.SkirootAT24(methodName='runTest')[source]

Run the same AT24driver test, but in skiroot environment.


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

Basic IPL and reboot tests

These can be used as tests themselves to check all IPL and reboot types, or can be invoked on the command line to boot the machine a certain way or into a specific state.

class testcases.BasicIPL.BMCReset(methodName='runTest')[source]

Reboot the BMC with the host off. This will check that the host is also powered off when the BMC comes back.

class testcases.BasicIPL.BMCResetThenRebootHost(methodName='runTest')[source]

Reboot the BMC with the host on and once the BMC is back, reboot the host.

class testcases.BasicIPL.BasicIPL(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.BasicIPL.BootToOS(methodName='runTest')[source]

Boot the default Operating System on the Host.

This will force and IPL and then look to get to a login prompt.

class testcases.BasicIPL.BootToPetitboot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Boot to the Petitboot menu. It does not cancel any automatic boot countdown sequence.

It will force the machine off first, so it will do an IPL.

class testcases.BasicIPL.BootToPetitbootShell(methodName='runTest')[source]

Boot to the Petitboot shell (i.e. pressing ‘x’ when the petitboot menu comes up).

It will force the machine off first, so it will do an IPL.

class testcases.BasicIPL.GotoPetitbootShell(methodName='runTest')[source]

We goto petitboot shell rather than do the off/on-to-petitboot shell so that the skiroot test suite time to run each test is a bit more accurate, rather than hiding the first IPL in the first test that’s run.

class testcases.BasicIPL.HardPowerCycle(methodName='runTest')[source]

Get to Petitboot, then issue a hard power cycle from the BMC, checking that we can get back to Petitboot.

class testcases.BasicIPL.OutOfBandWarmReset(methodName='runTest')[source]

Does an IPL to petitboot, and then do a ‘warm reset’, checking that we can boot back up to Petitboot.

class testcases.BasicIPL.PowerOff(methodName='runTest')[source]

Get to Petitboot, then ask the BMC for a normal power off sequence, checking that the host did indeed power off.

class testcases.BasicIPL.SoftPowerOff(methodName='runTest')[source]

Do a soft power off (i.e. polite, asking the OS to shut down).


This testcase does BMC reset torture in different scenarios.

class testcases.BMCResetTorture.BMCResetvsHostIPLTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]

Repeatedly does the BMC Reset vs Host IPL Torture


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.BMCResetTorture.Host(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.BMCResetTorture.RuntimeBMCResetTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]

Repeatedly does the BMC Reset at runtime (i.e at both skiroot and host)


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

class testcases.BMCResetTorture.Skiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.BMCResetTorture.StandbyBMCResetTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]

Repeatedly does the BMC reset at standby state


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Torture the machine with repeatedly trying to boot

Sample naming conventions below, see each test method for the applicable options per method.

–run testcases.BootTorture.BootTorture
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^

module name subclass

–run testcases.BootTorture.BootTorture10
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

module name subclass

class testcases.BootTorture.BootTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]

BootTorture x1024

–run testcases.BootTorture.BootTorture

classmethod setUpClass(boot_iterations=1024)[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

class testcases.BootTorture.BootTorture10(methodName='runTest')[source]

Just boot 10 times. Just a little bit of peril.

–run testcases.BootTorture.BootTorture10

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

class testcases.BootTorture.ReBootTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]

Soft Reboot Torture - i.e. running ‘reboot’ from Petitboot shell.

–run testcases.BootTorture.ReBootTorture

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

class testcases.BootTorture.ReBootTorture10(methodName='runTest')[source]

Reboot Torture, but only 10x.

–run testcases.BootTorture.ReBootTorture10

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

Console Bug 150765

A regresion test for a specific bug observed on FSP based systems.

Make sure ipmi sol console is connected before running this test Observe sol console messages while system IPL’s for two times For second IPL, Petitboot Kernel messages will not come on active SOL console.

class testcases.ConsoleBug150765.ConsoleBug150765(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

Console tests

A bunch of really simple console tests that have managed to break every BMC implementation we’ve ever thrown it at. Since we’re highly reliant on the BMC providing a reliable host console, if these tests fail at all, then we’re likely going to get spurious failures elsewhere in the test suite.

class testcases.Console.Console[source]

Run the full class of Console tests

–run testcases.Console

class testcases.Console.Console16k(methodName='runTest')[source]

hexdump 16kb of zeros and check we get all the lines of hexdump output on the console.

–run testcases.Console.Console16k

class testcases.Console.Console32k(methodName='runTest')[source]

hexdump 32kb of zeros and check we get all the lines of hexdump output on the console. The idea is that console buffers on BMCs are likely to be less than 32kb, so we’ll be able to catch any silent wrapping of it.

–run testcases.Console.Console32k

class testcases.Console.Console8k(methodName='runTest')[source]

hexdump 8kb of zeros and check we get all the lines of hexdump output on the console.

–run testcases.Console.Console8k

class testcases.Console.ControlC(methodName='runTest')[source]

Start a process that does a bunch of console output, and then try and ‘control-c’ it to stop the process and get a prompt back.

–run testcases.Console.ControlC


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.Console.ControlZ(methodName='runTest')[source]

Run a console output heavy task, try to control-z it, then kill it, the try_recover logic in OpTestUtil should recover the prompt

–run testcases.Console.ControlZ

CPU Hotplug Testcase

This test case is likely to catch bugs either in the kernel or in stop states we put cores/threads into when we hot unplug them.

class testcases.CpuHotPlug.CpuHotPlug(methodName='runTest')[source]

Use the ppc64_cpu utility to turn SMT on/off and set to each possible SMT mode, which is effectively a CPU hotplug operation. Then start hotplugging CPU cores by using the ppc64_cpu utility to turn only a specific number of cores on.


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.


Check a bunch of device tree properties and structure for validity, and compare device tree in host and skiroot environments.

class testcases.DeviceTreeValidation.DeviceTreeValidation(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

twos_comp(val, bits)[source]

compute the 2’s complement of int value val

class testcases.DeviceTreeValidation.DeviceTreeValidationHost(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.DeviceTreeValidation.DeviceTreeValidationSkiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]


Check for any warnings from tools such as dtc in our device tree.

class testcases.DeviceTreeWarnings.DeviceTreeWarnings[source]

Look at the warnings from dtc, filtering out any known issues.

class testcases.DeviceTreeWarnings.Host(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.DeviceTreeWarnings.Skiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Delayed Power Off (DPO)

Delayed Power off testcase is to test OS graceful shutdown request to be notified from OPAL and OS should process the request. We will use “ipmitool power soft” command to issue DPO.

class testcases.DPO.Base(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.DPO.DPOSkiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]

This will test DPO feature in skiroot and Host


This test is somewhat re-implementing the EnergyScale_BaseLine plugin for DVT except it’s not perfect, and don’t bet that it is the same as it’s only based on a log of a test run rather than the source code for that test.

class testcases.EnergyScale_BaseLine.EnergyScale_BaseLine(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

EPOW (Emergency POWer off)

This module tests the EPOW feature incase of FSP systems.

  1. EPOW3Random.

    Simulate random EPOW3 temperature to check whether OPAL notify EPOW notification to Host OS. Once Host gets notified Host should do a graceful shutdown.


    Simualate temperatures less than EPOW3 threshold and check whether Host OS is alive or not.

class testcases.EPOW.EPOW3LOW(methodName='runTest')[source]

This test case will follow below procedure:

  1. Based on Nebsenabled will get EPOW limits from FSP using def file present in /opt/fips/components/engd/. Different systems have different EPOW limits.

  2. Test EPOW3_LOW—> Will test temperatures lower than EPOW3 temperature, a. From FSP it simulate to lesser ambient temperatures than EPOW3 temperature b. In this case system should be alive and it should not cause system shut-down.

If user faces any problem in bringing the system UP please run below command “smgr toolReset” in fsp console

class testcases.EPOW.EPOW3Random(methodName='runTest')[source]

This testcase tests the EPOW feature of the FSP. Thus, it is only applicable to FSP based systems and will be skipped on other BMC types.

This test will:

  1. It will gather EPOW limits

  2. We will choose some random EPOW temp(test_temp) in b/w those limits

  3. Simulate that temperature(test_temp)

  4. Verify graceful shutdown happened or not

  5. Once system reaches standby, simulate the ambient temp to EPOW3_RESET temperature(reset_temp) to bring back the system.

  6. Bring back the system again to runtime.

If user faces any problem in bringing the system UP please run below command “smgr toolReset”

class testcases.EPOW.EPOWBase(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


  • FSP initiated reset

  • Host initiated reset

  • Once reset is done, verify host-fsp firmware interfaces

class testcases.fspresetReload.FIR(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.fspresetReload.FIRTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.fspresetReload.HIR(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.fspresetReload.HIRTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.fspresetReload.SIR(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.fspresetReload.SIRTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.fspresetReload.fspresetReload(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.

class testcases.fspresetReload.resetReload(methodName='runTest')[source]

FSP TOD Corruption

Corrupt TOD and check host boot and runtime behaviours

class testcases.fspTODCorruption.TOD_CORRUPTION(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function tests Boot and runtime behaviour when TOD is corrupted.


Run the Canonical FirmWare Test Suite (FWTS, see for details).

Largely, if we can implement a test as part of FWTS, we should do it there as it’s easy to run and packaged.

class testcases.FWTS.FWTS(tests=())[source]

Run the FWTS tests, importing the test results into op-test.

This is implemented as a TestSuite rather than a TestCase so we can add multiple TestCase results to the op-test test results.

class testcases.FWTS.FWTSCommandFailed(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.FWTS.FWTSCommandSkipped(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.FWTS.FWTSTest(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.FWTS.FWTSVersion(methodName='runTest')[source]


A “Test Case” for extracting GCOV code coverage data from skiboot. The real use of this test case and code is to help construct code coverage reports for skiboot.

class testcases.gcov.Host(methodName='runTest')[source]

Extract GCOV code coverage from a host OS.

class testcases.gcov.Skiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Extract GCOV code coverage in skiroot environment.

class testcases.gcov.gcov[source]

Base “test case” for extracting skiboot GCOV code coverage data from the host (use the Skiroot and Host TestCases for running this code).

This requires a GCOV build of skiboot.

We (rather convolutedly) do a HTTP POST operation (through shell!) back to the op-test process as since we may be running in skiroot, we don’t have all the nice usual ways of transferring files around. The good news is that implementing a simple HTTP POST request in shell isn’t that hard.


A really simple Hello World test, just to check that we can run a test case.

Only useful as a unittest of op-test itself.

class testcases.HelloWorld.HelloWorld(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

I2C tests

This class will test functionality of following drivers: I2C Driver(Inter-Integrated Circuit) driver

class testcases.I2C.BasicI2C(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.I2C.BasicSkirootI2C(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.I2C.FullI2C(methodName='runTest')[source]

This test has following test steps:

  1. Getting host information(OS and kernel info)

  2. Checking the required utilites are present on host or not

  3. Loading the necessary modules to test I2C device driver functionalites (i2c_dev, i2c_opal and at24)

  4. Getting the list of i2c buses

  5. Querying the i2c bus for devices

  6. Getting the list of i2c buses and eeprom chip addresses

  7. Accessing the registers visible through the i2cbus using i2cdump utility

  8. Listing the i2c adapter conetents and i2c bus entries to make sure sysfs entries created for each bus.

  9. Testing i2cget functionality for limited samples

Avoiding i2cset functionality, it may damage the system.


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.I2C.I2C[source]

Base class for I2C tests


This function will get information of EEPROM chips attached to the i2c buses


str EEPROM chips information




It will return list with elements having pairs of eeprom chip addresses and corresponding i2c bus where the chip is attached. This information is getting through sysfs interface. format is

["0 0x50","0 0x51","1 0x51","1 0x52"....]

list – list having pairs of i2c bus number and eeprom chip address.




This function will return the list of installed i2c buses on host in two formats:

list-by number, e.g.


list-by-name, eg


(l_list, l_list1) : list of i2c buses by number, list of i2c buses by name




The hexdump utility is used to display the specified files. This function will display in both ASCII+hexadecimal format.


i_dev: this is the file used as a input to hexdump for display info




This i2cdump function takes arguments in pair of a string like “i2cbus address”. i2cbus indicates the number or name of the I2C bus to be scanned. This number should correspond to one of the busses listed by i2cdetect -l. address indicates the address to be scanned on that bus, and is an integer between 0x03 and 0x77 i2cdump is a program to examine registers visible through the I2C bus.

The command may fail due to problems with the device, hardware, or firmware.


i_args (str) – this is the argument to i2cdump utility. Arguments are in the form of “i2c-bus-number eeprom-chip-address” e.g. 0 0x51, 3 0x52

i2c_get(i_args, i_addr)[source]

This function i2cget read from I2C/SMBus chip registers.

command usage:

i2cget [-f] [-y] i2cbus chip-address [data-address [mode]]
  • i_args (str) – this is the argument to i2cget utility. Arguments are in the form of “i2c-bus-number eeprom-chip-address” e.g. 0 0x51, 3 0x52

  • i_addr – this is the data-address on chip, from where data will be read. e.g. “0x00”,”0x10”,”0x20”…


data present on data-address

i2c_set(i_args, i_addr, i_val)[source]

This function i2cset will be used for setting I2C registers.

command usage:

i2cset [-f] [-y] [-m mask] [-r] i2cbus chip-address data-address [value] ...  [mode]
  • i_args (str) – this is the argument to i2cset utility. Arguments are in the form of “i2c-bus-number eeprom-chip-address” e.g. 0 0x51, 3 0x52 ….etc

  • i_addr (str) – this is the data-address on chip, where data will be set e.g. 0x00”,”0x10”,”0x20”…

  • i_val (str) – this is the value which will be set into data-address i_addr


This function query’s the i2c bus for devices attached to it. i2cdetect is a utility to scan an I2C bus for devices


i_bus: i2c bus numer



exception testcases.I2C.I2CDetectUnsupported[source]

Asked to do i2c detect on a bus that doesn’t support detection

Install HostOS

Installs HostOS on the host.

class testcases.InstallHostOS.InstallHostOS(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

Install RHEL

Installs RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) on the host.

class testcases.InstallRhel.InstallRhel(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

Install Ubuntu

Installs Ubuntu on the host.

The idea behind this test is to both set up an OS suitable to run op-test against and check our backwards compatibility with installation media.

class testcases.InstallUbuntu.InstallUbuntu(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.InstallUbuntu.MyIPfromHost(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

IPL Params

This test verifies certain fw features are enabled/disabled during IPL time as per expectation. These features will control run time enablement of certain components.

class testcases.IplParams.Host(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.IplParams.Skiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]

IPMI Torture

Use several threads in op-test to poke IPMI concurrently in a number of “safe” ways, and see when the BMC explodes.

class testcases.IpmiTorture.ConsoleIpmiTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.

class testcases.IpmiTorture.InbandIpmiThread(threadID, name, ipmi_method, cmd, execution_time)[source]

Method representing the thread’s activity.

You may override this method in a subclass. The standard run() method invokes the callable object passed to the object’s constructor as the target argument, if any, with sequential and keyword arguments taken from the args and kwargs arguments, respectively.

class testcases.IpmiTorture.IpmiInterfaceTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.

class testcases.IpmiTorture.OobIpmiThread(threadID, name, cmd, execution_time)[source]

Method representing the thread’s activity.

You may override this method in a subclass. The standard run() method invokes the callable object passed to the object’s constructor as the target argument, if any, with sequential and keyword arguments taken from the args and kwargs arguments, respectively.

class testcases.IpmiTorture.RuntimeConsoleTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.IpmiTorture.RuntimeIpmiInterfaceTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.IpmiTorture.SkirootConsoleTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.IpmiTorture.SkirootIpmiTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.IpmiTorture.SolConsoleThread(threadID, name, test, execution_time)[source]

Method representing the thread’s activity.

You may override this method in a subclass. The standard run() method invokes the callable object passed to the object’s constructor as the target argument, if any, with sequential and keyword arguments taken from the args and kwargs arguments, respectively.

class testcases.IpmiTorture.StandbyConsoleTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.IpmiTorture.StandbyIpmiInterfaceTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]

Kernel Log

Check the Linux kernel log in skiroot and the OS for warnings and errors, filtering for known benign problems (or problems that are just a Linux issue rather than a firmware issue).

class testcases.KernelLog.Host(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.KernelLog.Skiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]


Currently runs only in FSP platforms.

class testcases.LightPathDiagnostics.LightPathDiagnostics(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.LightPathDiagnostics.UsysAttnFSPTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function tests system attention indicator LED

class testcases.LightPathDiagnostics.UsysAttnHostTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function tests system attention indicator LED

class testcases.LightPathDiagnostics.UsysFaultTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function tests usysfault identification of LED’s

class testcases.LightPathDiagnostics.UsysIdentifyTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function tests usysident identification of LEDs


Tests the OPAL error log functionality (as in PELs, not OPAL’s log).

Currently runs only in FSP platforms

class testcases.OpalErrorLog.BasicTest(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpalErrorLog.FullTest(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpalErrorLog.OpalErrorLog(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpalErrorLog.TortureTest(methodName='runTest')[source]


Test different OPAL GARD Related functionality

class testcases.OpalGard.OpalGard(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.

OPAL log test

Look for boot and runtime warnings and errors from OPAL (skiboot).

We filter out any “known errors”, such as how PRD can do invalid SCOMs but that it’s not an error error.

class testcases.OpalMsglog.Host(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpalMsglog.Skiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]

OPAL sysfs Tests

This pokes a few bits of functionality accessible through sysfs that OPAL provides.

It includes:

  • System powercaps, i.e. /sys/firmware/opal/powercap/

  • Power Shift Ratio, i.e. /sys/firmware/opal/psr

  • Sensor Groups, i.e. /sys/firmware/opal/sensor_groups/

  • The OPAL symbol map, i.e. /sys/firmware/opal/symbol_map

  • Exporting of random bits of memory, i.e. /sys/firmware/opal/exports/

class testcases.OpalSysfsTests.Host(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpalSysfsTests.Skiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]


Test different OPAL Utilities:

  • getscom

  • putscom

  • gard

  • pflash

class testcases.OpalUtils.OpalUtils(methodName='runTest')[source]

This testcase performs below steps:

  1. SCOM Read operation

  2. SCOM Write operation

  3. List Gard records operation

  4. Clear Gard records operation

  5. pflash info operation

  6. pflash read part operation


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


CAPI tests for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of CAPI


  1. Host must have a CAPI FPGA card

  2. CAPI card must have been flashed with memcpy AFU

Extra timebase sync tests prerequisite:

  1. PSL must support timebase sync

class testcases.OpTestCAPI.CxlDeviceFileTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If a given system has a CAPI FPGA card, then this test load the cxl module if required and check that the cxl device files afu0.0m and afu0.0s exist


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestCAPI.CxlResetTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If a given system has a CAPI FPGA card, then load the cxl module if required, and test reset with and memcpy_afu_ctx.


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestCAPI.KernelAPITest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If a given system has a CAPI FPGA card, then this test load the cxl and the cxl_memcpy modules if required, and test the kernel API of memcpy with memcpy_afu_ctx -K.


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestCAPI.MemCpyAFUIrqTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If a given system has a CAPI FPGA card, then this test load the cxl module if required and test the memcpy AFU with memcpy_afu_ctx -i


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestCAPI.MemCpyAFUReallocTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If a given system has a CAPI FPGA card, then this test load the cxl module if required and test the memcpy AFU with memcpy_afu_ctx -r


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestCAPI.MemCpyAFUTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If a given system has a CAPI FPGA card, then this test load the cxl module if required and test the memcpy AFU with memcpy_afu_ctx


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestCAPI.OpTestCAPI(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestCAPI.SysfsABITest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If a given system has a CAPI FPGA card, then this test load the cxl module if required and run the sysfs ABI tests from libcxl_tests


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestCAPI.TimeBaseSyncTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If a given system has a CAPI FPGA card, then this test load the cxl module if required and also check if the card PSL supports timebase sync. If it supports it, then test timebase sync with memcpy_afu_ctx -t


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Different dumps for fsp platforms:

  • fipsdump

  • system dump


    Trigger dump when kernel boots(either Petitboot or OS kernel)


    Trigger dump when system is in OS or already booted to OS


    Trigger system dump by sending NMI interrupts to processors

class testcases.OpTestDumps.FIPS_DUMP(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestDumps.HOST_DUMP_BOOTTIME(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestDumps.HOST_DUMP_RUNTIME(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestDumps.NMI_DIAG_DUMP(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestDumps.SYSTEM_DUMP(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function tests system dump functionality

  1. Boot the system to runtime(Atleast to petitboot)

  2. Trigger system dump from FSP

  3. Wait for dump to finish & IPL to reach runtime

  4. Check for system dump files in host


This testcase basically tests all OPAL EEH Error injection tests.

  • fenced PHB

  • frozen PE

exception testcases.OpTestEEH.EEHLocCodeFailed(thing, dev, log=None)[source]

Failed to log location code along with failure.

exception testcases.OpTestEEH.EEHRecoveryFailed(thing, dev, log=None)[source]

EEH Recovery failed on thing for reason.

exception testcases.OpTestEEH.EEHRemoveFailed(thing, dev, log=None)[source]

EEH Remove failed on thing for reason.

class testcases.OpTestEEH.OpTestEEH(methodName='runTest')[source]

return True if PE is available in the system else return False. Which will be useful for checking the PE after injecting the EEH error


This function is used to actually check the PHB recovery after an EEH Fenced PHB Error Injection.

We scrape the kernel log for the correct strings.


Check for EEH Slot Reset count. i.e.

$ cat /proc/powerpc/eeh | tail -n 1

Returns integer (in above example ‘10’).


This function is used to gather opal and kernel logs for each EEH iteration instead of full logs.

This should make it easier to debug problems as you’ll have the specific log messages that occured for each test.


Get dictionary of pe vs config addr. e.g.

{'0001:0c:00.2': '2', '0001:0b:00.0': 'fb', '0001:0c:00.0': '2'}

This function is used to get list of PCI devices available at that instant of time.

inject_error(addr, e, f, phb, pe)[source]

Inject error:


PE address


32 bit errors


64 bit errors

f (Function)

MMIO read


CFG read


MMIO write


CFG write


PHB Index


PE BDF address


This function is used to prepare opal and kernel logs to a reference point, so that we can compare logs for each EEH iteration easily.

Basically, we throw logs in a temp file and diff them afterwards.

run_pe_4(addr, e, f, phb, pe, con)[source]

Inject error and check for recovery, finally gather logs.

Returns True if PE recovers, False if failed to recover.


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.


EEH verbose is enabled in P9. Until we have a capable of setting console log level in runtime, or EEH verbose is disabled in P9, we need to disable the console logging to make tests run. (But at the cost of one additional IPL execution overhead)

TODO: Remove this once we have a way of disabling console log level in runtime without having an additional IPL.

class testcases.OpTestEEH.OpTestEEHbasic_fenced_phb(methodName='runTest')[source]

This testcase has below steps:

  1. Get the list of pci PHB domains

  2. Get the root PHB domain where the root file system is installed(We need to skip this as EEH recovery will fail on root PHB).

  3. Start injecting the fenced PHB errors in a for loop Only one time basic check whether PHB recovered or not

class testcases.OpTestEEH.OpTestEEHbasic_frozen_pe(methodName='runTest')[source]

This testcase has below steps

  1. Get the list of pci PHB domains

  2. Get the root PHB domain where the root file system is installed(We need to skip this as EEH recovery will fail on root PHB).

  3. get dictionary of pe vs config addr.


    {'0001:0c:00.2': '2', '0001:0b:00.0': 'fb', '0001:0c:00.0': '2'}
  4. Prepare below command & Start inject frozenPE errors on all PE’s

    echo "PE_number:<0,1>:<function>:0:0" > /sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/PCIxxxx/err_injct
  5. Gather necssary logs(dmesg & OPAL) and check the device(PE) got recovered or not.

class testcases.OpTestEEH.OpTestEEHmax_fenced_phb(methodName='runTest')[source]

This testcase has below steps:

  1. Get the list of pci PHB domains

  2. Get the root PHB domain where the root file system is installed(We need to skip this as EEH recovery will fail on root PHB).

  3. Set the MAX EEH Freeze count to 1 so that we can test max EEH Recovery capacity within less for loop executions By default it is 6,

  4. Start injecting the fenced PHB errors two times across all PHB domains except root PHB.( As we set max EEH Freeze count to 1). So expectation is first time it should recover and second time EEH should properly remove the device and OS should not crash.

class testcases.OpTestEEH.OpTestEEHmax_frozen_pe(methodName='runTest')[source]

This testcase has below steps

  1. Get the list of pci PHB domains

  2. Get the root PHB domain where the root file system is installed(We need to skip this as EEH recovery will fail on root PHB).

  3. get dictionary of pe vs config addr. Ex:

    {'0001:0c:00.2': '2', '0001:0b:00.0': 'fb', '0001:0c:00.0': '2'}
  4. Prepare below command & Start inject frozenPE errors on all PE’s

    echo "PE_number:<0,1>:<function>:0:0" > /sys/kernel/debug/powerpc/PCIxxxx/err_injct
  5. Gather necssary logs(dmesg & OPAL) and check the device(PE) got recovered or not.


Energy Management package for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of following drivers:

  1. powernv cpuidle driver

  2. powernv cpufreq driver

class testcases.OpTestEM.cpu_boost_freqs_host(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestEM.cpu_freq_gov_host(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestEM.cpu_freq_gov_skiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestEM.cpu_freq_states_host(methodName='runTest')[source]

This test will cover following test steps:

  1. Check the cpupower utility is available in host.

  2. Get available cpu scaling frequencies

  3. Set the userspace governer for all cpu’s

  4. test the cpufreq driver by set/verify cpu frequency


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestEM.cpu_freq_states_skiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestEM.cpu_idle_states_host(methodName='runTest')[source]

This test will cover following test steps:

  1. It will get the OS and kernel versions.

  2. Check the cpupower utility is available in host.

  3. Set the userspace governer for all cpu’s

  4. test the cpuidle driver by enable/disable/verify the idle states


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestEM.cpu_idle_states_skiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestEM.slw_info(methodName='runTest')[source]

This test just gathers the host CPU SLW info.


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


While OpTestEM is concerned with runtime energy management such as CPU frequency scaling and stop states, OpTestEnergyScale is concerned with system level power consumption limits.

class testcases.OpTestEnergyScale.OpTestEnergyScale(methodName='runTest')[source]

Get platform power limits. This is a hardcoded list for each platform type. We do not (yet) have a way to determine this dynamically.

Returns a tuple of low_limit,high_limit.


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestEnergyScale.OpTestEnergyScaleDCMIruntime(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestEnergyScale.OpTestEnergyScaleDCMIstandby(methodName='runTest')[source]

Test below dcmi commands at both standby and runtime states

ipmitool dcmi discover         # This command is used to discover supported  capabilities in DCMI.
ipmitool dcmi power reading    # Get power related readings from the system.
ipmitool dcmi power get_limit  # Get the configured power limits.
ipmitool dcmi power sensors    # Prints the available DCMI sensors.
ipmitool dcmi get_temp_reading # Get Temperature Sensor Readings.
ipmitool dcmi get_mc_id_string # Get management controller identifier string.
ipmitool dcmi get_conf_param   # Get DCMI Configuration Parameters.
ipmitool dcmi oob_discover     # Ping/Pong Message for DCMI Discovery.
class testcases.OpTestEnergyScale.OpTestEnergyScaleRuntime(methodName='runTest')[source]

Test Energy scale features at runtime:

  1. Power OFF the system.

  2. Power On the system to boot to host OS

  3. Validate below Energy scale features at runtime state

    ipmitool dcmi power get_limit                # Get the configured power limits.
    ipmitool dcmi power set_limit limit <value>  # Power Limit Requested in Watts.
    ipmitool dcmi power activate                 # Activate the set power limit.
    ipmitool dcmi power deactivate               # Deactivate the set power limit.
  4. Once platform power limit activated execute below dcmi commands at runtime state.

    ipmitool dcmi discover                       # This command is used to discover supported  capabilities in DCMI.
    ipmitool dcmi power reading                  # Get power related readings from the system.
    ipmitool dcmi power get_limit                # Get the configured power limits.
    ipmitool dcmi power sensors                  # Prints the available DCMI sensors.
    ipmitool dcmi get_temp_reading               # Get Temperature Sensor Readings.
  5. Issue Power OFF/ON to check whether system boots after setting platform power limit at runtime.

  6. Again in runtime execute all dcmi commands to check the functionality.

class testcases.OpTestEnergyScale.OpTestEnergyScaleStandby(methodName='runTest')[source]

This test will test Energy scale features at standby state:

  1. Power OFF the system.

  2. Validate below Energy scale features at standby state

    ipmitool dcmi power get_limit                # Get the configured power limits.
    ipmitool dcmi power set_limit limit <value>  # Power Limit Requested in Watts.
    ipmitool dcmi power activate                 # Activate the set power limit.
    ipmitool dcmi power deactivate               # Deactivate the set power limit.
  3. Once platform power limit activated execute below dcmi commands at standby state.

    ipmitool dcmi discover                       # This command is used to discover supported  capabilities in DCMI.
    ipmitool dcmi power reading                  # Get power related readings from the system.
    ipmitool dcmi power get_limit                # Get the configured power limits.
    ipmitool dcmi power sensors                  # Prints the available DCMI sensors.
    ipmitool dcmi get_temp_reading               # Get Temperature Sensor Readings.
  4. Power ON the system.

  5. Check after system booted to runtime, whether occ’s are active or not.

  6. Again in runtime execute all dcmi commands to check the functionality.

OpTestExample: An example test case

This test case is meant to show a few best practices for writing a test case for op-test.

class testcases.OpTestExample.HostBasicCheck(methodName='runTest')[source]

Class for Host based tests This class allows –run testcases.OpTestExample.HostBasicCheck


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestExample.OpTestExample(methodName='runTest')[source]

This class is a demo to illustrate framework.


Execute commands on target OS Key Sort in OPDemoFunc for order of execution


Execute commands on target OS Key Sort in OPDemoFunc for order of execution


Process a command table


Execute commands on target OS Key Sort in OPDemoFunc for order of execution


Execute commands on target OS Key Sort in OPDemoFunc for order of execution


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

class testcases.OpTestExample.SkirootBasicCheck(methodName='runTest')[source]

Class for Skiroot based tests This class allows –run testcases.OpTestExample.SkirootBasicCheck


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) This allows –run-suite example Tests run in order


Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) This allows –run-suite example Tests run in order


Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) This allows –run-suite example Tests run in order


Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) This allows –run-suite example Tests run in order


Issue fast reboot in petitboot and host OS, on a system having skiboot 5.4 rc1(which has fast-reset feature). Any further tests on fast-reset system will be added here.

class testcases.OpTestFastReboot.FastRebootHost(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestFastReboot.FastRebootHostStress(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestFastReboot.FastRebootHostStressTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestFastReboot.FastRebootHostTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestFastReboot.FastRebootTorture(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestFastReboot.OpTestFastReboot(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function tests fast reset of power systems. It will check booting sequence when reboot command getting executed in both petitboot and host OS


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Heartbeat tests for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of ipmi heartbeat

  1. kopald service should be running by defaulut since host should poll OPAL at time interval requested by OPAL

class testcases.OpTestHeartbeat.HeartbeatHost(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestHeartbeat.HeartbeatSkiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Checks that kopald is running. This doesn’t really test that the ipmi heartbeat is working, and thus this is a big FIXME.


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


HMI Handling package for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of following.

  1. HMI Non-recoverable errors - Core checkstop and Hypervisor resource error

  2. HMI Recoverable errors- proc_recv_done, proc_recv_error_masked and proc_recv_again

  3. TFMR error injections

  4. chip TOD error injections

class testcases.OpTestHMIHandling.ClearGard(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestHMIHandling.HMI_TFMR_ERRORS(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestHMIHandling.HypervisorResourceError(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestHMIHandling.MalfunctionAlert(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestHMIHandling.OpTestHMIHandling(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

class testcases.OpTestHMIHandling.PROC_RECOV_DONE(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestHMIHandling.PROC_RECV_ERROR_MASKED(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestHMIHandling.SingleCoreTOD_ERRORS(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestHMIHandling.TOD_ERRORS(methodName='runTest')[source]


Test the inband ipmi{OPEN Interface} fucntionality package for OpenPower platform.

This class will test the functionality of following commands

  1. bmc, channel, chassis, dcmi, echo, event, exec, firewall, fru, lan mc, pef, power, raw, sdr, sel, sensor, session, user

class testcases.OpTestInbandIPMI.BasicInbandIPMI(methodName='runTest')[source]
setUp(ipmi_method='ipmitool ')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Run a fast and simple test (on IPMI sensors) to test base functionality of the inband IPMI interface.

This test is designed an a smoke test rather than for completeness.

class testcases.OpTestInbandIPMI.ExperimentalInbandIPMI(methodName='runTest')[source]
setUp(ipmi_method='ipmitool ')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


It will execute and test the ipmi <sdr/sel/mc/channel> info related commands.

Currently in the Experimental pool as the “ipmitool BLAH info” commands seem to have random return codes, so failure is common.


It will check basic channel functionalities: info and authentication capabilities.

class testcases.OpTestInbandIPMI.OpTestInbandIPMI(methodName='runTest')[source]

A more complete test of inband IPMI functionality.

sensor_byid(i_sensor='Host Status')[source]

It will execute and test the ipmi sensor get <id> functionality


i_sensor (str) – sensor ID to retrieve data from

setUp(ipmi_method='ipmitool ')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


It will execute and test the functionality of ipmi chassis bootdev <dev> where dev is none,pxe,cdrom,disk,bios,safe,diag,floppy, and none.

See the implementation for how nothing is as simple as it seems and we need weird exceptions.


It will execute and test the ipmi chassis identify commands


It will execute and test the dcmi related ipmi commands.


This command is used to discover supported capabilities in DCMI

Power reading

Get power related readings from the system.


Get the configured power limits.


Prints the available DCMI sensors.


Get management controller identifier string


Get Temperature Sensor Readings.


Get DCMI Configuration Parameters.


Ping/Pong Message for DCMI Discovery


It will execute and test the functionality of ipmi echo command.


It will execute and test event related commands to test sel functionality.

Send a pre-defined test event to the System Event Log. The following events are included as a means to test the functionality of the System Event Log component of the BMC (an entry will be added each time the event N command is executed)

Currently supported values for N are:

  1. Temperature: Upper Critical: Going High

  2. Voltage Threshold: Lower Critical: Going Low

  3. Memory: Correctable ECC


It will execute and test ipmi exec command.

FIXME: not yet implemented.


It will execute and test firmware firewall info command.


It will execute and test the ipmi fru print command.


It will execute and test the ipmi fru read command. then the output file is displayed by hexdump

A FIXME is to check the content of the FRU for sanity.


It will execute and test the management controller(mc) commands functionality.


Displays information about the BMC hardware, including device revision, firmware revision, IPMI version supported, manufacturer ID, and information on additional device support.

watchdog get

Show current Watchdog Timer settings and countdown state.

watchdog off

Turn off a currently running Watchdog countdown timer.

watchdog reset

Reset the Watchdog Timer to its most recent state and restart the countdown timer.


Check on the basic health of the BMC by executing the Get Self Test results command and report the results.


Enables or disables the given option


Displays a list of the currently enabled options for the BMC.


Retrieves system info from bmc for given argument


It will execute and test pef related commands:


This command will query the BMC and print information about the PEF supported features.


This command prints the current PEF status


This command lists the PEF policy table entries


This command lists the PEF table entries.


This will test raw IPMI commands. For example to query the POH counter with a raw command.

Practically speaking, this tests ipmitool itself more than any firmware or OS functionality (when compared to the non-raw test).


It will execute and test the commands: ipmi sdr elist <all/fru/event/mcloc/compact/full/generic>


It will execute and test the ipmi sdr get <sensor-id> command


It will execute and test the ipmi sdr list <all/fru/event/mcloc/compact/full/generic>


It will execute and test the ipmi sdr type <Temp/fan/Powersupply> commands


It will execute the ipmi sel clear command.

Not all BMCs support this (notably simulators such as Qemu). In that case, we try anyway and skip the test rather than fail.


It will execute and test the ipmi sel clear functionality.


It will execute and test the ipmi sel elist functionality If invoked as elist (extended list) it will also use the Sensor Data Record entries to display the sensor ID for the sensor that caused each event.


It will execute and test the ipmi sel get <id> functionality.


It will execute and test the ipmi sel info functionality


It will execute and test ipmi sel list functionality. the entire contents of the System Event Log are displayed.


It will execute and test the ipmi sel list first <3 entries>


It will execute and test the ipmi sel list first <n entries>


i_num (int) – The number of SELs to list


It will execute and test the ipmi sel list last <3 entries>


It will execute and test the ipmi sel list last <n entries>


i_num (int) – The number of last SEL entries to list.


It will execute and test the ipmi sel set <time string> functionality Sets the SEL clock. Future SEL entries will use the time set by this command.


It will execute and test the ipmi sel time get functionality Displays the SEL clock’s current time.


It will execute and test the ipmi sensor get “Host Status” functionality.

Not all BMCs support this sensor, so if we think a BMC doesn’t, and it fails, we skip the test rather than failing it.


It will execute and test the ipmi sensor get “OCC Active” functionality


It will execute and test the ipmi sensor get “OS Boot” functionality.

If the BMC doesn’t support the ‘OS Boot’ sensor, we try anyway and skip the test.

class testcases.OpTestInbandIPMI.SkirootBasicInbandIPMI(methodName='runTest')[source]
setUp(ipmi_method='ipmitool ')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestInbandIPMI.SkirootFullInbandIPMI(methodName='runTest')[source]
setUp(ipmi_method='ipmitool ')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

exception testcases.OpTestInbandIPMI.UnexpectedBootDevice(expected, actual)[source]


Test the inband ipmi{USB Interface} fucntionality package for OpenPower platform.

This class will test the functionality of following commands

  1. bmc, channel, chassis, dcmi, echo, event, exec, firewall, fru, lan mc, pef, power, raw, sdr, sel, sensor, session, user

It is all the same tests as testcases.OpTestInbandIPMI but using the USB interface rather than BT.

class testcases.OpTestInbandUsbInterface.BasicInbandUSB(methodName='runTest')[source]
setUp(ipmi_method='ipmitool -I usb ')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestInbandUsbInterface.ExperimentalInbandUSB(methodName='runTest')[source]
setUp(ipmi_method='ipmitool -I usb ')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestInbandUsbInterface.InbandUSB(methodName='runTest')[source]
setUp(ipmi_method='ipmitool -I usb ')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestInbandUsbInterface.SkirootBasicInbandUSB(methodName='runTest')[source]
setUp(ipmi_method='ipmitool -I usb ')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestInbandUsbInterface.SkirootInbandUSB(methodName='runTest')[source]
setUp(ipmi_method='ipmitool -I usb ')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


It will test in-band ipmi white-listed commands when ipmi is in locked mode

IPMI whitelist These are the commands that will be available over an unauthenticated interface when the BMC is in IPMI lockdown mode.

Generally one can access all in-band ipmi commands, But if we issue ipmi lock command then one can access only specific whitelisted in-band ipmi commands.

class testcases.OpTestIPMILockMode.OpTestIPMILockMode(methodName='runTest')[source]

This test case will cover following test steps:

  1. It will get the OS level installed on power platform

  2. It will check for kernel version installed on the Open Power Machine

  3. It will check for ipmitool command existence and ipmitool package

  4. Load the necessary ipmi modules based on config values

  5. Issue a ipmi lock command through out-of-band authenticated interface

  6. Now BMC IPMI is in locked mode, at this point only white listed in-band ipmi commands sholud work(No other in-band ipmi command should work)

  7. Execute and test the functionality of whitelisted in-band ipmi commands in locked mode

  8. At the end of test issue a ipmi unlock command to revert the availablity of all in-band ipmi commands in unlocked mode.


This function will execute whitelisted in-band ipmi commands and test the functionality in locked mode.


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


ResetReprovision to default package for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of following ResetReprovision to default tests.

  1. NVRAM Partition - IPMI Reprovision.

  2. GARD Partition - IPMI Reprovision.

class testcases.OpTestIPMIReprovision.GARD(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function will cover following test steps

Testcase: GARD Partition-IPMI Reprovision

  1. Inject core checkstop using existed function from

  2. Do a Hard reboot(IPMI Power OFF/ON)

  3. Issue an IPMI PNOR Reprovision request command, to reset GUARD partition to default.

  4. Wait for IPMI PNOR Reprovision progress to complete(00).

  5. Check for GUARD parition whether the existing gard records erased or not.

  6. Reboot the system back to see system is booting fine or not.

class testcases.OpTestIPMIReprovision.NVRAM(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function will cover following test steps

Testcase: NVRAM Partition-IPMI Reprovision

  1. Update NVRAM config data with test config data i.e nvram –update-config test-name=test-value

  2. Issue an IPMI PNOR Reprovision request command, to reset NVRAM partition to default.

  3. Wait for PNOR Reprovision progress to complete(00).

  4. Do a Hard reboot(Power OFF/ON) to avoid nvram cache data.

  5. Once system booted, check for NVRAM parition whether the test config data got erased or not.

class testcases.OpTestIPMIReprovision.OpTestIPMIReprovision(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Test MTD PNOR Driver package for OpenPower testing.


This has been migrated along with other tests but never used in earnest. It is likely we could accomplish all of this on the host itself. I severely doubt this test case currently works as intended.

class testcases.OpTestMtdPnorDriver.OpTestMtdPnorDriver(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function has following test steps

  1. Get host information(OS and Kernel information)

  2. Load the mtd module based on config value

  3. Check /dev/mtd0 character device file existence on host

  4. Copying the contents of the flash in a file /tmp/pnor

  5. Getting the /tmp/pnor file into local x86 machine using scp utility

  6. Remove existing /tmp/ffs directory and Clone latest ffs git repository in local x86 working machine

  7. Compile ffs repository to get fcp utility

  8. Check existence of fcp utility in ffs repository, after compiling

  9. Get the PNOR flash contents on an x86 machine using fcp utility


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.


This testcase will deal with testing nvram partition access functions like getting the list of partitions print/update config data in all the supported partitions

class testcases.OpTestNVRAM.HostNVRAM(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function tests nvram partition access, print/update the config data and dumping the partition’s data. All these operations are done on supported partitions in both host OS and Petitboot.

exception testcases.OpTestNVRAM.NVRAMUpdateError(part, key, value, output)[source]
class testcases.OpTestNVRAM.OpTestNVRAM(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestNVRAM.SkirootNVRAM(methodName='runTest')[source]


OCC Control package for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of following.

  1. OCC ResetEnableDisable

class testcases.OpTestOCC.OCCRESET_FSP(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestOCC.OCC_RESET(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestOCC.OpTestOCC(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestOCC.OpTestOCCBasic(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestOCC.OpTestOCCFull(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function is used to test OCC Reset funtionality in BMC based systems. OCC Reset reload is limited to 3 times per full power cycle.


This function is used to test OCC Enable and Disable funtionality in BMC based systems. There is no limit for occ enable and disable, as of now doing 10 times in a loop.


This function is used to test OCC Reset funtionality in BMC based systems. OCC Reset reload can be done more than 3 times per full power cycle, by resetting OCC resetreload count.


OpenCAPI tests for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of OpenCAPI


  1. Host must have a OpenCAPI FPGA card

  2. OpenCAPI card must have been flashed with memcpy3 AFU

class testcases.OpTestOpenCAPI.MemCpy3AFUAtomicCasTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If the system has a OpenCAPI FPGA card, then load the ocxl module if required and test the memcpy3 AFU with ocxl_memcpy -A


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestOpenCAPI.MemCpy3AFUIncrementTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If the system has a OpenCAPI FPGA card, then load the ocxl module if required and test the memcpy3 AFU with ocxl_memcpy -a


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestOpenCAPI.MemCpy3AFUIrqTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If the system has a OpenCAPI FPGA card, then load the ocxl module if required and test the memcpy3 AFU with ocxl_memcpy -i


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestOpenCAPI.MemCpy3AFUReallocTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If the system has a OpenCAPI FPGA card, then load the ocxl module if required and test the memcpy3 AFU with ocxl_memcpy -r


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestOpenCAPI.MemCpy3AFUTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If the system has a OpenCAPI FPGA card, then this test load the ocxl module if required and test the memcpy3 AFU with ocxl_memcpy


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestOpenCAPI.OcxlDeviceFileTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

If the system has a OpenCAPI FPGA card, then this test load the ocxl module if required and check that the ocxl device files afu0.0m and afu0.0s exist


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestOpenCAPI.OpTestOpenCAPI(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Test the out-of-band ipmi fucntionality package for OpenPower platform.

This class will test the functionality of following ipmi commands

  1. bmc, channel, chassis, dcmi, echo, event, exec, firewall, fru, lan mc, pef, power, raw, sdr, sel, sensor, session, user

class testcases.OpTestOOBIPMI.OOBIPMIRuntime(methodName='runTest')[source]
classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

classmethod tearDownClass()[source]

Hook method for deconstructing the class fixture after running all tests in the class.

class testcases.OpTestOOBIPMI.OOBIPMIStandby(methodName='runTest')[source]
classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

classmethod tearDownClass()[source]

Hook method for deconstructing the class fixture after running all tests in the class.

class testcases.OpTestOOBIPMI.OpTestOOBIPMI(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


It will execute and test the ipmi <sdr/sel/mc/channel> info related commands.


This function is used to check whether BMC Completed Booting.


AMI BMC Specific


This same functionality is provided elsewhere in op-test. This code is a candidate for removal.


This function is used to get the bmc golden image version.


AMI BMC Specific


It will check basic channel functionalities: info and authentication capabilities.


It will execute and test the ipmi chassis <cmd> commands cmd: status, poh, restart_cause, policy list and policy set


It will execute and test the functionality of ipmi chassis bootdev <dev> dev: none,pxe,cdrom,disk,bios,safe,diag,floppy and none.


It will execute and test the ipmi chassis identify commands.


Step 1: Stop Fan Control Thread: ipmitool ... raw 0x3a 0x12 0x00 Step 2: Fan Control STOPPED OEM SEL created:

ipmitool ... sel list |grep OEM
7b | 04/20/2015 | 03:03:14 | OEM record c0 | 000000 | 3a1100ffffff

Step 3: #Run IsFanRunning OEM Command

ipmitool ... raw 0x3a 0x13


AMI BMC Specific


Step 1: Start Fan Control Thread:

ipmitool -I lanplus -U admin -P admin -H <BMC IP> raw 0x3a 0x12 0x01

Step 2: Fan Control STOPPED OEM SEL created

ipmitool -I lanplus -U admin -P admin -H <BMC IP> sel list |grep OEM
7b | 04/20/2015 | 03:03:14 | OEM record c0 | 000000 | 3a1100ffffff

Step 3: #Run IsFanRunning OEM Command

ipmitool -I lanplus -U admin -P admin -H <BMC IP> raw 0x3a 0x13


AMI BMC Specific


It will execute and test firmware firewall info command.


This command is used to get the State of below Supported LED.

LED Number Table:

Fault RollUP LED


Power ON LED


Host Status LED


Chassis Identify LED



AMI BMC Specific


This function is used to get partition size of given PNOR Partition. Currently added NVRAM,GUARD and BOOTKERNEL partitions. TODO: Add all the necessary partitions to get the size.


AMI BMC specific.


It will execute and test all Out-of-band ipmi commands. bmc, channel, chassis, dcmi, echo, event, exec, firewall, fru, lan mc, pef, power, raw, sdr, sel, sensor, session, user

FIXME: this may not be AMI specific.


It will execute and test pef related commands:


This command will query the BMC and print information about the PEF supported features.


This command prints the current PEF status


This command lists the PEF policy table entries


This command lists the PEF table entries.


This will test raw IPMI commands. For example to query the POH counter with a raw command


This function is used to test reading of pnor partition data via ipmitool command. Here it will currently read NVRAM and FIRDATA partition’s data of size 254 bytes.


AMI BMC Specific.


It will execute and test the ipmi sel list first <3 entries>


It will execute and test the ipmi sel list last <3 entries>


It will execute and test the ipmi sensor get “Host Status” functionality


AMI BMC Specific.


It will execute and test the ipmi sensor get “OS Boot” functionality


AMI BMC Specific.


This function is used to test set LED state feature.

LED Number Table:

Fault RollUP LED


Power ON LED


Host Status LED


Chassis Identify LED


LED State Table:






LED Standby Blink Rate


LED Slow Blink rate.


AMI BMC Specific


It will execute and test the ipmi sel set <time string> functionality Sets the SEL clock. Future SEL entries will use the time set by this command.


It will verify whether setting of given bootdevice is honoured or not by reading chassis bootparam get 5.


i_dev (str) – boot device name. e.g. safe, disk, cdrom

class testcases.OpTestOOBIPMI.OpTestOOBIPMIBase(methodName='runTest')[source]

It will execute and test the return code of ipmi command.


i_cmd (str) – The ipmitool command, e.g. chassis power on


output of command


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

OpTestPCI: PCI checks

Perform various PCI validations and checks

–run-suite BasicPCI (includes skiroot_suite and host_suite) –run-suite pci-regression

Sample naming conventions below, see each test method for the applicable options per method.

–run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkiroot.pcie_link_errors
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

module name subclass test method

–run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHost.pcie_link_errors
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

module name subclass test method

class testcases.OpTestPCI.OpClassPCI(methodName='runTest')[source]

Main Parent class

We cannot guarantee a soft boot entry, so need to force to PS or OS


Checks for general capability to run commands

Case A –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkiroot.check_commands Case B –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootSoftboot.check_commands Case C –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootHardboot.check_commands Case D –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHost.check_commands Case E –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostSoftboot.check_commands Case F –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostHardboot.check_commands


This is best leveraged in the suite pci-regression, where both the skiroot/host softboot and the skiroot/host hardboot get done in the same wave, so that the global variables carry over to compare.

If both skiroot and host lspci completed, will compare lspci results.

If you want to compare against an input file, use compare_live_devices.

Case A –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkiroot.compare_boot_devices Case B –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootSoftboot.compare_boot_devices Case C –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootHardboot.compare_boot_devices Case D –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHost.compare_boot_devices Case E –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostSoftboot.compare_boot_devices Case F –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostHardboot.compare_boot_devices


Compares the live system lspci against an input file, host-lspci provided either in conf file or via command line.

“ssh user@host lspci -mm -n > host-lspci.txt”

–host-lspci host-lspci.txt on command line


host_lspci=host-lspci.txt in conf file

Case A –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkiroot.compare_live_devices Case B –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootSoftboot.compare_live_devices Case C –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootHardboot.compare_live_devices Case D –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHost.compare_live_devices Case E –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostSoftboot.compare_live_devices Case F –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostHardboot.compare_live_devices


Unbind and then bind the devices

Case A –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkiroot.driver_bind Case B –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootSoftboot.driver_bind Case C –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootHardboot.driver_bind Case D –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHost.driver_bind Case E –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostSoftboot.driver_bind Case F –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostHardboot.driver_bind

Special note on unbinding shared bmc ethernet ports, caution.


Usually used internally, can be run for query of system

Case A –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkiroot.get_lspci Case B –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootSoftboot.get_lspci Case C –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootHardboot.get_lspci Case D –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHost.get_lspci Case E –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostSoftboot.get_lspci Case F –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostHardboot.get_lspci


Usually used internally, can be run for query of system

Case A –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkiroot.get_lspci_file Case B –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootSoftboot.get_lspci_file Case C –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootHardboot.get_lspci_file Case D –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHost.get_lspci_file Case E –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostSoftboot.get_lspci_file Case F –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostHardboot.get_lspci_file


NEEDS TESTING Case A –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHost.hot_plug_host Case B –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostSoftboot.hot_plug_host Case C –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostHardboot.hot_plug_host

PCI link checks

Case A –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkiroot.pci_link_check Case B –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootSoftboot.pci_link_check Case C –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootHardboot.pci_link_check Case D –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHost.pci_link_check Case E –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostSoftboot.pci_link_check Case F –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostHardboot.pci_link_check

Checks for link errors

Case A –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkiroot.pcie_link_errors Case B –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootSoftboot.pcie_link_errors Case C –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootHardboot.pcie_link_errors Case D –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHost.pcie_link_errors Case E –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostSoftboot.pcie_link_errors Case F –run testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostHardboot.pcie_link_errors

classmethod refresh_console()[source]

This method is used to set the shared class console back to the proper object (this gets set to the real console when we unbind the ethernet) in the driver_bind test as an example.


All variables common to a subclass need to be defined here since this method gets called before each subclass test

classmethod setUpClass(desired=None, power_cycle=0)[source]

Main setUpClass, this is shared across all subclasses. This is called once when the subclass is instantiated.

classmethod set_console()[source]

This method allows setting the shared class console to the real console when needed, i.e. driver_bind tests which unbind the ethernet drivers.


This is done at the end of each subclass test.

classmethod tearDownClass()[source]

Main tearDownClass, this is shared across all subclasses. This is called once when the subclass is taken down.

class testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHost(methodName='runTest')[source]

Class allows to run parent classes with unique setup


All variables common to a subclass need to be defined here since this method gets called before each subclass test

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Main setUpClass, this is shared across all subclasses. This is called once when the subclass is instantiated.

class testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostHardboot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Class allows to run parent classes with unique setup


All variables common to a subclass need to be defined here since this method gets called before each subclass test

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Main setUpClass, this is shared across all subclasses. This is called once when the subclass is instantiated.

classmethod tearDownClass()[source]

Main tearDownClass, this is shared across all subclasses. This is called once when the subclass is taken down.

class testcases.OpTestPCI.PCIHostSoftboot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Class allows to run parent classes with unique setup


All variables common to a subclass need to be defined here since this method gets called before each subclass test

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Main setUpClass, this is shared across all subclasses. This is called once when the subclass is instantiated.

classmethod tearDownClass()[source]

Main tearDownClass, this is shared across all subclasses. This is called once when the subclass is taken down.

class testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Class allows to run parent classes with unique setup


All variables common to a subclass need to be defined here since this method gets called before each subclass test

class testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootHardboot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Class allows to run parent classes with unique setup


All variables common to a subclass need to be defined here since this method gets called before each subclass test

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Main setUpClass, this is shared across all subclasses. This is called once when the subclass is instantiated.

classmethod tearDownClass()[source]

Main tearDownClass, this is shared across all subclasses. This is called once when the subclass is taken down.

class testcases.OpTestPCI.PCISkirootSoftboot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Class allows to run parent classes with unique setup


All variables common to a subclass need to be defined here since this method gets called before each subclass test

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Main setUpClass, this is shared across all subclasses. This is called once when the subclass is instantiated.

classmethod tearDownClass()[source]

Main tearDownClass, this is shared across all subclasses. This is called once when the subclass is taken down.


Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) –run testcases.OpTestPCI.host_full_suite

This suite does not care on soft vs hard boot


Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) –run-suite pci-regression –run testcases.OpTestPCI.host_hardboot_suite


Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) –run-suite pci-regression –run testcases.OpTestPCI.host_softboot_suite


Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) –run-suite BasicPCI –run testcases.OpTestPCI.host_suite

This suite does not care on soft vs hard boot


Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) –run testcases.OpTestPCI.skiroot_full_suite

This suite does not care on soft vs hard boot


Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) –run-suite pci-regression –run testcases.OpTestPCI.skiroot_hardboot_suite


Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) –run-suite pci-regression –run testcases.OpTestPCI.skiroot_softboot_suite


Function used to prepare a test suite (see op-test) –run-suite BasicPCI –run testcases.OpTestPCI.skiroot_suite

This suite does not care on soft vs hard boot


This testcase will deal with testing access to the host pnor from petitboot through the pflash program

class testcases.OpTestPNOR.Host(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestPNOR.Skiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]


PRD daemon for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of following.

  • PRD (Processor Runtime Diagnostic) daemon should always be running in HOST OS.

  • For testing out this feature, we require to kill the opal-prd daemon and make sure that the daemon spawns back always.

class testcases.OpTestPrdDaemon.OpTestPrdDaemon(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function performs below steps

  1. Initially connecting to host console for execution.

  2. Check for whether opal-prd daemon is running or not if it is, get the PID of the opal-prd daemon

  3. Kill the opal-prd daemon using its PID

  4. Again check if opal-prd daemon spawns back


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


PRD driver package for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of following:

  • PRD (Processor Runtime Diagnostic) enables the support for handing certain RAS events by the userspace application.

  • For testing out this feature, we require the userspace xscom-utils, part of the ‘skiboot’ tree.

  • skiboot tree is cloning in /tmp directory.

  • Using the xscom utility, we need to inject errors through FIR (Fault Isolation Register) and observe them getting cleared if PRD handles them successfully.

    • 0x01020013 IPOLL mask register

    • 0x02010840 PBA Local Fault isolation register

    • 0x02010843 PBA Local fault isolation mask register

class testcases.OpTestPrdDriver.OpTestPrdDriver(methodName='runTest')[source]

This is a common function for all the PRD test cases. This will be executed before any test case starts. Basically this provides below requirements.

  1. Validates all required host commands

  2. Get the list Of Chips (Using getscom binary). e.g.

    ['00000000', '00000001', '00000010']
  3. generate a random chip.

prd_test_core_fir(FIR, FIMR, ERROR)[source]

This function injects some core FIR errors and verifies whether opal-prd clears the errors. and also this function injects errors on random chip.

  • FIR (str) – Local Fault Isolation register

  • FIMR (str) – Local Fault Isolation mask register

  • ERROR (str) – Core FIR error, this error will be written to FIR.


This function performs below steps:

  1. Initially connecting to host for execution.

  2. check for IPOLL mask register value to see whether opal-prd is running or not if it is 0–>opal-prd is running–>continue else start opal-prd service again

  3. call test_prd_for_fir() function for each core FIR error and this function can be used for any number of errors, like it is a generic function


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Test it doesn’t take until the heat death of the universe to reboot.

class testcases.OpTestRebootTimeout.Host(methodName='runTest')[source]
class testcases.OpTestRebootTimeout.RebootTime[source]

A test to ensure that after issuing the reboot command, we receive it in OPAL in suitable time.

class testcases.OpTestRebootTimeout.Skiroot(methodName='runTest')[source]


RTC (Real Time Clock) package for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of following drivers

  1. RTC driver: Real time clock

class testcases.OpTestRTCdriver.BasicRTC(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestRTCdriver.FullRTC(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function will cover following test steps

  1. Getting host information(OS and Kernel info)

  2. Loading rtc_opal module based on config option

  3. Testing the rtc driver functions:

    • Display the current time,

    • set the Hardware Clock to a specified time,

    • set the Hardware Clock from the System Time, or

    • set the System Time from the Hardware Clock

    • keep the Hardware clock in UTC or local time format

    • Hardware clock compare, predict and adjust functions

    • Hardware clock debug and test modes

    • Reading the Hardware clock from special file instead of default

  4. After executing above each function reading the Hardware clock in b/w functions.


This function tests hwclock adjust functionality


This function tests hwclock debug mode. In this mode setting hwclock from system time and setting system time from hwclock


This function keeps hwclock in local time format.


This function keeps hwclock in UTC format.


This function predict RTC reading at time given with –date


i_time – time at which predict hwclock reading


This function tests the hwclock test mode. In this mode setting the hwclock time using --set option. Here it just execute but should not set hwclock time.


i_time (str) – time to set hwclock in test mode


This function sets the system time from hwclock.


This function reads hwclock from special /dev/… file instead of default


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.


This function sets hwclock in local time format


i_time – Time to set hwclock


This function sets hwclock in UTC format


i_time (str) – time to set hwclock e.g. “2016-01-01 12:12:12”


This function sets the time of hwclock from system time


This function sets the time of hwclock from system time in local time format


This function sets the time of hwclock from system time in UTC format

class testcases.OpTestRTCdriver.HostRTC(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.OpTestRTCdriver.SkirootRTC(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Sensors package for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of following drivers

  1. Hardware monitoring sensors(hwmon driver) using sensors utility

class testcases.OpTestSensors.OpTestSensors(methodName='runTest')[source]

This test will cover following test steps:

  1. It will check for kernel config option CONFIG_SENSORS_IBMPOWERNV

  2. It will load ibmpowernv driver only on powernv platform

  3. It will check for sensors command existence and lm_sensors package

  4. start the lm_sensors service and detect any sensor chips using sensors-detect.

  5. At the end it will test sensors command functionality with different options


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.


Switch endian system call package for OpenPower testing.

This class will test the functionality of following.

  1. It will test switch_endian() system call by executing the registers changes in other endian. By calling switch_endian sys call, should not effect register and memory space.

  2. This functionality is implemented in linux git repository /linux/tools/testing/selftests/powerpc/switch_endian

  3. In this test, will clone latest linux git repository and make required files. At the end will execute switch_endian_test executable file.

class testcases.OpTestSwitchEndianSyscall.OpTestSwitchEndianSyscall(methodName='runTest')[source]

If git and gcc commands are availble on host, this function will clone linux git repository and check for switch_endian_test directory and make the required files. And finally execute bin file switch_endian_test.


It will check for existence of switch_endian directory in the cloned repository


i_dir – linux source directory


It will prepare for executable bin files using make command At the end it will check for bin file switch_endian_test and will throw an exception in case of missing bin file after make


i_dir – linux source directory


This function will run executable file switch_endian_test and check for switch_endian() sys call functionality


i_dir – linux source directory


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


It will test below system boot sequence operations

Mc cold reset boot sequence.

  1. Power off state (and auto reboot policy should be off)

  2. Make sure BMC is pinging

  3. Issue Cold reset to BMC => ipmitool <…> mc reset cold

  4. Ensure BMC stops pinging, wait until BMC fully boots

  5. Open network sol console => ipmitool <…> sol activate

  6. Power on system => ipmitool <…> chassis power on

  7. Make sure boots to Host OS, SOL fine

Mc warm reset boot sequence

  1. Power off state (and auto reboot policy should be off)

  2. Make sure BMC is pinging

  3. Issue warm reset to BMC => ipmitool <…> mc reset warm

  4. Ensure BMC stops pinging, wait until BMC fully boots

  5. Open network sol console => ipmitool <…> sol activate

  6. Power on system => ipmitool <…> chassis power on

  7. Make sure boots to Host OS, SOL fine

class testcases.OpTestSystemBootSequence.ColdReset_IPL(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function will test mc cold reset boot sequence, It has below steps

  1. Do a system Power OFF(Host should go down)

  2. Set auto reboot policy to off(chassis policy always-off)

  3. Issue a BMC Cold reset.

  4. After BMC comes up, Issue a Power ON of the system

  5. Check for system status and gather OPAL msg log.

class testcases.OpTestSystemBootSequence.OpTestSystemBootSequence(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.

class testcases.OpTestSystemBootSequence.PowerPolicyOFF_IPL(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function will test system auto reboot policy always-off. It has below steps

  1. Do a system Power OFF(Host should go down)

  2. Set auto reboot policy to off(chassis policy always-off)

  3. Issue a BMC Cold reset.

  4. After BMC comes up, expect the system to not boot.

  5. Issue a Power ON of the system

  6. Check for system status and gather OPAL msg log.

class testcases.OpTestSystemBootSequence.PowerPolicyON_IPL(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function will test system auto reboot policy always-on. It has below steps

  1. Do a system Power OFF(Host should go down)

  2. Set auto reboot policy to on(chassis policy always-on)

  3. Issue a BMC Cold reset.

  4. After BMC comes up, Here expect the system to boot, If not power policy is not working as expected

  5. Check for system status and gather OPAL msg log.

class testcases.OpTestSystemBootSequence.PowerPolicyPrevious_IPL(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function will test system auto reboot policy previous It has below steps

  1. Do a system Power OFF(Host should go down)

  2. Set auto reboot policy to previous(chassis policy previous)

  3. Issue a BMC Cold reset.

  4. After BMC comes up, system power status will change based on previous power status before issuing cold reset.

  5. Check for system status and gather OPAL msg log.

class testcases.OpTestSystemBootSequence.WarmReset_IPL(methodName='runTest')[source]

This function will test mc warm reset boot sequence, It has below steps

  1. Do a system Power OFF(Host should go down)

  2. Set auto reboot policy to off(chassis policy always-off)

  3. Issue a BMC Warm reset.

  4. After BMC comes up, Issue a Power ON of the system

  5. Check for system status and gather OPAL msg log.

PCI Slot/Location Codes

This test will use the device tree to determine if the pciex is a root/switch fabric with one or more switch devices.

Slot labels and loc codes are retrieved and if missing or empty the test will identify for investigation. Not all test results reporting missing or empty slot labels or loc codes are problems, it is the system owner to make that determination.

class testcases.PciSlotLocCodes.HostDT(methodName='runTest')[source]

HostDT Class performs PCI DT checks in the Host OS –run testcases.PciSlotLocCodes.HostDT

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

class testcases.PciSlotLocCodes.PciDT(methodName='runTest')[source]

PciDT Class –run testcases.PciSlotLocCodes


Builds a dictionary to track slots and loc codes and their values.


Performs the building of an lspci like lookup that will be used to output helpful information when failures occur as well as logging both good and not so good results to the debug log for analysis.

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

class testcases.PciSlotLocCodes.SkirootDT(methodName='runTest')[source]

SkirootDT Class performs PCI DT checks in skiroot –run testcases.PciSlotLocCodes.SkirootDT

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

Petitboot Dropbear Server

Test Dropbear SSH Serevr is not present in skiroot

The skiroot (pettiboot environment) firmware contains dropbear for it’s ssh client functioanlity. We do not want to enable network accessable system in the environemnt for security reasons.

This test ensures that the ssh server is not running at boot

class testcases.PetitbootDropbearServer.PetitbootDropbearServer(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

Petitboot Internationalization (i8n)

Test that Petitboot can correctly display languages other than English.

class testcases.Petitbooti18n.Petitbooti18n(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Runs a bunch of commands from a file on the op-test running system on the host.

class testcases.RunHostTest.RunHostTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.


Test case for SBE passthrough

class testcases.SbePassThrough.SbePassThrough(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

Secureboot IPL Tests

class testcases.SecureBoot.KeyTransitionPNOR(methodName='runTest')[source]

Secure boot key transition test: Ensure successful key transition in SEEPROM Types of Key Transition PNOR images:

  • dev to dev

  • dev to prod

  • prod to dev

  • prod to prod


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.SecureBoot.OPALContainerTest(methodName='runTest')[source]

System having Signed PNOR(either production or developement mode) Flash signed containers with wrong keys Secureboot verify should fail and boot should abort


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.SecureBoot.SecureBoot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.SecureBoot.SignedPNOR(methodName='runTest')[source]

Secure boot IPL test: Ensure successful boot with properly signed PNOR.

SB Mode

sign mode

Boot result








Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.SecureBoot.SignedToPNOR(methodName='runTest')[source]

Secure boot IPL test: Ensure successful boot with properly signed to PNOR(To match the keys which are got replaced after KeyTransitionPNOR flash test).

SB Mode

sign mode

Boot result








Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.SecureBoot.UnSignedPNOR(methodName='runTest')[source]

Secure boot IPL test: Ensure prevention of boot with improperly signed PNOR.

SB Mode

sign mode

Boot result








Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.SecureBoot.VerifyOPALSecureboot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

System Login

Really simple tests to ensure we can simply log into a booted host.

class testcases.SystemLogin.BMCLogin(methodName='runTest')[source]

Log into the BMC via SSH and run different commands


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.SystemLogin.ExampleRestAPI(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.SystemLogin.OOBHostLogin(methodName='runTest')[source]

Log into the host via out of band console and run different commands


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.SystemLogin.SSHHostLogin(methodName='runTest')[source]

Log into the host via SSH and run different commands


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Tests a bunch of functionality only available through OpenBMC REST API

Generally takes about 10 minutes to run rest-api suite


The OpenBMC REST API is not a long term nor stable API. It’s just as likely that OpenBMC changes their API as anything.

class testcases.testRestAPI.HostBounces(methodName='runTest')[source]

Performs Reboots and Power On/Off variety Purpose is to exercise the REST API’s –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostBounces

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.


REST Hard Reboot –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostBounces.test_hard_reboot


REST Power Off –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostBounces.test_power_off


REST Power On –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostBounces.test_power_on


REST Power Soft Off –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostBounces.test_power_soft


REST Soft Reboot –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostBounces.test_soft_reboot

class testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff(methodName='runTest')[source]

Runtime Class performs tests with Host On HostOff Class will turn the Host Off –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

class testcases.testRestAPI.RestAPI(methodName='runTest')[source]

RestAPI Class - Execution order independent –run-suite rest-api –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff or run the individual tests

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

class testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime(methodName='runTest')[source]

Runtime Class performs tests with Host On HostOff Class will turn the Host Off –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.


REST Clear ALL Gard Records –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_clear_gard_record –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_clear_gard_record


REST Clear SELs –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_clear_sel –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_clear_sel


REST Dump SELs –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_dump_sels –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_dump_sels


REST Factory Reset Network USE AT YOUR OWN RISK –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_factory_reset_network –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_factory_reset_network


REST Factory Reset Software USE AT YOUR OWN RISK –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_factory_reset_software –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_factory_reset_software


REST Field Mode Enable and Disable –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_field_mode_enable_disable –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_field_mode_enable_disable


REST Get Boot Progress –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_get_boot_progress –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_get_boot_progress


REST Image Interfaces –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_image_lists –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_image_lists


REST Get Inventory –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_inventory –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_inventory


REST List SELs –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_list_sel –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_list_sel


REST OBMC Create Dump –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_obmc_create_dump –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_obmc_create_dump


REST OBMC Delete ALL Dumps –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_obmc_delete_dumps –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_obmc_delete_dumps


REST OBMC Download ALL Dumps –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_obmc_download_dumps –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_obmc_download_dumps


REST OBMC List, Create and Download a Dump –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_obmc_dump –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_obmc_dump


REST OBMC States –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_obmc_states –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_obmc_states


REST OCC Active –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_occ_active –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_occ_active


REST Sensors –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_sensors –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_sensors


REST Set Boot Device to Setup then Regular, this leaves the boot device as we found it –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_set_bootdevs –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_set_bootdevs


REST Software Enumerate –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_software_enumerate –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_software_enumerate


REST System Power Cap –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_system_power_cap –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_system_power_cap


REST TPM Policy Settings –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_tpm_policy_setting –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_tpm_policy_setting


REST Update Root Password Caution if OpTestConfiguration bmc_password is modified util_bmc_server does automatic login with stored credentials –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_update_root_password –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_update_root_password


REST Upload Image –run testcases.testRestAPI.Runtime.test_upload_image –run testcases.testRestAPI.HostOff.test_upload_image

Trustedboot IPL Tests

This tests expect a TPM chip to be installed/removed on the system and also a secureboot mode enabled/disabled accordingly.

If TPM chip is installed –> provide –trusted-mode in command line If secureboot is enabled –> provide –secure-mode in command line

The “TPM Required” policy means:


Node must have at least 1 functional TPM to boot, otherwise system will terminate


Node can boot without a functional TPM

If system has a working TPM, the policy is a don’t care. If secure mode is not enabled, the policy is a don’t care. if you set policy to “enabled” and remove/inject error on TPM -and- system is in secure mode, system boot will terminate if you set policy to disable and remove/inject error on the TPM -and- system is in secure mode, system will still boot

class testcases.TrustedBoot.FunctionalTPM_PolicyOFF(methodName='runTest')[source]
Functional TPM, TPM Required(cleared)
  • Test IPL, Measurements & event logs(Secure Mode Override jumper(s) ON or OFF)


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.TrustedBoot.FunctionalTPM_PolicyON(methodName='runTest')[source]
Functional TPM, TPM Required(set)
  • Test IPL, Measurements & event logs(Secure Mode Override jumper(s) can be ON or OFF)


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.TrustedBoot.NoFunctionalTPM_PolicyOFF(methodName='runTest')[source]
No Functional TPM, TPM Required(cleared)
  • Test IPL, Measurements & event logs(Secure Mode Override jumper(s) can be ON or OFF)


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.TrustedBoot.NoFunctionalTPM_PolicyON(methodName='runTest')[source]
No Functional TPM, TPM Required(set)
  • Test IPL, Measurements & event logs(Secure Mode Override jumper(s) can be ON or OFF)


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

class testcases.TrustedBoot.TrustedBoot(methodName='runTest')[source]

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.


Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.

class testcases.TrustedBoot.VerifyOPALTrustedBoot(methodName='runTest')[source]
  1. It verify whether OPAL measures and records of all the resources it loads from PNOR.

  2. It also verifies the corresponding DT properties for trustedboot and TPM device.


Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.