Source code for testcases.PciSlotLocCodes

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# OpenPOWER Automated Test Project
# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2017
# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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PCI Slot/Location Codes

This test will use the device tree to determine if the pciex is
a root/switch fabric with one or more switch devices.

Slot labels and loc codes are retrieved and if missing or empty
the test will identify for investigation.  Not all test results
reporting missing or empty slot labels or loc codes are problems,
it is the system owner to make that determination.


import unittest
import re
import os

import OpTestConfiguration
from common.OpTestSystem import OpSystemState
from common.Exceptions import CommandFailed

import logging
import OpTestLogger
log = OpTestLogger.optest_logger_glob.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class PciDT(unittest.TestCase): ''' PciDT Class --run testcases.PciSlotLocCodes '''
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.conf = OpTestConfiguration.conf if cls.conf.args.bmc_type in ['qemu', 'mambo']: raise unittest.SkipTest("QEMU/Mambo running so skipping tests") cls.cv_SYSTEM = cls.conf.system() try: if cls.desired == OpSystemState.OS: cls.c = cls.cv_SYSTEM.cv_HOST.get_ssh_connection() cls.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(OpSystemState.OS) else: cls.c = cls.cv_SYSTEM.console cls.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(OpSystemState.PETITBOOT_SHELL) except Exception as e: log.debug("Unable to find cls.desired, probably a test code problem") cls.c = cls.cv_SYSTEM.console cls.cv_SYSTEM.goto_state(OpSystemState.PETITBOOT_SHELL)
def dump_lspci(self, lspci_dict): for key, value in list(lspci_dict.items()): log.debug("Dumping lspci value={} key={} ".format(value, key)) def build_lspci(self, lspci_dict={}): bus_dirs = self.c.run_command("find /sys/bus/pci/devices -type l") # first build a dict with device info # of_base=0000:00:00.0 # pciex_spec=/pciex@600c3c0000000/pci@0 # of_key=/proc/device-tree/pciex@600c3c0000000/pci@0 for directory in sorted(bus_dirs): try: of_base = os.path.basename(directory) of_node_path = directory + "/of_node" cmd = "ls -l %s | awk '{print $11}'" % of_node_path # goal is to pull off the pciex to build key for dict lookup # ../../../firmware/devicetree/base/pciex@600c3c0000000/pci@0 # /proc/device-tree/pciex@600c3c0000000/pci@0 of_output = self.c.run_command(cmd) pciex_spec = re.sub("^(.*base)", "", of_output[0]) of_key = "/proc/device-tree" + pciex_spec lspci_dict[of_key] = of_base except Exception as e: log.debug("of_base skipping directory={} Exception={}" .format(directory, e)) return lspci_dict def build_lspci_names(self, lspci_dict): self.dump_lspci(lspci_dict) # just logging lspci_names = self.c.run_command("lspci -nn") lspci_names_dict = {} # 0006:00:00.0 Bridge [0680]: IBM Device [1014:04ea] (rev 01) for key, value in list(lspci_dict.items()): for i in range(len(lspci_names)): if value in lspci_names[i]: lspci_names_dict[key] = lspci_names[i] return lspci_names_dict
[docs] def build_slot_loc_tables(self): ''' Builds a dictionary to track slots and loc codes and their values. ''' node_dirs = self.c.run_command("find /proc/device-tree/ -type d " "| grep -i pciex | grep -i pci@") output_dict = {} self.slot_failures = 0 self.loccode_failures = 0 for directory in sorted(node_dirs): matchObj = re.match(".*/pci@\d{1,}$", directory, re.M) tracking_dict = {} try: r = self.c.run_command("find {} -type d".format(directory)) # empty=1, missing=2 if len(r) == 1 and matchObj: tracking_dict['slot-label-status'] = 0 tracking_dict['loc-code-status'] = 0 try: check_list = ["npu"] pciObj ="/(pciex@[0-9a-fA-F]+)/", directory) compat_node = "/proc/device-tree/{}/compatible".format( compat_output = self.c.run_command( "cat {}".format(compat_node)) matching = [xs for xs in check_list if any( xs in xa for xa in compat_output)] if len(matching) == 0: log.debug("Non-NPU compat_output={} for {}" .format(compat_output, compat_node)) res = self.c.run_command("cat {}/ibm,slot-label" .format(directory)) if res[0] == "": tracking_dict['slot-label-status'] = 1 value = "" self.slot_failures += 1 else: value = res[0].rstrip('\x00') tracking_dict['slot-label'] = value else: log.debug("NPU compat_output={} for {}" .format(compat_output, compat_node)) except CommandFailed as cf: tracking_dict['slot-label-status'] = 2 tracking_dict['slot-label'] = None self.slot_failures += 1 try: res = self.c.run_command("cat {}/ibm,loc-code" .format(directory)) if res[0] == "": tracking_dict['loc-code-status'] = 1 value = "" self.loccode_failures += 1 else: value = res[0].rstrip('\x00') tracking_dict['loc-code'] = value except CommandFailed as cf: tracking_dict['loc-code-status'] = 2 tracking_dict['loc-code'] = None self.loccode_failures += 1 output_dict[directory] = tracking_dict except CommandFailed as cf: log.debug("Unable to query for pciex info, Exception={}" .format(cf)) return output_dict
[docs] def doit(self): ''' Performs the building of an lspci like lookup that will be used to output helpful information when failures occur as well as logging both good and not so good results to the debug log for analysis. ''' # build a dictionary of devices, helpfulness in display lspci_dict = self.build_lspci() # map the devices to names, helpfulness in display lspci_mappings = self.build_lspci_names(lspci_dict) # build the slot and loc code tables output_dict = self.build_slot_loc_tables() # package up failures to report output_list = [] count = 1 for key in output_dict: if output_dict[key].get('slot-label-status') != 0 \ and output_dict[key].get('loc-code-status') != 0: output_list.append("<----------------------" "Investigate #{}---------------------->" .format(count)) count += 1 output_list.append("PCI Path={}".format(key)) output_list.append("{}".format(lspci_mappings[key])) output_list.append("ibm,slot-label={}" .format(output_dict[key].get('slot-label'))) output_list.append("ibm,loc-code={}" .format(output_dict[key].get('loc-code'))) log.debug("Investigate - PCI Root Path={}".format(key)) log.debug("Investigate - {}" .format(lspci_mappings[key])) log.debug("Investigate - lspci={}" .format(lspci_dict.get(key))) log.debug("Investigate - ibm,slot-label={}" .format(output_dict[key].get('slot-label'))) log.debug("Investigate - ibm,loc-code={}" .format(output_dict[key].get('loc-code'))) else: # this path just for logging log.debug("PCI Root Path={}".format(key)) # depending on the lspci -nn output we may not get the KEY log.debug("KEY {}" .format(lspci_mappings.get(key))) log.debug("lspci={}" .format(lspci_dict.get(key))) log.debug("ibm,slot-label={}" .format(output_dict[key].get('slot-label'))) log.debug("ibm,loc-code={}" .format(output_dict[key].get('loc-code'))) if len(output_list): failed_list = '\n'.join([_f for _f in output_list if _f]) self.assertTrue(False, "PCI Root: Slot Label " "or Loc Code Failures:\nBased on Platform " "Slot Labels may not be present\n{}" .format(failed_list))
[docs]class SkirootDT(PciDT): ''' SkirootDT Class performs PCI DT checks in skiroot --run testcases.PciSlotLocCodes.SkirootDT '''
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.desired = OpSystemState.PETITBOOT_SHELL super(SkirootDT, cls).setUpClass()
def runTest(self): self.doit()
[docs]class HostDT(PciDT): ''' HostDT Class performs PCI DT checks in the Host OS --run testcases.PciSlotLocCodes.HostDT '''
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.desired = OpSystemState.OS super(HostDT, cls).setUpClass()
def runTest(self): self.doit()